DragonVale: How to breed a Sakura Dragon
SAKURA DRAGON: (Seasonal Can only be bred in April/May, thus far)
BUY-IT Price: 300 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Tree and Flower
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
add me for gems!
urrrg… been trying to get this for weeks (Last year included)
Try flower and earth that’s how I got mine
Ive heard poisen and flower works but theres not earth.
I always get a tree dragon with tree and flower
Me too. I’ve been trying this for years when it was availible and I still can’t get it!
Got mine second try with flower and earth after trying tree and flower for literal weeks and getting nothing but flowers and trees lol
Thanks Emily
I need 2 gem friends – please add me if you’re interested
Add me on game center marvenpicklestein
Can I be your friend I have no gems and I want samurai??
Can I be your friend I have no gems and I want samurai??
please add! Will trade gem 4 gem! : D
Just to it with lvl 10 tree and lvl 15 flower in breeding cave!
$(tatty)$ trading gems with the first 6 daily.
I have one Sakura dragon. Is their an easy way to breed another without doing Tree/Flower over and over?
If anyone has done it before please post me what combo you used. Thank you. BTW this site is great, nice work here MacEnstein.
Flower earth got mine first try
Just stop. We read you the first time. Plus, I’m pretty sure it wont be that easy for the rest of us. I knew I should’ve changed my name decades ago. Too many parents naming their kids Emily nowadays.
Obsidian and mud 1st try
Thanks everyone, I have 2 now I can breed them together.
How can u get it with mud and obsidian theres grass element??
Add me Im __.heart14.__
I just need gems will trade gems 4 gems!
It is gone?!?!?!
Looks like it has. It is no longer showing in the egg listing for purchase.
Has it gone yet??
I hope it’s not too late, this is such a cute dragon
Also, I send gems everyday, feel free to add me: megzilla:D
Add me C_Wines98
Does it have to be in april and may?
Enter this friend code to receive gems!
Hi there. To minimize gem code spam in these posts we have created a special post for you to post your gem codes. Please check out our massive Gem Code forum for sharing your codes and Game Center names. Thanks!
– The Doc
Please add me! Gem4gem https://m.facebook.com/alessandra.cinquatti?__user=100000358172739
Cool dragon! Add me for gem for gem friend!! Add 2496Sameer
I’m struggling to get this dragon. I have put tree and flower in both at level 16 and no luck. Should I feed up flower to level 17 and rebreed or would I do better with a level 12/13 dragon? Please give advice.
It worked, I fed flower to level 15 and after the second breed, I got the Sakura, yay!
Sorry too early in the morning, It was level 17 not 15.
Tried and tried for months with Pepper and Earth. No luck. Tried with my own combo , Forest and Flower , both level 16 got it first try!! Also, sometimes I have better results with the regular breeding cave than the epic one. Good luck!
I dont have a forest dragon, but the one with a pepper dragon I will try
You’re spot on about both: choosing your own, and the regular cave working better.
Add me I am picchadi
So its nit april or may and im breeding a tree and a flower and its taking 10 hours… Im lvl 14 so idk if its gonna be sakura or not, hooing theres a chance tho ????
I just got Sakura with Tree lv13 and Brass lv13 on the EBI!
I accidentally put brass in instead of flower????
Any1 still playin in 2017??
Worked with Glade and Imp 2nd try