DragonVale: How to breed a Chrome Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Chrome Dragon

DragonVale CHROME Dragon

DragonVale CHROME Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 750 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Metal and Air

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

21 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Chrome Dragon”
  1. A small cow says:

    Add me my ID is a small cow. we can trade gems

  2. Becca says:

    Please add me and send gems! I will send gems back and we can exchange back and forth everyday! Add me: Becburt

    • BBBRAP says:

      Anyone can add my two accounts , I do gem for gem, Lazzar777 & Railmybum ( add them both ! )I have gem trees :)!!

  3. Lammaz says:

    Add me and everyday I’ll send gems back to first 3 friends who send me gems 🙂

    ID: Lammaz

  4. Lyk12 says:

    Hi doc,

    Is there a hidden drongan that is opposite chrome – air / metal ?

  5. Lyk12 says:

    Hi Doc,

    Is there a hidden dragon that is opposite to chrome … Air/ chrome combo ?

  6. A Cow says:

    I found a way to get lots of vistors!!!^^
    I paved all my island with roads and the number of vistors increased from 30+ to an average of 130+

  7. K4mi 35 says:

    Needs people who actually trades gem 4 a gem —k4mi 35

  8. Rijanz says:

    I’ll trade gems with you 😀 . Add me on Game Center. My name is Rijanz

  9. DJKHALED says:

    Looking for somebody to trade gems with every single day;)

  10. Missselize says:

    Two slots left to trade gems with daily. Missselize on Game Centre.

  11. Simba12 57 says:

    Please add me as a friend to give and get gems with but I do not have the gifting tree
    Game Center ID is: Simba12 57

  12. may52 says:

    So besides metal and air how else to u breed a chrome dragon?

  13. totoro2003 says:

    is it possible to get ruby with chrome and scorch?? is it a high chance?

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