DragonVale: How to breed a Copper Dragon
BUY-IT Price: 750 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Cactus and Metal / Scorch and Metal
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
Got it my 1st try with Metal and Lightning! That never happens for me!
Add me my ID is a small cow
I think it’s really cute and sweet I named mine copper coz its a copper dragon ha ha I just bred malachite and crystal got it and trying to breed the moon just now I got 20hrs whith the moon combo so it’s another copper wat should I call it cooper or coopeee and I no its a copper
Metal and lighting will give you a Lodestone dragon. I bred my metal and scortch and waited so long but i just got my fith Forge dragon!!! I am trying to breed a liberty dragon begore time runs out please help me!!!
I tried three times with metal and scorch and got nothing but i got it with metal and cactis so try that first. I did not have a cactus but i used this breeding guid and got it first time.
I Got This Surprisingly Using Double Leap Year And Antarian In Co-Op Breeding Lol
I got my cooper dragon by a medal and a catus on my first try
I got a emerald dragon on my 5th go and I have it in my gemstone island add me I have lots of cool dragons :tackie150601 and my sister madogdavies
I was trying to breed a plasma or current (either would be nice!) using lightning and rust. Was confronted with a 20 hour hatching time. Didn’t even know the copper dragon existed until I checked out the eggs list in the market to find out what I was breeding. Don’t think I’ve ever got a new dragon that easily before!
First try with lightning And metal i got it¡
Ok, magnetic and water give me copper too. I’m now breeding my 3rd one and still can’t get plasma or current!
I did magnetic and water and got a quicksilver first try.
Hey guys! I’m tryin to get the emerald dragon but haven’t gotten it and it’s taken over ten tries!!!
Also Pleez add me. Gem4gem. RadicalRainbow
Try leichen and crystal dragon.. It works after 3 trials for me though… Cheers
Ten tries ain’t nothing I tried over 50 times ever oppurtunity and just got it today , but 10 tries aint time panic
You think that sucks ive tried it at least 35+ times lichen and crystal and have gotten nothing but am still gonnakeep trying
Wait sorry yoursis worse only read first words of yours
You need a lichen dragon and a crystal dragon
First try i got the copper dragon by breeding chrome and scorch dragons both level 11
How do you request friends other then through Facebook, email or text message. I would like to add some of you guys but don’t know how
You do it through GameCenter in the friends section there is a + in one of the corners to start the process
Gem for gem: fluffy-penguin
Hi can some ppl add me plzz, i give gems everyday. Xitania
After almost 50 tries with cristal and leichen till nothing… Add me for gem : Damien1213
Got the Copper using Cactus / Metal. First try, too, so I suggest using that! Also, if you haven’t gotten the Emerald yet, keep trying Crystal and Lichen. It’ll work eventually! I got two that combo!
Got my emerald dragon at 11:35 tonite. Talk about cutting it close took me about twenty five tries to get it. On to the copper. Add me I have a gem tree. Mal_18
You think 2-20 tries sucks? Ive tried for Panglong for 100+ tries no joke. Its taken this whole year so far and still nothing. Deal with it people. Its part of life.
I barely got an emerald. I must have tried 50 times! Just waiting for breeding spaces to open then on to the next!
I didnt even know i was breeding it until i saw the little 20 hours bar come up.
Me: WHAT??!? NOW YOU GIVE ME ONE AFTER 13 TRIES?!?! I WASN’T EVEN TRYING FOR YOU!!! i wanted a plasma…….
Rust+Lightning works too apparently.
ADD ME!! Name: YorumiHaru
Thanks! 1st try with Cactus and Metal, per your post!
I find that not playing for a day ups the odds of getting a rare dragon on first try. ALmost like it improves the odds if it thinks you are losing interest.
Metal and lightning. And add me tubbsy1231 and ill send gem for gem
Got a copper with Magnetic and Swamp.
how do u get a sandstorm and a butterfly
I got two of every dragon. Except for the emrale dragon…I am so sad. I stoped playing for a bit and that was when it came out…oh well. Add me to trade gems, thanks…woobear21. Oh metal and cactus for copper dragon, it works fine.
Love this game!! Add me too! I give gems everyday!!
I tried sooo many times for the copper that I gave up and a while later I bred chrome and scorch trying to get a ruby but I got this which I was not what I was hopeing for but copper is still cool

I tried sooo many times for the copper that I gave up and a while later I bred chrome and scorch trying to get a ruby but I got this which I was not what I was hopeing for but copper is still cool

Sorry double comment but with a
I got it 3rd try with chrome(left) and plant (right)
Add me on game center my gamer tag is zombielord1966
Add me on game center my gamer tag is zombielord1966 I give gems every day
Seriously? I only need this one, I do metal and scorch, and I get gold, now my breeding cave is filled up for 48 hours for a rare dragon I don’t even want -_- Might get me lots of cash, though.
Gamecenter Id: Josh0616
Add me please, ID: Haxyl
Please add me and send gems! I will send gems back and we can exchange back and forth everyday! Add me: Becburt
Please add me to trade gems! My username is Becburt — I will send a gem for a gem
Add me and everyday I’ll send gems back to first 3 friends who send me gems
ID: Lammaz
add shang1111 please
I have a gem tree
Gem for gem.
I got a turiquise 24 hour time
Hi, I’ve bred Liechen and Magnetic and I have a 20 hour incubation time, do you think it’s a copper dragon? I was going for the apocalypse dragon but I don’t think I got it, let me know what you think though
1st try with ash and quicksilver
I got mine with love and rust first try. And first try with love dragon
I did metal and crystal and got a copper
magnetic and thunder works everytime
Got it first try with Lightning and Rust
Got it first try with Brass and Scorch
I got my copper dragons using a chrome dragon and a scorch dragon, while trying for a ruby dragon.
I always get a copper dragon and I’ve tried about 50 times.
Add me on game center my name is lordofthepoo no spaces.
hmm i got a 24 hour breeding time any idea what i got,i think i got a crystal dragon
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