Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (July 2011): Tiffany Crystal - Macenstein

Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (July 2011): Tiffany Crystal

Tiffany Crystal

Welcome to Macenstein‘s “Mac Chick of the Month”. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we present you with the lovely Tiffany Crystal, a Model, actress, and of course, a die-hard Mac Chick!

Tiffany Crystal

Tiffany is just an easy going, quirky Florida girl who also happens to be a full time model. For the past year she has been modeling and acting all throughout Florida. While she loves getting dolled up for the camera she definitely considers herself low key. Instead of hitting the club scene she enjoys finding a little hole in the wall bar, sitting back and enjoying some live music and cold drinks. But you won’t find this girl without her iPhone in her hand! “It is a little hard to keep me away from it for long. I love chatting on Twitter and Facebook and snapping behind the scene pics at photoshoots.”

Tiffany Crystal

Tiffany Crystal

She stays busy traveling around also doing promotional events but still finds time to goof off, have a whole lot of fun, and even relax a bit. “When I am on the road I have endless entertainment playing on my ipad.” When this girl isn’t traveling or shooting you can find her in a comfy t-shirt curled up on the couch taking it easy. “I got rid of cable this year, which was one of the best things I could have done! I no longer just waste a lot of time watching TV, and with Apple TV I can watch my favorite shows anytime-which is important!”

Tiffany Crystal

– Name: Tiffany Crystal
– Age: 24
– Location: Sunny and Hot Florida
– Occupation: Model/Actress
– First Apple product you bought: A white Generation 5 iPod
– Favorite Apple Gear: my iPhone 4, it is never out of my hands! I use it for work, exercising, blogging, and keeping my life semi organized!
– Favorite non-Apple Gear: there is no such thing!
– Favorite iPhone/iPad Apps: love my social media apps! Can’t go 5 min without checking Facebook, Twitter, tumblr. But I also like to play Simon Says-gets addictive!
– Favorite TV Shows: Dexter and True Blood! I got rid of cable and just have Apple TV-which I LOVE!
– Favorite Movies: Vicky Christina Barcelona, it’s a good cuddle in bed movie
– Favorite Bands: I like a lot of rock, but don’t have one stand out band. I love booty shaking music and when I am at photoshoots dubstep has a good vibe to shoot too!
– Hobbies: All things modeling! When I’m not shooting I love getting ideas, learning Photoshop and the behind the scenes camera work. But I am in the process of learning how to build my own website, which is becoming a new hobby! For fun I am up for just about anything! I was in a shaving cream wrestle match a few weeks ago! I also love working out, got to stay fit!
– Pets: Nope! I am enough to take care of!
– Web site(s)
Twitter @Tiff_Crystal

And you can vote for me in Maxim’s Hometown Hottie’s Semi Finals here à

Tiffany Crystal

Tiffany went to school for Sociology and wants to continue a career in Social Work one day. “I am having so much fun right now modeling, and am applying what I learned in school towards networking and marketing myself.”

Tiffany Crystal

Tiffany Crystal

Keep an eye out for this one! She recently made it in the Semi Finals for Maxim’s Hometown Hottie! “I have had so many awesome experiences in the past year-and I hope to continue to have more! The fact that Macenstein saw my facebook and offered for me to be Mac Chick of the Month is awesome! I have always checked out his blog not only for the Apple updates but for the hot chicks too-and now I am one!”

Tiffany Crystal

To see more of Tiffany Crystal, please check onFacebook or follow her on Twitter at!/Tiff_Crystal .

Due to popular demand, we are proud to offer a MCotM desktop wallpaper to enhance the beauty of YOUR Mac.

Tiffany Crystal

click image to get full size wallpaper

Tiffany Crystal

click image to get full size wallpaper

Tiffany Crystal

click image to get full size wallpaper

Tiffany Crystal

click image to get full size wallpaper

Do you think you or someone you know would make a great “Mac Chick of the Month”? Send us an e-mail, or check out our application guide here or on our MySpace page for details.

11 Responses to “Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (July 2011): Tiffany Crystal”
  1. The Captain says:

    Wonderful photo shoot, lovely set of wallpapers! July is turning out to be a hot one! 🙂

  2. marksman says:

    Gorgeous! Thanks for the wallpapers!

  3. Colin says:

    “Favorite non-Apple Gear: there is no such thing J”

    Hmmm…that trailing J looks suspiciously like when a Windows emoji icon is dispalyed on a Mac.

  4. Bitmatt says:

    Best ever, and it’s not close. She works in Florida? Soft curves, lack of nuclear tan- amazing. Good for her.

  5. gandalf says:

    hot! thnx! (is that your first apple tv girl?)

  6. Scott A Pope says:

    Great job, me likey.

  7. sine nomine says:

    She might be my favorite so far. Dig the smile.

  8. Howard says:

    Oh yesss… best ever !!

  9. Soli says:

    Very nice set.
    I’m more than happy to see some pictures of her b… I mean, it’s nice to see what she reads on her iPad…

  10. tom says:

    holly mama

  11. ArtOfWarfare says:

    Doc, do you realize you’ve got just 48 hours left to post a Mac Chick of the Month for August 2011?

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