DragonVale: How to breed a PERIDOT Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a PERIDOT Dragon

DragonVale PERIDOT Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 1,475 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Cactus and Crystal

(Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Zodge for figuring this out for us!)

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale PERIDOT Dragon egg

The 1st Egg is the DragonVale PERIDOT Dragon egg

982 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a PERIDOT Dragon”
  1. Julie Olden says:

    Also got one on my ipad lvl 33 normal breeding island with lvl 15 catus & crystal! They also went through fountain of youth too.but it happened far quicker than my higher game.:)

  2. Lacey says:

    I’m in luck once again with gemstone dragons.
    Got it 4th time, EBI cactus -crystal lvl 11

  3. Stuff says:

    I got super luck today… First try and I got it:)

    • PersonMcPersonMan says:

      Looks like I’m on the flip side of the luck with this guy! Been trying all month and still nothing. I even spent gems to upgrade my nursery and speed up one of those stupid crystals. Well, as long as I get the gem dragon of my birth month (topaz) I’m happy.

      • Baby Goats! says:

        Ugh, me too! I normally get gemstone dragons on the second or third try, but apparently the peridot dragon does not like me. All I get are tree, moss, forest, cactus, crystal, and ash dragons, and all of my cactus and crystals are level 10 and on an EBI!! So frustrating. Maybe I’ll have better luck later.

  4. SeetherATM says:

    Friend me for gem for gem exchange. SeetherATM in Game Center.

  5. Which dragon? says:

    I got a time combat ion of 1 day and something.
    I think it might be a crystal dragon expect for the fact
    It costs 31 gems to finish it. Fingers crossed for peridot.

  6. Dwarb46 says:

    Need to trade gem for gem. Please add me dwarb46.

  7. Juan Carlos Cortes says:

    I have two Crysta Dragons, used one for breeding and one in Fountain of Youth at the same time and got 31 hours. Cactus lvl 14 & Crystal lvl 14. Tried 3 times befor I placed Crystal in Fountain of Youth but all fails, i guess fountain does have something to do that helps your dragons accomplish succeessful breeding. Wouldn’t hurt to try.

  8. SeetherATM says:

    Friend me 1 for 1 gem trade. SeetherATM.

  9. Bradley says:

    Got with 2 level 8’s

  10. Starrygaze the med cat says:

    I got so lucky for the first time in around maybe a year and a half. I got one in my third try!!!!! Both lv. ten and put in the fountain

  11. Noooobodeyyyy says:

    Cactus and crystal lv 10 both went through fountain and got peridot first try! Try it!

    • Michelle says:

      This FOY stuff is not true. I have had all my regular dragons through the Fountain of Youth and I have the same “luck” as anyone else getting dragons. Sometimes I try a little sometimes I have to try a lot. Just use Docs combos and keep trying until you get the dragon you want. Doc has never let me down since I started following him.

  12. Vector says:

    Add me on game center V!KTOR702 for gem exchange

  13. PersonMcPersonMan says:

    This one is my second favorite of the gemstone dragons, I really don’t know why.
    No luck yet, just some tree dragons…
    Oh we’ll, maybe this will be like the ouroboros dragon, which I got eventually.

  14. Dinosaur (rarrrr) says:

    This is 22 time breeding the cactus and crystal I’m not so lucky:(

  15. Lordofthepoo says:

    I’ve tried this combination 50 times and I still don’t have it. I don’t know why these dragons don’t like me.

    • I know! Over & over & over….. Both in UBI & in UBC, level 15. So many trees I could start a Forest & so much crystal, I could build a mine. A few moss just for fun… Just one, just one pleeeaaassseeee. 🙂

      • debrad0307 says:

        Well I don’t feel so bad then. I’ve had the same “luck” as you. I still can’t get this dragon! It’s going to take me the whole month of Ausugt.

  16. Johanna0100 says:

    This one is real hard to breed! Add me on gamecenter : johanna0100 for gems exchange everyday

  17. Sourcandi says:

    Got it today on island! Using both cave and island everyday. Was getting Crystal, Cactus, and Tree.

  18. Sourcandi says:

    Any other android users want to add for gems on facebook, I made an account for Dragonvale and have three slots left on my gem tree. Name is Anna Rose with picture of a pink dragon on profile.

  19. lim says:

    Please add me for GEM for GEM exchange. I have 5 slots as the members are not active. my gamecentre name is limbkfamily.

  20. Seth says:

    I got it on the 2nd try with two level 8’s.

  21. Brittany says:

    Add me bdubbtharealest! I have 2 spots I need to fill

  22. Greg says:

    I need some friends to exchange gems. I play daily. Sandmann903 is Game Center ID.

  23. Steve says:

    Add me steve.b12 in game centre

  24. the boss says:

    I got it with crome and scorch

  25. the boss says:

    I got it with crome and scorch is that possible

  26. PersonMcPersonMan says:

    You know, after all those months of saving gems, I really thought that the Epic Breeding Island would help me out. But all it’s done so far is fill up my nursery with crystal dragons so that the next breeding combo would result in a shorter wait and I wouldn’t be able to try more for breeding the Peridot dragon. This is getting so annoying!

  27. Whiskers says:

    Im SUPER DUPER unlucky D: dragonvale hates me XD

  28. the boss says:

    I just cot my EBI first dragon is a peridot with crime left level 10 an scorch right level 10
    Trying for gold but I don’t mind a gemstone dragon!!!

  29. Bryant says:

    I’ve tried for the first time and the oncubation time it is not 31 hours but 24 hours what dragon could it be

  30. cyprus says:

    Hook me up for gem trade facbook name cyprus pierceall

    Gem trades daily two slots left good luck breeding 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  31. Mia says:

    Add me on Game Center for gem for gem exchange everyday: MimiPren

  32. Charlie says:

    Add me for gem exchange, I have the gemstone tree. I am active and log in everyday. GC: Rice07

  33. Heomup3012 says:

    Man, I managed to get 1 and that’s it. I want a display egg but this dragon is so elusive, failed like 20 times or something? Need 1 person for daily gem trade, add me Heomup3012, first come first serve 🙂

  34. SportsLvr7 says:

    I got a 24 hr time, what could that be?

  35. Lauraina29 says:

    Add me for gems only need 2 people 🙂
    Gc: Lauraina29

  36. Julie Olden says:

    Hey doc how come youve not got the new gemstone dragon up yet amber! Ot was posted lastnite gmt.england.but only dragonvale breeding guide hasa combination of evergreen and quake.?? Wot do you think!! X

  37. Julie Olden says:

    Hey doc I can’t find the new amber dragon! Its the new gemstone dragon that was posted lastnite. X

  38. I’m just now trying to get it but so far instead of getting crystal I’m getting Quake, do you think I could get peridot with cactus and quake, both Lv 10?

    • PersonMcPersonMan says:

      Nope. Gemstone dragons are unique because even with the same elements as a confirmed combo only one combination can breed the dragon, in this case Cactus and Crysal.

  39. superfail says:

    Nothing but lvl 15 cactus & crystal both places, several times a day all month. Nada. More BS from BF. The odds of that many fails in a row is like 1.3%. Lucky me. What’s the point again?

    • Rose says:

      I didn’t get a ruby last month and so far the peridot is eluding me. If I don’t get this one I am through with dragonvale. I refuse to pay money to buy it. I feel for u. I have not gotten it as of yet.

  40. Smile:) says:

    Add me on Game Center! Gem 4 gem everyday 🙂 Only one more spot left 😉
    Game Center user name: giggles93!

  41. Eric Loh says:

    I keep getting tree dragon! If only all the tress can exchange for forrest dragon.

  42. niereit says:

    hey i tried ur combo and so far ive gotten an ash and i tthink im working on a forest dragon now.

  43. Nice smelling flowers says:

    After three tries,with with cactus and crystal, I did get a crystal both lv10, I got a 31 hour breeding time. I’m so exited because the peridot dragon will be my first gemstone dragon. I’m going to name it zodge in honor of this website.

  44. nice smelling flowers says:

    Also, I had karios superpower thing plus five gems, so i’ll be able to “egg it” first this tomorrow. So happy! 😀

  45. Rose says:

    I didn’t get a ruby last month and so far the peridot is eluding me. If I don’t get this one I am through with dragonvale. I refuse to pay money to buy it.

  46. Nice smelling flowers says:

    I finally hatched my peridot today! So happy:D

  47. Laura says:

    Add me for gem trading


  48. Kingnoel says:

    I’ve been following the Mac breeding suggestions for over a year and they’ve always worked till now. Suggested gemstone breedings haven’t worked in months. Dragonvale has jacked this game up for the money, I’ve deleted it. I’ll spend my hard earned doe elsewhere!

  49. sjgus says:

    Wow! Nice surprise! Just tossed these 2 in trying for something else & got this 1st try! Happy me! Normal Island & both lvl 13. Guess I should try for ‘other dragons’ more often, I might get what I need! Lol

  50. ace says:

    I’m all up for a challenge and trying patience, but this is getting ridiculous. After trying for peridot all month (with the except fof ~2 days for blue moon) on BOTH ebi and ebc, plus about 80 gems worth of speeding up, I still don’t have it. Not pleased. That’s at least 48 breedings – plus more from speeding up!

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