DragonVale: How to breed a Pearl Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Pearl Dragon

DragonVale PEARL Dragon

[EDIT: Looks like the “rare” Pearl Dragon egg seen below is actually the newly updated Pearl Dragon egg, so the original egg might actually turn out to be the “rare” one you can no longer get. Not sure why BackFlip Studios changed it midway through, but it looks like the Pearl Egg with the Pearl in it is the new egg]

BUY-IT Price: 1,475 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Snow and Seaweed (Seasonal – can only be bred in the Month of June)

Interesting Fact: The Pearl Dragon is the only dragon I have seen so far that has TWO different types of eggs (scroll down). The hatched Pearl Dragons appear identical, however, so I am not sure the reason behind the difference.

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale PEARL Dragon Egg

The 3rd Egg (pinkish white) is the original DragonVale PEARL Dragon Egg

DragonVale PEARL Dragon Alternate Rare Egg

The Pearl Dragon egg apparently comes in TWO varieties (Egg 4 is the alternate egg). The dragons seem the same though.

1,394 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Pearl Dragon”
  1. Bonnie says:

    Isn’t it beautiful! After this one the only gemstone i
    dont have is diamond. For some reason i just couldn’t
    get it.

  2. shawn says:

    I got 48 hours breeding these 2 dragons on ebi and dont know what it is. Can anyone tell me what is is or could be?

  3. Sophie says:

    Got it first try with level 10 snow and seaweed!!

  4. Twix says:

    Add xtwiixx gem for gem I have gem tree

  5. Bonnie says:

    heres trying

  6. anon says:

    I got 24 hours in my EBT breeding this – would that be the right dragon?

  7. Odlemd says:

    Add me odlemd looking for people to trade gems I play more than a few times a day and have a tree

  8. aboynamedaboy says:

    got 48hrs using this combo on 1st try. what could possibly it be?

  9. Emms says:

    I got a time of 60 hours ?

  10. Emms says:

    I got 60 hours ?

  11. ZeuZ-er says:

    Add me gem for gem, I return gems instantly. ID is: ZeuZ-er

  12. Tswizzlepop96 says:

    Add me on Gamecenter, tswizzlepop96. I gift

  13. TooManyms says:

    I have tried to get is dragon multiple times and nothing happens. I keep getting ordinary dragons. Help please. Any suggestions

    • Michelle says:

      This combo is the one. I have been trying constantly in both my caves since the 1st of the month and got it on the 22nd of the month. By far the hardest gem for me to get. The Jade was almost as bad. Stick with the combos Doc tells you and you will eventually get the dragon you want.

  14. PenisBeta says:

    Add me for a daily gem4gem?
    I play daily so it would be a good idea if you added me :3
    GC: PenisBeta

  15. Dv1 says:

    I got double rainbow while I was trying for this dragon!!

  16. Kate says:

    I cannot seem to breed this?! I have put my seaweed and cold dragon in the breeding cave but i always get an egg with blue and green stripes and no pearl dragon. What am i missing?

  17. Nats says:

    Arrrrrggg! I can’t get this one! I have tried epic breeding island both dragons level 15! I have 4 gemstone dragons. Turquoise, garnet, aquamarine, and emerald. I got emerald 3rs try.

  18. gorgeousvinh says:

    please add me vinhnguyen37@hotmail.com or gorgeousvinh Gems for gems 😀

  19. Emma says:

    hey. I still havent been able to get this, or the jade 🙁
    Add me for jem trade add me emaemz

  20. Graysen says:

    I got 1 day, whats that?

  21. Abbey says:

    I can not get this dragon been trying on the ebi since the beginning of June and all I get is 7, 8 & 6hrs help please add be on game centre to help a jem for jem
    Game centre: RAGJJ

  22. Abbey says:

    I can not get this dragon been trying on the ebi since the beginning of June and all I get is 7, 8 & 6hrs help please add be on game centre to help a jem for jem
    Game centre: RAGJJ
    Please help

  23. bonnie says:

    Still no pearl, did get the jade n bearded though!!

  24. issie says:

    Yay. Just got pearl. 2nd try. First try i got
    A RaInBoW dragon.

  25. Anna says:

    I have tried this at least 20 times
    Still not gettin pearl.
    Please help!!!

  26. Anna says:

    I have tried this at least 20 times
    Still not getting a pearl.
    Please help!!!

  27. the boss says:

    Which side does the snow go on???

  28. the boss says:

    Which side does the seaweed go on????

    • missy says:

      any side, doesn’t matter. your chances get better if you lvl up the dragons, and if you have an epic breeding island. just got my first pearl lvl 18 seaweed lvl 17 snow

      • Hbodlr98 says:

        I got pearl first time with lvl 8 snow and lvl9 seaweed in the normal breeding cave. Its just luck

  29. SuDub369 says:

    Looking for friends to go gem for gem. Add me! SuDub369

  30. Cephalotus says:

    Rather surprised that I seemed to get this gem dragon relatively quickly — tried repeatedly to get an emerald dragon last month but without any success.

  31. tcintheoc says:

    I find it interesting how some are able to breed dragons so easily and others like myself have ZERO luck! Does it have anything to do with the level you are on in the game I wonder? Not giving up yet.

    Looking for a few people to trade gems with. I play daily. Add tcintheoc if you would like to trade.

    Off to the breeding cave for another try. Happy breeding! : )

  32. Jackie says:

    Finally got it! It only took a billion tries and lots of gems but I got it. Seaweed lvl 13 and snow lvl 15

  33. Jackie says:

    Finally got it! It only took a billion tries and lots of gems but I got it. Seaweed lvl 13 and snow lvl 15 in regular breeding cave. Next up jade dragon.

  34. KGuy says:

    Wow! got 3 double rainbow dragons from this combo!

  35. vin says:

    is there any other combination that works? i’ve tried about 10 times. i’ve gotten both the rainbow and double rainbow dragons but still haven’t gotten the pearl dragon.

  36. LOLOAUGS says:

    Add me. LoloAugs. Gem4gem. I play daily!

  37. Clayton says:

    Call me lucky but I find it very aggrivating that I keep getting Rainbow and not Pearl. It’s clogging up my wait time that I could be using to hatch other dragons.

  38. Robin Hamilton says:

    Hi I have 2 spots left for daily trade of gem. Game Center name is ROBINSKI or email is petalartfreshfloral@gmail.com
    Thanks Robin

  39. Reisha says:

    omggggg got it on my first try!!!!
    lv15 seaweed left lv10 snow on the right 😛

  40. tcintheoc says:

    After about 20 tries, I finally got it! Yaaaaaay! Seaweed and Snow both level 10. The interesting part is I just finished getting Kairos and the very next time I went to breed I got the Pearl. Coincidence? Hmmmmmmm…..

    Anywhooooo……add tcintheoc: daily player gem for gem. Saving up gems for the EBI. All help is appreciated.

    Happy Breeding! : )

  41. Jenjenab says:

    Got double rainbow first try but haven’t gotten pearl yet. Need gems add me Jenjenab

  42. Jon says:

    Hey guys i love the game an i will do gem for gem so add me “jmackey”

  43. wicked28i says:

    I was worried of NOT GETTING THIS DRAGON.
    Last year, I wasn’t so lucky.
    After several hundreds of tries, I finally got a 30 Hrs Breeding time! 🙂
    All gem dragons will now be complete! Yahoooo!
    The question now is, where should I put the Jade Dragon?

  44. novi says:

    still trying for pearl since early june. no luck so far. argh. . . anyway, i play on android and need one more gem trading friend. please add me on fb with my email go_novi@yahoo.com

  45. Snapfish123 says:

    I finally got it .I need gems friend me sapfish123 I play everyday 🙂

    • Moopy says:

      Snapfish123 I added you and gifted you gems and never got any gems from you? What’s up with that? I play almost vey day and nothing from you. 🙁

  46. Snapfish123 says:

    Gem for gem I have a tree Game Center snapfish123

  47. maharey says:

    pleease add me i’m saving up for the ebi ! i send you gems back if u send me some 🙂

    thanks !

    GC name is maharey

  48. Willr says:

    I got it around 10th try

  49. vmac says:

    Will do gem for gem! My user is vmac1100, I’ve tried a hundred times for a pearl and just can’t seem to get one..

  50. vmac says:

    Am I okay just breeding with level 10 dragons? I have done at least 30 attempts and still no success…

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