Watch out Vancouver International Airport – You’re next - Macenstein

Watch out Vancouver International Airport – You’re next

Well now that Apple legal has stopped my Steve Jobs action figures from showing up in the mail, it looks like the next target it will be setting its litigious gaze upon will be the Vancouver International Airport. Faithful Macenstein reader Grant Wall writes (via Twitter):

“Saw this @YVR in the Domestic Terminal and thought you’d get a laugh”

“The FOD stands for foreign object debris. The sign was on an authorized entrance to the tarmac. I guess it’s their way of making sure employees keep an eye on trash and prevent it from causing problems.”

Well, now they’ve got a bigger problem on their hands than litter – a little thing called “Copyright infringement”. Have fun IN JAIL, Vancouver International Airport!

One Response to “Watch out Vancouver International Airport – You’re next”
  1. Monica I. says:

    Was just at #YEG today, and saw an iStore … WTH?

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