DragonVale: How to breed a Bone Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Bone Dragon

DragonVale BONE Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 25 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Earth and Flower/ Earth and Poison / Lava and Mud / Fire and Earth (Available only around Halloween – Mid/Late October)

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale Bone Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the DragonVale Bone Dragon Egg

194 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Bone Dragon”
  1. Andy says:

    I need gems if you want gems add me and i will give you gems if u give me gems Game Center is choe0505

  2. billy guitar says:

    Friend me my Game Center I’d: f8tltilldeath@gmail.com I can. Give u gems

  3. Nick says:

    I need gem to build a gem tree. Plz add me. My game center account is Micky Yang. I will send u guys gem bac when I get one gem tree

  4. Nycole87 says:

    Hey add me just got a gem tree.. Need 6 ppl to do gem for gem. @Nycole87

  5. Steve says:

    Too FECKIN easy to get them!! I have 2 and 1 displayed add me StevieBoyLedgend

  6. Owen Garcia says:

    Add me jgar27 hacked my iPhone and I can send as many gems as you want just send me some

  7. Visenya Targaryen says:

    Will you be able to breed Bone and Bone to get Bone after Halloween holiday, or is breeding limited to the holiday?

    GC. Oll1e 91

  8. matt says:

    Got this using Lava and Mud while trying for the Opal.

  9. +.jazzy12.+ says:

    Add me on game centre for gem for gem. I play daily and always send gems. But only if you send them back. +.jazzy12.+ is my id

  10. Tina says:

    Also got one with lava and mud while trying to get an opal…

  11. Dude says:

    I got 2 in a row from Flower and Quake in the regular breeding cave… after several failures of Fire & Earth. Can someone else confirm this?

  12. Johnny_riley says:

    Hey Guys I’m looking for reliable gem for gem people add me on game center johnny_riley you send me a gem I will send back SERIOUS PEOPLE ONLY gem for gem no scam!!

  13. Monique says:

    Rain and chrome and dan you get a bone dragon. Trying for opal and geting a sun egg still want a opal dragon

  14. Brian says:

    I have got 5 bones with lava and mud. Still working on the ople

  15. Bob says:

    Plz tell me what to do I have not a lot of gems only about 30 cuz I bought more egg space gem island and gifting tree how do u use gifting tree?!?!

  16. Maggwinn74 says:

    Woohoo!! Got a gifting tree ready to share the gems,and I can now access my friend list now too. Add me Maggwinn74 for gem trading 🙂

  17. Sus1elou says:

    Bluefire & crystal 3 bone dragons in a row was trying to get rainbow but hey ho ill keep trying lol but defo try blue fire and crystal works a charm

  18. Jersson says:

    I have gem tree and no one to give gems to. I also want people who will send gems. My gamecenter is Paco1201. If I don’t recieve gems from you I will remove you.

  19. Lady says:

    For those struggling to get a Bone dragon. I’ve been trying for Panlong with Lava + Rain combo. Apparently now its perfect if u want a Bone dragon. Every other egg I get is a bone dragon egg… Now got a 48 hour with the same combo… It better not be another rainbow dragon :-S

  20. djd ik says:

    Hi guys,

    I tried the compination of the opal and than I got two bones,
    the combination is: lava+ mud. I have already got 3,
    bought 1 and got the other two by the combination I just told.
    When you want to see them, add djd ik
    Wish you all luck!

  21. rikaswin says:

    So frustrated that the Gift received notifications aren’t like the notifications that dragons are done incubating. They don’t flash up when you are not logged into the game. You have to login to receive them. Then, there is no record of the notifications like there are of the breeding notifications. I missed one that flashed up and before I could see who gifted me it was gone and no record of it. Now I feel terrible that I don’t know who to return the gem to! With my breeding notifications on the iPhone I can scroll through a history of notifications.. Fix this please Backflip!!!

  22. Korbikiss says:

    I kept trying fire and earth over and over in both caves for almost a week. I think I actually got it by using Scorch / Earth in the EbI. Now I have to try it again because I want 2 of them. 🙂

  23. Froststar says:

    Did anyone else notice that it looks like the Skelton of a scorch dragon?

  24. Dragon gal says:

    I got bone doing bluefire and metal on first try. I was trying to get a silver dragon. Anybody know any good combos for that?

  25. Lucky says:

    I just got bone dragon egg on incubation by breeding combination of ghost dragon, ice n lava.

  26. Michelle says:

    I have two gems left daily to trade… Michbesch -add me, gem me, and I will gem you right back 🙂 Been playing for a while now, but never added any friends til today. Lol

  27. crystal says:

    Been playing for a while and was not sure how to add friends. Have two spots left to trade gems. On multiple times a day so I will match!!! Eventually I’ll get a tree so I can have 6 spots

  28. Jess says:

    Got this one with Panlong and cactus give it a go 🙂 got two spots for gem trading too so add me freckles255 only genuine though ! I play everyday

  29. Talapftw says:

    Add me on Gamecenter, Talapftw. Just to let you guys know I got a lot of friends so I can’t keep giving gems away. I am trying to get the EBI but most higher levelled people tend to only give gems to people higher levelled than themselves. :/ Please help me get the Epic Breeding Island! I really want two breeding places.

  30. mizuno says:

    add me need 7 gems


  31. Venndetta says:

    When is the last day to be able to breed the Bone Dragon?

  32. Mästarn says:

    If you havent got it try, try fire and mud, i got mine in first try

  33. anaestaisia says:

    I invited some of you from above to my game center to send gems to I seem to have been gifted gems but I dont have any new people added to my game center or on my friends on dragonvale how do I send gems back ? any advice please coz I dont want to seem rude by not sending back but I have no idea who send me please help

  34. anaestaisia says:

    I invited some of you from above to my game center to send gems to but have any new people added to my game center or on my friends on dragonvale how do I send gems back ?

    • anaestaisia says:

      sorry i meant I don’t have anyone new on my game center or in my friends list on dragonvale so what’s going on ? how can I send gems when i have no idea who sent me gems ? is there a way of finding out who sent me so i can send back ? thanks

  35. Rikaswin says:

    Close dragonvale and reopen. Should refresh your Friend list.

  36. curious girl says:

    Can u still breed the dragons to get a bone dragon after October?

    • Rikaswin says:

      Only if you already have two bone dragons. You can breed them together any time to breed a new bone dragon. Otherwise, you have to wait until next Halloween for it to come back!

  37. EmeraldDragonFreak says:

    I bred a bone dragon with obsidian and iron dragons, both level ten. Got it on first try.

  38. Pezeb says:

    Lava+lichen=bone dragon for me! First try on regular cave 2 in a row!

  39. Jelea says:

    Lava and rain – I’ve gotten 3 of these so far while trying for panlong

  40. Cdorian says:

    Smoke and Obsidian. 3 times in 6 tries for Garnet.

  41. scramlouda says:

    Heyah add me… cludjumper75, dylanwashere, and my little brother… ilikepasionpit

    If you arn’t going to send gems (idc to which one) then don’t add any because I don’t need anyones gmaecenter just sitting in my friends list doing nothing.

  42. Joanna says:

    I would send you gems but I don’t know how

  43. Brody says:

    Looking for people to swap gems with, add me!

    Gamecenter: brodz44

  44. Jimmbo07 says:

    Add me to share gems… Jimmbo07

  45. Captain_skittles says:

    Add me play everyday needing a reliable gem giver gem for gem “captain_skittles

  46. Horse lady says:

    Are these dragons common or rare?

  47. sunprism says:

    tree and smoke also work well for bone dragon. i got it 2 out of 3 tries on the first day bone dragon came out

  48. StarstoneFireyKestrel says:

    Hey guys! Any top breeding tips for rare dragons come say some for me. I really want to show ppl my dragonvale. Give me any tips! Thanks StarstoneFireyKestrel xxx

  49. DragonVale player says:

    I got bone first try!!!

  50. me says:

    It works!

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