DragonVale: How to breed a Frostfire Dragon
BUY-IT Price: 100 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Firefly and Cold / Cold and Scorch / Cold and Lava
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
How do you get friends if you don’t have Apple
I don’t have an apple either and at first I had the same issue. I’m wanted to add friends for extra gems, but unfortunately I think that can only happen with apple…I don’t think you can on others, not that I know of…sorry. Are you just starting the game?
You can link your game to your Facebook account through the settings and then add friends from Facebook.
You can add friends on android but you have to add them as facebook friends and have your game linked to your Facebook account. I have a few friends on Facebook but could do with some more
Any more comments about this dragon??
I’ve tried so many times and can’t get it.
Idk if u have gotten this dragon yet or not but whatever dragons you are using to breed, it helps if they are at a higher level like 10 etc. Idk what level you are at but if you can level up those dragons it would help. Hopefully u could get the Frost fire then…and if they are already at a high level then I guess all u can do is keep trying????
Cold and poison also works
How do u get a rainbow dragon?
Seaweed and scorch
Ash and frost fire
I have literally gotten 6 snowy gold dragons trying to get this dragon. What am I doing wrong?
I cannot get it either… I’ve gotten a sun dragon, firefly, scorch UGH! I”m on my twentieth try…. both level sixteen too… Frustrating…
Let me know if you get it! Good luck ?
How do I get sun dragon, moon, gemstone and such past level 10?
You have to have a relic of the epics or something like that…it was. A prize sometime ago…
I got 12 hours breeding time from Cold lvl 10 (left) + Poison lvl 10 (right)
Could be frostfire or bluefire
I somehow got this dragon with Plant Rift and Celerulean ?
brightwing and snowsqual.