We’re giving away TWO AViiQ: Portable Laptop Stands!
Thank you, we have a winner. This contest is closed.
Congrats to faithful Macenstein readers Timothy and Alexander!
Mmmm… can you smell it? Rumor has it a fresh batch of pipping hot MacBooks are on their way from Cupertino’s finest bakery (by way of China) and heading to an Apple Store near you! But fear not. No matter how hot those laptops end up being, we’ve got you covered thanks to our good friends over at AViiQ, who have given us TWO of their super cool AViiQ Portable Laptop Stands to give away to two of our faithful readers! (a $79.95 value!) Now you can surf the web to your heart’s content without worrying about frying your MacBook’s circuit board, or, more importantly, frying your most intimate of areas.
The AViiQ laptop stand was created to solve a common and recurring problem. Laptop stands were too bulky for people always on-the-go. The AViiQ stand compresses down to a 1/4 inch thin plate, making it easy to stash and dash. Laptop problem solved.
AViiQ: Portable Laptop Stand
World’s thinnest stylish laptop stand folds down to ¼” for exceptional storage and portabilityProvides optimal ergonomic angle that reduces strain on your wrist and allows air to flow underneath, dissipating heat from the laptop thus improving battery life and computing efficiency
Designed to improve visibility, decrease screen glare, and maximize productivity
German-made Hylite patented material provides a flexible weightless solution that is extremely durable
Folds flat for easy storage access in any laptop bag with a weight of a mere 5.5 ounces
How to Enter:
There are two ways to enter. First, anyone leaving a comment below will automatically be entered in the contest. But for a second chance to win, just follow me on Twitter (click here or the giant Twitter icon below). I’ll pick one random winner from the comments, and one random winners from Twitter. Winners will be picked randomly on the holiest of holy days, March 1st, (My Birthday). Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck!

holy snap! that’s cool and i should be the winner by default. nyah.
Hey this stand looks real cool
How nice of you to be giving this away on your birthday instead of demanding us buy you a delicious cake and throw you a surprise party.
Err… forget I said anything!
In all seriousness though, my current MacBook Pro could sure use this, and maybe when someone buys me the new MacBook Pro they could share.
I want one.
Please !
Looks great!
Cool stand.
I love it! Can I have it? Thanks
Count me in. I take one!
Count me! I’d love one of these…
Oh wow, I would totally love one of these!
Fantastic looking device!
Happy Birthday for March 1st!
Omg I have been waiting soo long for something like this to happen. I could surely use an AViiQ Portable Laptop Stand, making it easier for me to carry around and type papers for school. Love the design and how it’s so easy to use. If I win, I guarantee to promote and show it off to everybody at school =D
Go0O0o AViiQ!!! woohoo
This is much better than the pie rack that I use.
Would fit nicely in my travel backpack:-)
the holiest of the holiest day actually, the 1st of March, thats the day im going to celebrate my gift from you, the life savour of my precious please-dont-fry-me-parts!!!
Does the front of the MacBook actually rest on the front tabs or on whatever surface you are working on?
Count me in for one of these, Happy Birthday for the 1st.
Thank you and happy pre-birthday!
If I had a stand then I could get a MBP for it 🙂
I’ll take one.
Holiest of days? don’t get ahead of urelf, doc…
also kinda want that stand
Very nice! I want!
Dose it come with an instructional video? You know for Steve Balmer 🙂
Yes yes yes please! 🙂
Yo mama uses a Dell
I’ll reach age 86 on March 15. It would so nice to cheer up an old man.
H. S.
Happy Day of the Birth of you.
My lap’s hot (my MacBook’s on it!) just thinking about this one!
That looks like one cool laptop stand. Thanks in advance.
P.S. Happy Birthday!
Wow, cool way to celebrate your Birthday! 🙂
This prize is a must wanted and need, plus I can see the great fight (in my mind)
between my wife and I, as I try to keep my prize. LOL
Just an Amazing Thing!
I want one, 😀
Just a perfect pre-birthday present (March 2nd)!
We are the champions!
That’s a pretty slick design, I’d be happy to take one off your hands.
I want one
gimme gimme gimme an AViiQ after midnight *lalalalallalallaalalallaaaa*
I want one!
pretty sweet
Free stuff, yey!
Looks great 🙂
Hope I Will get it By Gods Grace !!! (:))
Happy Birthday!
Happy 1st March B-Day too 😉
International OK too? If so, I’ll take one 🙂
As it will take at least 5 yrs to be available in india & as its so hot here – my 17″ MBPro would really appreciate the idea of a cooling base.
I’d like to have this for my mid-2009 MacBook Pro 13″ 🙂