DragonVale: How to breed a SCORIA (SLAG) Dragon
BUY-IT Price: 750 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Mud and Metal / Moss and Metal
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
Quake on left metal right. EPI first try
EBI i meant
I tried that combo but it gave me a 24 hr breed time :/ what can it be ? ???? Add me in game center people juzdanny91
The only 24 hour i know or remember is the forge. Lol prolly that.
Dodo and iron first try
I bred a forge and a iron got it first try !!!!
I used Crystal & Forge and got one on 2nd try
Mud and metal..first try
Bred in normal breeding cave just like all the rest of my dragons 🙂 add me angela.steph96
me too
me too its awesome
Also forge and iron on first try
Mud and Metal also on first try!
Im excited to hatch it! Good luck everyone!!!
Hey! Earth and metal! 22 hours. First try!
I second this motion. Haha
Metal + earth 3rd try 22 hrs
Earth level 10 and Metal level 10 on my first try, Breeding cave. I think this an easy dragon to breed. Any tips to breed a Dodo?
I Failed 10 times ,i already used all the tips to breed that dragon ,i know how to breed Dodo dragon ,earth and willow
Dodo sonic left earth right got it first try!
I just bred another Slag with Earth level 10 and Metal level 10 in the breeding cave. Try my combo. Good Luck.
Chrome + Earth..first try!
Rephrase…earth + chrome
Mud and earth. Got 2 back to back in EBI.
Hi Jaquin! Another combo to try for a Dodo Dragon would be Chrome — Earth. I used Panlong — Earth but that was before I had metal dragons. Good Luck!
I will try your combo. I will let you know. Good Morning to you and your cute dog.
Gem for Gem! Add me JOROYJO
Gem for gem! Add me tonybojalil.
Forge and Iron made me 48 hrs… Any ideas?
rainbow, sun, or gold
add me sevndedlysinz gem for gem
this is probably a Gold Dragon… congrats, this dragon rocks.
Have a gem tree, Login 10x+- a day.
Gem for Gem (Active-basis), Start sending me a gem first to show your serious and ill send you back as soon my tree makes some.. Preferably active players with gem trees, gem sellers/scammers dont bother adding!
Add me Andr3wKsatria
Have a gem tree. Can share a gem a day. How can I start sending one a day?
Is it a secret dragon?
No it was announced, so it is not a secret
Mine tree in that order
My game center is Aaron#13
Sorry wrong one it is aaron#197
Still haven’t gotten 1 after 4 tries… I’m still tryin though.
Add me gem 4 gem. Krepta99
Level 35 with a gold shrine
Earth and metal. 2nd try.
Anything with metal and earth will obviously work for it…
i think i’ll try earth and metal. why are we getting cute? keep it simple. you limit the possibilities, you up your chances.
Add me gem for gem
I also got it mud metal
I have tons of slag dragons easy all u have to use is tree/metal me and my friend have bout 15 now best way to breed
Gem 4 Gem
Hello evryone…add me pls and
Send gem to me ,and i will return back 2 u.
GAMECENTER ID: sweetdesa
Thank you !!!!!!
Metal+earth first try! Add me JOROYJO will trade gem!thanks.
anyone wanna be friends? gem for gem. sassykat820
MUD + METAL first try!
FORGE + IRON first try!
i will gem back if u gem me. i have this gen tree so i have extra slots ty
gc account dragonstarslayer
Have gems to trade. Game center ID= DNKtrade. Will trade gem for gem.
Tired of firework dragon, isn’t it supposed to be gone today 7/20/12?
Just got it with lvl 10 Earth on left and lvl 10 Chrome on right in normal breeding pen
Forge iron first try in regular breeding cave
Dr. Macenstein try this combo
yo got it my 1st try with an iron on the left and a sandstorm on the right… yo anybody feel free to add me GEMS FOR GEMS… imma also trying to get more gold dragons
Add me please nailladyaj 🙂
just got slag lvl 11 dodo lvl 10 metal I was really surprised
they should make a metal dragon cross breed with 2 more atirbutes like the butterfly dragon and bloom and even maybe make a different dagon that is like a panlong dragon with 4 base different element
how about a dragon that produces dragon treats and put on a seperate island like the gemstone dragons and wait a week to collect treats idk i guess im to high to be saying this
Lots Of gems to share. Add me lmart34731
I got one with Moss and Iron.. First try in the breeding cave
got it first try with most straight forward combo: earth/metal.
Add me gem for gem
Fortunatu omen
Got it first try with lava and rust
Dodo (L) Iron (R)
-__- wanna get my birthstone dragon already…. still getting some more ruby and gold dragons but i hope they make a crazy gemstone dragon for october…
With what combination did u get ruby?
Add me, gem for gem please: srt8hemi
Earth and Metal. Second try.
i keep getting one with iron and sandstorm
Dudes it’s not as rare dragon like ruby or rainbow so what’s so exiting?
It’s not that easy to get. Iron comes up way more often. I got it with moss and metal. I got fed up with earth/metal yielding only iron. Moss/metal gave me 22 hrs first try. I think it’s a good combo because the only possibilities are iron, malachite (rare) and slag.
Earth metal 3rd try! Add me JOROYJO
I got it on my first try with earth and metal
Why does it have 2 different names
Theve renamed it to the scoria dragon
I got it with earth and metal first time
why did they call it slag dragon abit rude
I keep getting the iron dragon just trying for the malachite and slag dragon
I got mine after a couple tries with iron and earth