DragonVale: How to breed a SCORIA (SLAG) Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a SCORIA (SLAG) Dragon

DragonVale SLAG Dragon 2

BUY-IT Price: 750 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Mud and Metal / Moss and Metal

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale SCORIA/SLAG Dragon Egg

The 2nd Egg is the DragonVale SCORIA (SLAG) Dragon Egg

153 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a SCORIA (SLAG) Dragon”
  1. Stony1700 says:

    Quake on left metal right. EPI first try

  2. n1ckD51 says:

    I bred a forge and a iron got it first try !!!!

  3. Nicole says:

    I used Crystal & Forge and got one on 2nd try

  4. Angela.steph96 says:

    Mud and metal..first try

  5. Alanag03 says:

    Also forge and iron on first try

  6. Mousa says:

    Mud and Metal also on first try!
    Im excited to hatch it! Good luck everyone!!!

  7. Comunicadoradeluz says:

    Hey! Earth and metal! 22 hours. First try!

  8. usctrojan12 says:

    Earth level 10 and Metal level 10 on my first try, Breeding cave. I think this an easy dragon to breed. Any tips to breed a Dodo?

  9. JOROYJO says:

    Gem for Gem! Add me JOROYJO

  10. Clover says:

    Forge and Iron made me 48 hrs… Any ideas?

  11. Andr3wKsatria says:

    Have a gem tree, Login 10x+- a day.

    Gem for Gem (Active-basis), Start sending me a gem first to show your serious and ill send you back as soon my tree makes some.. Preferably active players with gem trees, gem sellers/scammers dont bother adding!

    Add me Andr3wKsatria

  12. Sarah says:

    Is it a secret dragon?

  13. Aaron says:

    Mine tree in that order
    My game center is Aaron#13

  14. Krepta99 says:

    Still haven’t gotten 1 after 4 tries… I’m still tryin though.
    Add me gem 4 gem. Krepta99
    Level 35 with a gold shrine

  15. Fiveredhedz says:

    Earth and metal. 2nd try.

  16. Muffin says:

    Anything with metal and earth will obviously work for it…

  17. DakeJimson says:

    i think i’ll try earth and metal. why are we getting cute? keep it simple. you limit the possibilities, you up your chances.

  18. Killermillard03 says:

    Add me gem for gem

  19. Arh58 says:

    I have tons of slag dragons easy all u have to use is tree/metal me and my friend have bout 15 now best way to breed

  20. sweetdesa says:

    Gem 4 Gem
    Hello evryone…add me pls and
    Send gem to me ,and i will return back 2 u.
    GAMECENTER ID: sweetdesa

    Thank you !!!!!!

  21. JOROYJO says:

    Metal+earth first try! Add me JOROYJO will trade gem!thanks.

  22. kim says:

    anyone wanna be friends? gem for gem. sassykat820

  23. kirliii says:

    MUD + METAL first try!

    FORGE + IRON first try!

  24. lolol says:

    i will gem back if u gem me. i have this gen tree so i have extra slots ty
    gc account dragonstarslayer

  25. DNKtrade says:

    Have gems to trade. Game center ID= DNKtrade. Will trade gem for gem.
    Tired of firework dragon, isn’t it supposed to be gone today 7/20/12?

  26. Dragon says:

    Just got it with lvl 10 Earth on left and lvl 10 Chrome on right in normal breeding pen

  27. Hi says:

    Forge iron first try in regular breeding cave

  28. Savage_95 says:

    yo got it my 1st try with an iron on the left and a sandstorm on the right… yo anybody feel free to add me GEMS FOR GEMS… imma also trying to get more gold dragons

  29. nailladyaj says:

    Add me please nailladyaj 🙂

  30. BRODIEROX12 says:

    just got slag lvl 11 dodo lvl 10 metal I was really surprised

  31. Savage_95 says:

    they should make a metal dragon cross breed with 2 more atirbutes like the butterfly dragon and bloom and even maybe make a different dagon that is like a panlong dragon with 4 base different element

  32. Savage_95 says:

    how about a dragon that produces dragon treats and put on a seperate island like the gemstone dragons and wait a week to collect treats idk i guess im to high to be saying this

  33. Marcus says:

    Lots Of gems to share. Add me lmart34731

  34. Cassie_darlyn says:

    I got one with Moss and Iron.. First try in the breeding cave

  35. tomcat2000 says:

    got it first try with most straight forward combo: earth/metal.

  36. Damian says:

    Add me gem for gem

    Fortunatu omen

  37. Lyk12 says:

    Got it first try with lava and rust

  38. Memiller says:

    Dodo (L) Iron (R)

  39. Savage_95 says:

    -__- wanna get my birthstone dragon already…. still getting some more ruby and gold dragons but i hope they make a crazy gemstone dragon for october…

  40. srt8hemi says:

    Add me, gem for gem please: srt8hemi

  41. Photofrenzy5 says:

    Earth and Metal. Second try.

  42. Savage_95 says:

    i keep getting one with iron and sandstorm

  43. Asker says:

    Dudes it’s not as rare dragon like ruby or rainbow so what’s so exiting?

  44. Dake says:

    It’s not that easy to get. Iron comes up way more often. I got it with moss and metal. I got fed up with earth/metal yielding only iron. Moss/metal gave me 22 hrs first try. I think it’s a good combo because the only possibilities are iron, malachite (rare) and slag.

  45. JOROYJO says:

    Earth metal 3rd try! Add me JOROYJO

  46. Riley says:

    I got it on my first try with earth and metal

  47. Zingy says:

    Theve renamed it to the scoria dragon
    I got it with earth and metal first time

    Add me on GAMECENTRE

  48. zor says:

    why did they call it slag dragon abit rude

  49. anon says:

    I keep getting the iron dragon just trying for the malachite and slag dragon

  50. Ian says:

    I got mine after a couple tries with iron and earth

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