We’re giving away a Vuzix Wrap 310XL!! - Macenstein

We’re giving away a Vuzix Wrap 310XL!!

Vuzix Wrap 310XL

If you’re anything like me, you’ve been searching for a way to look as cool as the guy in the above photograph for YEARS. Well, now you can, thanks to our good friends at Vuzix who have provided us with a Vuzix Wrap 310XL to give away to ONE lucky reader!

That’s right, the Vuzix Wrap 310XL, which turns pretty much any video source into a virtual, portable 55-inch display, including your iPhone or iPod touch!

Wrap™ 310XL –Styling, performance and versatility all in a 16:9 widescreen format. The Vuzix Wrap 310XL video eyewear is a new class of video eyewear offering designer styling with unmatched features and performance.

Supports 4:3 and 16:9 display formats
Adjustable brightness, contrast and color saturation
Works with 2D and side-by-side 3D video format
Supports “Vuzix Auto-3D”, automatic 3D detection technology[1]
NTSC and PAL compatible
Connects to all video devices with composite video
Four hours use from a single AA alkaline battery
Ten hours use from a single AA lithium battery
Video zoom mode
Onscreen display for video display adjustment
Ultra-thin cabling
Detachable premium quality noise-isolating earphones
Includes 3 sizes of noise isolation inserts
Wearable over most prescription eyeglasses
Independent left and right eye focal adjustment
Nine foot visual focus – reading glasses not required
Adjustable, hypoallergenic nosepiece
Changeable Fashion Shade covers (lens)

To Enter: Since the Vuzix Wrap 310XL is all about bringing the BIG SCREEN experience to your face, in order to enter, leave us a comment telling us what one movie (or TV show) you would want to see most on a 55-inch screen? Contest ends Wednesday, November 2nd 2011 at Midnight EST and is open to US readers only. Winner will be picked randomly. Good luck!


186 Responses to “We’re giving away a Vuzix Wrap 310XL!!”
  1. Ron says:

    Has to be Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings

  2. isaac says:

    The princess bride. no special effects, nothing too visually stunning. but still, the princess bride.

  3. darrell says:

    Game of Thrones! The rich cinematography and killer storytelling would be captivating with these on!

  4. ArtOfWarfare says:

    Batman: The Dark Knight

    Because its simply the best movie of the last decade.

  5. David says:

    2001: A Space Odyssey

  6. Calder says:

    Garden state, purely cause it is one of the sweetest movies ever made.

    And Natalie Portman.

  7. John says:

    I’d have to say Star Wars in HD!

  8. Adam says:

    Tron: Legacy. Beautiful visuals!

  9. andrew says:

    I like Stanley Kubrick film in wide screen, so I’d like to see Dr. Strangelove and 2001.


  10. Rabid Puffin says:

    Break in those bad boys with the newly re-released Jurassic Park movies!

  11. Jeff says:

    Back to the future. All three movies.

  12. Mike says:

    Has to be Big Bang Theory. You’d have an excuse to look like a dork…

  13. Al says:

    2001 and Clockwork Orange for me.

  14. Andrew Madson says:

    Jurassic Park that I just got on Blu-Ray!

  15. KevinB says:

    Dead Alive. Yea for lawnmowers and zombie guts right in your face!

  16. Gemineye Mayers says:

    The Bourne Trilogy! That shaky cam thing would be crazy with those glasses!

  17. James says:

    Toy Story 3!!! So cool.

  18. Brent g says:


  19. Torrance says:

    2001: A Space Oddessy.

  20. Cormac says:

    I know this is a little cliche but, I would watch “the Big Lebowski” with these shades on because and look just like the dude! The dude abides, man.

  21. Dustin Lowe says:

    Pirates of Silicon Valley!!! or maybe The Matrix (Love me some Carrie Ann Moss as Trinity)

  22. Chris H says:

    The Fifth Element could be fun with these.

  23. Matt F. says:

    Home movies of my kids.

  24. Steve S says:

    It would have to be Star Wars (the first move)

  25. Abe Trabka says:

    300. Enough said.

  26. IntkZ says:

    Twilight, seriously.

  27. Wiseguy says:

    It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

  28. The Captain says:

    Wow, it would be fun to see the remastered 1940 Disney Animation, Fantasia!
    I bet it look and sound wonderful on these. 🙂

  29. Sean says:

    Clerks! because I didn’t get to see it in theaters 🙁

  30. Greg D. says:

    Avatar would be fun to watch on these

  31. Trip Mitchell says:

    Koyaanisqatsi, Powaqqatsi, and Naqoyqatsi, directed by Godfrey Reggio with music from Philip Glass. Even if I lose, please everyone go see these movies.

  32. Chris says:

    Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

  33. Iegor Denysov says:

    Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)

  34. Eric Julien says:

    I’d like to see the combined (parts 1 and 2) of the last Harry Potter movie. Add a nice craft beer and snacks!

  35. Ioannis says:

    A Clockwork Orange!
    Even cinema projectors are small for Kubrick!

  36. scarlco says:

    I’d love to watch the new Star Trek movie on those…

  37. Joel says:

    My Favourite Movie would have to be AVATAR next to Star Wars but that could change if a new Bio. Movie on Steve Jobs.

  38. Stephen says:

    The Empire Strikes Back

  39. Olivier Pasco says:

    Star Wars (the complete series) or Le Grand Bleu (The Big Blue) would be great. But really, any movie or TV show is better on a big screen.


  40. Since it’s Halloween I’d have to go with one of my horror favorites: A Nightmare on Elm Street or Fright Night (the originals of course).

  41. James says:

    Scarface mang

  42. Steven says:

    I feel like I have to pick something visually stunning, so I’ll go with: Porky’s

    That’s really the point of these glasses, right? To be able to see a movie on a big screen withut other people noticing and judging you.

  43. Car ethridgel says:

    The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe!

  44. Doug says:


  45. Jon says:

    I’ll go with Videodrome…

    long live the new flesh

  46. Andrea says:

    Any of the Star Wars movies. I like them all.

  47. david says:

    My choice would have to be BBC’s planet earth. Beautiful picture and very immersive narration. The bigger the better.

  48. Patrick says:

    The Fifth Element, my default movie to test new video equipment.

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