DragonVale: How to breed a Bone Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Bone Dragon

DragonVale BONE Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 25 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Earth and Flower/ Earth and Poison / Lava and Mud / Fire and Earth (Available only around Halloween – Mid/Late October)

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale Bone Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the DragonVale Bone Dragon Egg

194 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Bone Dragon”
  1. Mouse1234 says:

    A tip for players trying to get this, breed lava and mud. That way you will have a chance to get either a bone or a opal. Though there still is 6 other dragons that you have a random chance of getting (Mud, Obsidian, Salamander, Lava, Coral or River) but still… I think this is the best because I got opal 1st try and I am now waiting for the bone.

  2. AA says:

    I have been trying for a week now. No such luck. I’ve reserved my EBI specially for Lava and Mud!

  3. c3senough says:

    Does anyone know why none of the October dragons or the new light/dark info. is available to Andriod users??????

  4. StarstoneFireyKestrel says:

    I’ve tried a few combos and ALL of them have with lava! So annoying. I have like a thousand lava eggs on display! I might consider selling some. Anyway, any combos that WON’T come out with lava? Reply soon.

    StarstoneFireyKestrel xxx

  5. RadarSage2 says:

    I did double rainbow and rainbow and got a bone dragon. Weird.

  6. Aslan 12!! says:

    If anybody wants to trade gem for gem, my Game Center is: Aslan 12! ad I am trying to update all my habitats-thanks!

  7. Emma says:

    Hi got bone with fire and earth:) good luck.. add me for jem swap emaemz 🙂

  8. Rift dragon says:

    Add me: (link 17 92)

  9. StarstoneFireyKestrel says:

    Hey guys, I have 2 now. My first one was with lava and mud, level 11, on the EBI. My second one was with obsidian and smoke, level 11, on the EBI. I think I have a third one with my second combo!

  10. garmo says:

    I breaded my lightning dragon with my flower to get a love dragon but I got a bone dragon.strange

  11. Daniela says:

    Ok thanks will do

  12. V Lo says:

    Fire lvl 16 and Earth lvl 15 on EBI, worked for me on the 1st try!

  13. H says:

    Try Earth and Lava – there are only 3 combinations possible with those two => higher probability of getting the bone dragon!

  14. Jovan says:

    got opal first then coral then salamander then geode then bone

  15. Dg fan says:

    To H… Thx a lot! I think I got a bone dragon by using your advice! Thank you so much! I never got it, even when I’m in level 24

  16. Tara says:

    juss got the Bone dragon with glass lvl 15 and forge lvl 15 twice in a row while trying to get the Bismuth dragon… Also got Bone with lava and mud lvl 11

    • Emily says:

      I just tried all those combos, and some several times. Can you only get it at night? Also, when I used Glass and Forge, I got 1:13:00:00 and that’s actually just over 44 hours, because I upgraded my cave. So what’s 1:20:20:00? It may not be exact, but dang close (44.4hrs)?

  17. me says:

    What would you suggest if I don’t have mud…
    Currently trying earth and poison but still getting moss

  18. Rainbow says:

    I got it first try with level 16 earth and flower. Ten hour breeding time in normal breeding cave. Good luck!!!!

  19. Ok says:

    I tried fire and obsidian, only 3 possible combos and first try got bone.

  20. Mystery guy says:

    I got it with pepper/earth.

  21. Persephone says:

    I just got one using Moonstruck and Lunar Eclipse. I was actually trying to get Moon, but oh well. Bone is pretty great too.

  22. Wolfie says:

    I got the bone dragon with poison and earth first try

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