Chinese teen is attempting to sell her virginity for an iPhone 4 - Macenstein

Chinese teen is attempting to sell her virginity for an iPhone 4

I wonder why we don’t hear stories like this about Windows 7 and Droid phones?

Horny American artist's conception

In yet another story of people in China selling parts of their bodies for Apple gear, the Korea Herald is reporting that a Chinese teen is attempting to sell her virginity in order to get an iPhone 4. No word yet on what model of iPhone, or if the girl is attractive, but we’ll keep you posted as more information surfaces.

Far be it for me to stop virgins from selling themselves for technology, but with the iPhone 4S/5 allegedly just 3 months away, this seems like a HORRIBLE time to be putting your main “asset” on the line. And a quick word of caution to those of your currently booking your flight on Air China… some people in the forum reportedly think that someone is using her account and pulling a malicious prank on the girl. Oh, those wacky Chinese! Always whoring their friends out for a laugh! Gotta love ’em.
[Thanks to all the faithful readers who pointed out my poor reading comprehension in originally claiming the girl was Korean, not Chinese]

10 Responses to “Chinese teen is attempting to sell her virginity for an iPhone 4”
  1. kwon says:

    I think You’re WRONG. Original Article – ‘The schoolgirl who wanna sell her virginity for apple Iphone 4’ was originated from CHINA. It’s chinese schoolgirl story.

    Korea Herald is just reporting ( as ‘Young adults in China are taking serious measures to buy expensive apple products, according to reports’ and this report written by ‘Biznewschina’.

    Your wrong article make all Korean unpleasant. I think you MUST modify this article. Thanks.

    Kwon, from South Korea.

  2. Ian Richardson says:

    It clearly says at the top of the article that they are referring to a Chinese woman.

  3. The Captain says:

    Now why didn’t I think of that? 😉

  4. Chris says:

    A future mac chick of the month perhaps!

  5. ingame says:

    This article is not the Korean story.. Actually It’s Chinese.. Please read again Korea Herald.

  6. martin says:

    it’s not a korean
    can’t reading english?

    Young adults in China are taking serious measures to buy expensive apple products, according to reports.


  7. Rob says:

    After reading the comments, I would say the Doc now has many a fan in Korea. Good Job Doc!!

  8. Susan says:

    The writer is either ignorant or mistaken as Korean girls.
    Korean has way better smart phones such as Samsung, LG their own
    why any Korean girls would do that ?

    Please correct your article !

  9. Ron says:

    too late to sell mine…

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