DragonVale: How to breed a IRONWOOD Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a IRONWOOD Dragon

DragonVale IRONWOOD Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 50 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Chrome and Plant

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader DKNtrade for the heads up!

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale IRONWOOD Dragon Egg

The 1st egg is the DragonVale IRONWOOD Dragon Egg

143 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a IRONWOOD Dragon”
  1. Dutty says:

    Didnt see this in egg shop yet. But what is grass dragon mac?

  2. Qiro says:

    Its not in the shop.. But I it’s real! I just got one!

  3. GirlsLoveGuns says:

    Wow I can’t keep up with all the new dragons!-_-
    Still trying to get a peridot, seasonal, and silver and Gold Olympic I’m fallin behind! But this website is helping so much!! Thanks Dr. Mac! Really appreciate it!!^_^

    Btw!!! Add me on game enter for gems!!:) I will REALLY give you gems back if you send me one first! No hoax!:)


    ^^GC username:)

  4. Lammaz says:

    Hi, I play everyday and will give a gem to the first 3 people to give a gem each day!

    GameCenter ID: Lammaz

  5. Thomin8r says:

    Thanks for the update Doc. I have now bred the Ironwood Dragon and also the Rain Dragon. I have 2 of each hatched and one on Display on my Egg Island. I also have the Peridot and Seasonal Eggs on display as well. Plus all the rest of course, I think that makes it 76 different Eggs on display now..

  6. Mini Lammas says:

    Looking for people for gem trading. Will send you gems if you send to me. Thanks

    ID: Mini Lammas

  7. Bobbie says:

    Wow I am shocked I got the ironwood and rain on the first shot that will never happen again lol

  8. Adelica123 says:

    Hi Doc!

    I play dragonvale like 10 times a day and I love your page. You are doing a great job. I’m trying to find a page or something with alot of pictures on great dragonvale designs on islands so I can get good inspiration. I have all dragons, in action and on the display as well. Hope you could help me out here because I really want to design my park much better than it is.

    You can also add me as friend: adelica123


  9. AIDARJ says:

    hey guys i was gone for a while so i wasnt able to gem back but i will catch up as quick as i can

    add me for gem trade

    GameCenter ID: AIDARJ

  10. CptnSpklPixy says:

    My ID is cptnspklpixy
    Please add me. I will gem for gem.

    Yes doc u r wonderful! I use u constantly to learn how to breed specific dragons!!!

  11. Lexa says:

    Add me! Sharkgirllexizzle gem 4 gem!

  12. sevndedlysinz says:

    no luck with chrome+plant. any other breeding combinations?

    add me gem 4 gem sevndedlysinz

  13. savage_95 says:

    So far I’m getting every dragon just got the seasonal dragon… and got the rain dragon my 1st try … I’m stilll trying to get a gold olympus dragon… and this ironwood dragon. Feel free 2 add me savage_95 gems for gems

  14. Zodiac175 says:

    Thanks Macenstern so much for everything u help us

  15. Goody2shoes says:

    That dragon is cool

  16. KKan90 says:

    The dragon is not on the market?? though can we breed this dragon??

  17. Katie says:

    Tried it like 25 times with the above combination – it doesn’t seem to work for me though.
    Nevertheless, thank you Doc! Love your website. 🙂

    Add me, I have gems to give: cookieneko

  18. Angela.steph96 says:

    Finally got it with chrome and plant in normal breeding cave..took like 6 or 7 tries

  19. Amber says:

    Just got 1 on my 2nd try with chrome and plant. Thanks!

  20. Kool Hippo says:

    The best is brass and plant cause u either get 30 mins 1 hour or 5 hours breeding time or the ironwood that’s how I got it it’s the best

  21. Kool Hippo says:

    Brass and plant is best cause u get 30 mins 1 hour 5 hour or the ironwood dragon sO no long waits

  22. LovHan9901 says:

    Ive bred metal lvl 10 and willow lvl 14 trying for a malachite or ironwood, and got 7 hours bredding-Time, Someone who has an idea what it is???

  23. sevndedlysinz says:

    got it! chrome and plant. what a sexy dragon.
    add gem 4 gem
    gcid: sevndedlysinz ? dudes

  24. Soccer15516 says:

    I just got an ironwood and a rain dragon!!????
    First try!

  25. Ali1904 says:

    Have 3 gems to give but only to those who gift me first as I’m sick of gifting to those who dont gift back.happy to find 3 genuine people 🙂

  26. JOROYJO says:

    Hi add me. JOROYJO

  27. jmm22RULES says:

    Add me: jmm22RULES
    Gem4gem first 3 people to send me gem each day

  28. Caunertron says:

    The Ironwood dragon is not in the market for me but the rain dragon is. Has anyone else had this problem?

  29. Slyguyfox says:

    Need some friends for gems. SlyGuyFox.

  30. zodiac175 says:

    how many gems can we receive everyday?????? only 3 gems ???????

  31. megamic18 says:

    please add me I only have two friends and can really use some gems so I will trade gem for gem


  32. Paracyt says:

    Yesterday I breed a willow (left) and quake (right) trying for the Olympus and got a dragon taking 48 hours to incubate. I can figure out from the guide what it’s is but I’ll post in about 8 hours when it’s ready

  33. Born-in-ak says:

    Just got one, never new this was a secret. Thanks for this site! It’s hard keeping up with all the new dragons. Check out my park!

    Add me ill trade gems! Born-in-ak

  34. Colin says:

    I tried breeding Ironwood and Blazing, and I keep getting Firework dragons (3 out of 4 tries). Thought Firework dragon was limited and expired. How come could this happen?

  35. Valentina303 says:

    Add me gem for gem…. I always gem back

  36. doubleaa says:

    YES! just bred one! add me (aceospades792) and ill give you gems! (in exchange, of course!)

  37. Demaul84 says:

    Anyone breed silver dragon yet?

  38. AlexisLeann says:

    Hi all this talk of gem for gem has me confused. I bought the gem tree so I could give out more gems but it’s only 6 I can give. So I try to rotate who I gem usually I start at the top and skip the next till I get to the end a few days later then I start over at the top but starting with the second. Now if I get an alert I’ve been gemmed then I gem that person back right away if I haven’t used my fill for the day. Anyway. If you’d like to check out my park & comment here about any improvements I might make. Feel free. Id is alexisleann

  39. Jessica says:

    I literally have every dragon except for the malachite dragon.. Can any one please help? I’ve been trying since it first came out!

  40. Akash Shiri says:

    If they make a grass dragon tell me with a reply I’ll check for reply’s everyday please reply!(I said reply 3 times)my guess is plant and ???

  41. Rocaroca333 says:

    Looking for 12 regulars To give gems to every other day. I have a gifting tree. Must give me gems in return regularly or will delete.

  42. nick0023needgemsss says:

    add me and all that good stuff for gem exchange……..ucmvolleyballer

  43. Josh0616 says:

    I got it first try with Brass (lv. 10, left) and plant (lv. 11, right), hope it helps.

  44. Frozen_phoenix says:

    Im breeding plant and brass
    Got 24 hours….no idea what it could be 🙁
    Help anyone?

  45. LovHan9901 says:

    Got it on My first try with Copper and Plant! 😀 add me Lovhan99

  46. K1ID4NK says:

    Got one already keep trying u guys

  47. AlexisLeann says:

    Well I finally got blue moon & sapphire going but I am still having a hell of a time breeding the gold oly. Or the ironwood. & yes my breeding caves are both upgraded 100 percent. So what the heck is going on?

  48. AlexisLeann says:

    Also having a heck of a time breeding for the new silver dragon. I missed. Solstice Sakura pearl ruby bone & clover will these come around again? Like will I be able to breed bone next month?

  49. Becca says:

    Please add me! I promise to trade gem for gem and am trying to upgrade my breeding cave! Thank you so much! Username: Becburt

  50. Anthony says:

    I got ironwood or malachite 1st try with brass and plant dragon breeding but i can tell

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