I ran into the same thing in Canada with Syrup - Macenstein

I ran into the same thing in Canada with Syrup

Faithful Macenstein reader Andrew sent us the link of an iPhone smuggler getting busted trying to bring iPhones INTO China. Where they’re made.

The disturbing thing about this video is that when you see the sheer amount of iPhones this guy was able to hide all laid out on the table, you just KNOW that at least a couple weren’t hidden in his clothes… thus the policemans’ rubber gloves. Hopefully THOSE ones get marked as “refurbished”.

9to5 via LiveLeak

2 Responses to “I ran into the same thing in Canada with Syrup”
  1. Brian says:

    Yes but what was in the syrup?

  2. Rob says:

    Wonder what happens to the iPhones they confiscated….wonder what happens to the dude that just lost 30 iPhones…

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