DragonVale: How to breed a Quicksilver Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Quicksilver Dragon

DragonVale QUICKSILVER Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 750 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Metal and Water / Magnet and Water / Swamp and Copper

(really pretty much any water hybrid with any metal hybrid has a good chance it seems)

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale QUICKSILVER Dragon Egg

The 1st egg is the DragonVale QUICKSILVER Dragon Egg

77 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Quicksilver Dragon”
  1. Enrico says:

    I got a quicksilver with just a metal and a water.. Its an easy dragon to get after all… 🙂

  2. Darrell says:

    can’t wait till the gemstone dragons are finished so i can start breeding these new dragons!

  3. Lea says:

    Use metal and swamp!!! 😉 I got one in my first try.

  4. Amy says:

    Just got me second pearl! Now to try this dragon…I hope metal and water works.

    Add me for gems!: Amymaried

  5. Mike says:

    Chrome and rust.

  6. Voloyal says:

    I used a magnetic dragon with a water dragon and got this the first try, as well. It’s easy like the Forge Dragon(I simply used metal and fire for him).

  7. Daniel says:

    Still haven’t got it with metal and water guess its going to be like the forge, a couple of tries. Add me Daniel3339 I’ve got every dragon since the start of dragonvale besides the new quicksilver

  8. Steph says:

    I got it without even knowing there was a new dragon. I was trying to breed for current, I used water and metallic.

  9. Steph says:

    Correction: its water and magnetic.

    • Geogeogeo says:

      Correction: he only posted what he confirms works as a combination. So water and metal works. But water and magnetic might work as well. Next time read before you post stuff #trololol

  10. Rippedup says:

    Gem for gem? Add me:) borat2327

  11. Rorschach says:

    Got one by accident with Magnetic and Water while trying for a Current dragon.

  12. Taz says:

    Add me for gems TAZ7958

  13. athens says:

    I had it frst try, copper and swamp

  14. Jon says:

    Gem 4 gem: Wvusoldier

  15. søren sus says:

    Gem 4 gem! Name: søren sus

  16. Suzanne says:

    When will they let us have enough habitats , seem like all I do is breed and either sale or put them the cave I have 3 suns a Rainbow etc. they need to let you have more then one per level getting really bred with this for that reason.

  17. Suzanne says:

    Sorry that is bored!!!!

  18. Rippedup says:

    Gamecenter friends please? borat2327 Gem for gem?

  19. Giggitycheese says:

    Add me gem for gem #arab

  20. Savy says:

    You can also breed quicksilver with sonic and plasma. I got it first try:)

  21. Doodle head says:

    I have never heard of a quicksilver dragon before tell me more. Also add me gem for a gem every day: cooperman7

  22. Aakriti says:

    Got the solstice dragon I think! Blazing level 10 and earth level 10 !

  23. Charscore says:

    I just got quicksilver with water and steel 1st try add me on game center I will give gem 4 gem charscore

  24. x says:

    Swamp and metal 1st try, failed 4 times with metal and water.

  25. sarah says:


  26. sarah says:


  27. Katt7118 says:

    Why isn’t it bold? You know when you select the dragon the word “quicksilver” isn’t bold

  28. Arul says:

    Metal + Water (l10). Got it on the fourth try.

  29. Eric says:

    Tried copper left, swamp right (both level 10) in breeding cave. 20 hours incubating time. What will I get???

  30. unknown says:

    20 hrs is copper for sure.

  31. Mike says:

    Mud and metal works too!

  32. Eric says:

    Metal left & mud right (both L10) works

  33. Becca says:

    Please add me to trade gems! My username is Becburt — I will send a gem for a gem 🙂

  34. Lammaz says:

    Add me and everyday I’ll send gems back to first 3 friends who send me gems 🙂
    ID: Lammaz

  35. Eric Loh says:

    Water left (10) & magnetic right (10) works too.

  36. Bface says:

    I got quicksilver dragon with the breeding cave using chrome & rust, both level

  37. Chulo725 says:

    I used copper and swamp and got a 49 hour breeding time what is it???

  38. Boss11 says:


  39. Petlover9200 says:

    I got this dragon with rust and firefly on my 4th try. I wasn’t exactly trying for it….I was trying for a forge.
    Please add me Petlover9200. I play everyday and only gift you if you gift me first. Cuz I have a lot of friends I found on here that don’t send me gems first. I get cheated for gems….????????????????????????????????

  40. lady tete says:

    Trying for the cyclops i ended up with a quicksilver. Combo ash and rust both level ten.

  41. Tedbear says:

    I got quicksilver with pollen and rust..

  42. Gee says:

    Mine and ice…

  43. Jex003 says:

    I got a second one with Mine and Ice while trying for a Diamond.

  44. YungSnypa says:

    Need 3 loyal gift givers.. Gem for gem everyday.. Add me at YUNGSNYPA

  45. 1926o says:

    I bread water and metal and got 49 hrs what dragon is it I cant breed origanal dragons but can breed rare dragons with ease ha I guess I’m lucky lol

  46. 1926o says:

    I bread water and metal and got 49 hrs what dragon is it I cant breed origanal dragons but can breed rare dragons with ease ha I guess I’m lucky lol someone please tell me what dragon this is

  47. LaLaSiracha says:

    I tried Magnet and Water just for kicks and got Ouroboros by chance, neat!

  48. Dr TMarx says:

    Saving up for gifting tree, add me on Game Center, gem for gem. Send back to the first three every day.

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