DragonVale: How to breed a IRONWOOD Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a IRONWOOD Dragon

DragonVale IRONWOOD Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 50 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Chrome and Plant

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader DKNtrade for the heads up!

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale IRONWOOD Dragon Egg

The 1st egg is the DragonVale IRONWOOD Dragon Egg

143 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a IRONWOOD Dragon”
  1. Dylan says:

    hey my Gamecenter name is drspero. if you want gems from all you have to do is add me and gift me a gem and the second i see it i will return the favor in order of who gifted first. i have gifting tree and currently have no friends so come be my first 🙂 BTW i play everyday!!!!! 😀

  2. LordDragon Twist says:

    I’ll give gem4gem if you are checking ur game center

  3. LordDragon Twist says:

    How many gems do the gifting tree give

  4. Konkon2012 says:

    six gems per day

  5. Konkon2012 says:

    add me at GC : Konsti Stubben

  6. SkittlesLover says:

    Need more gems add me SkittlesLover

  7. Carma says:

    Scam!! Don’t add him!!!!

  8. Stan da mathematics man says:

    I got a 14 hr one not long ago. Could it be iron wood someone tell me I’m going insane t know!!!!!!! Good luck

  9. Stan da mathematics man says:

    Oh yea srry if any of u added me 4 gem4 gem and got nothing back ! For some reason my friends all disapeared on my friends list no ones name is on there can someone help? 😉

  10. Dr.Targaryen says:


    youre doing an excellent job for helping us thru breeding
    i am truly grateful. i hope you have time to invite me in dragonvale

    gamecenter id:

  11. Dr.Targaryen says:


    youre doing an excellent job for helping us thru breeding
    i am truly grateful. i hope you have time to invite me in dragonvale

    gamecenter id:

  12. Kool Hippo says:

    Rust and plant I got it with

  13. Lifes26 says:

    Got it with plamt and iron. Add me gem for gem.

  14. Kaleigh says:

    I have Gem Tree
    Gem 4 Gem

    :- -AngryPanda28- -: (2 dashes but without the spaces)

  15. Dragonvale009 says:

    Gem 4 Gem add me “drjoebob”

  16. METALCROSS:D says:

    gem 4 gem
    I’ve got 6 gems to give away daily

  17. Kaleigh says:

    I can get every single dragon EXCEPT for this one and its driving me crazy. 5 rainbow, 3 gold, silver, platinum, seasonal. Got all with ease but I can’t get this guy! Any other combos I could try?

  18. Scott says:

    The ironwood and malachite dragons are both gone in mine I’m lv23 nearly lv24 why are they gone

    • Briggos says:

      I have just noticed this too, I don’t know why or where they have gone- I’m level 40 and I still dont have this fella and I have tried ALOT of times!!! Does anyone else think its nearly impossible for certain accounts to get certain dragons?

  19. Bigb1704 says:

    Try plant and mine

  20. Noelani says:

    Omg ironwood was the hardest ever for me tried chrome + plant, rust + plant, iron + plant, mine + plant. All combinations many times too much to count and lots of gems …this was even harder that the gem Dragons I got ….however he is pretty much one of the last dragons that I needed for my collections…finally got it whew….now I’m going to get the garnet january 2013 gem dragon …..come and see my island I already have a gem tree and 6 faithful gem givers so I’m happy however if someone can help me figure out how to get friends on my android besides through Facebook refuse to link dragonvale to my FB account I have a gem tree there and no one to give my gems tooo :(.

    • BrittsFun2102 says:

      Hey, I tried to get FB friends on my android and it won’t link to Dragon Vale either. But…I figured it out, you just need to have friends on FB that play Dragon Vale and they will automatically be in your friend list. : ) My FB name for games is Britt Dobz. Everyone is welcome to friend me for Dragon Vale : )

      • BrittsFun2102 says:

        Hey, correction! My FB for Dragon Vale is Brittany Dobson, not Britt Dobz- I have 2…don’t ask.

    • RC says:

      Hi could you please add me, a genuine gem exchanger… No scam/fraud.
      Game Center ID RCharniya or RC

  21. Kathryn says:

    I was wanting an Ironwood egg for display but it’s not even showing up in the store! has this happened to anyone else?

    • Noelani says:

      I bred a ronwood when it wasn’t in the market …did u get the ironwood ?

      • Kathryn says:

        I have one already, but I’m after one for display, ive still had no luck getting another one so far 🙁

        • Noelani says:

          I also am trying to breed for egg display for all my dragOns and both my island but ironwood UGH…very hard for me I got the gem dragons pretty easy …I have 2 plazma I want to try and breed them both to get a egg display..I wanted 2 ironwoods but very difficult!! What level are you on ? Can you friend me .. Really would like to visit your island Gamecenter ID is noelania thanks

        • Trisha says:

          I got ironwood with iron 10 and plant 10 on EBI

  22. Eric Loh says:

    Level 15 chrome & plant worked. EBI

  23. Perplexa says:

    Got this one on my first try with magnetic and plant. I wasn’t expecting to get it, so you can imagine how surprised I was! Good luck everyone! 🙂

  24. Acpthemighty says:

    Iron N Plant best combo
    Got Ironwood in first try ????

  25. Acpthemighty says:

    Iron N Plant best combo
    Got Ironwood in first try ????

  26. Matt says:

    I believe these two are the best combinations to try out.

    Ironwood- Iron & Plant (self-explanatory)

    Malachite – Copper & Plant (malachite bears copper)

    Good luck!

  27. Texie says:

    Iron and forest 🙂

  28. Sid1780 says:

    Hi guys how to breed a garnet dragon?:3

  29. Irina says:

    Got it wit plant and mine both Lv 13. First try. 🙂

  30. Katvega123 says:

    Add me I got gifting tree. Katvega123$. Does anybody know how to get a shadow dragon?

  31. Aj says:

    How do add friends on game center ?

  32. Foxy says:

    I got Ironwood with Palladium and Plant. Both level 11
    First try

  33. Yes says:

    First try with plant and mine!!!
    And it was right after I got my dodo dragon after
    Switching the combo I tried for ages! Yay!!

  34. Lily says:

    Got it on the second or third try with Plant and Iron.

  35. HSF says:

    Level 18 plant and level 17 copper in EBC= ironwood

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