Steve Jobs worshiped as a God in India
Remember Steve Jobs’ infamous 1976-ish trip to India, during which he became a Buddhist? Well, looks like he left just a big impression on India as India did on him. Check out these photos sent in by faithful Macenstein reader Amit who found a very interesting sculpture while shopping in Mahabalipuram, in the south of India.

that’s not steve jobs being worshipped as god! your title is misleading! thats sculpture of ganesha playing fruit ninja on a netbook. not even a mac as it’s missing the touch pad. i dunno how ganesha would be slicing the fruit though.
Jobs is not jew bu. He is a orthodox jew.
Looks like a cherry. Might have been one of the old Apple // clones.
Haha, elephant god Ganesh playing on a Mac (I guess, jep it looks more like a cherry, but that wouldn’t make much sense). Nice found.
Well even if it was an apple, it is not half eaten, so it cannot be a mac 🙂