DragonVale: How to breed a Ghost Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Ghost Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 75 GEMS


(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale Ghost Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the DragonVale Ghost Dragon Egg

382 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Ghost Dragon”
  1. MelKow says:

    I have two more spots for daily gem for gems!
    Add me: MelanieFrances

    • Mummzy177 says:

      I’ve got one spot left. I will add you

      • DLJ says:

        i got one with flower and mountain also enter25286624 in redeem codes it works

        • Debra An says:

          I tried breeding for the first time the Lava and Ice and now I have 10 hours for what I think will be a Bone Dragon! I all ready have gotten two Bone Dragons one hatched and one as a pedestal egg. I have been trying since the Whites Candy Bash began and the ghost had become available and I still do not have any of the Holloween Dragons ecept the bone and Lycan. The Lycan dragon I got by purchasing it with the candy corn from the can’t bash.
          I find it rather frustrating when I am playing for over 8 hours since the start of the W. candy bash and have been getting the Max candy available each day! I have been breeding none stop to try to get any of the Holloween Dragons! I have been using the Breeding Cave, Breeding Island and Co Op Breeding Cave to accomplish getting all of the Holloween Dragons, so it cannot be said I have not been trying! : (

          • Debra An says:

            I did not type Whites Candy Bash, my tablet has an annoying way of typing over what I type! Whitbees Candy Bash! I really hate the auto correct make up words I do not type feature!

    • MelKow says:

      All full, thanks everyone!

    • Taskaninja says:

      I found another pair for this dragon I found out (by shear chance) that you can put mountain and rain together and get ghost I was trying to get an lunar dragon suggested by you MACENSTEIN.

    • Beth says:

      I actually breed this and the first try it got me the double rainbow dragon… what are the odds right

  2. I have yet to breed thus dragon…

    But I need people to trade gems with. Reliable people only please

    Addicted2indica is my use name thanks!

  3. Ccs102205 says:

    I am on multiple times a day…will add you.

  4. Your mouth moves and it says:

    Omg just got ghost first try with lava and ice

  5. Poopz says:

    What are the other possible combinations from breeding flower and mountain?
    What combinations have people actually gotten ghost with?
    Add tahliariley for gem trading (:

  6. GrimAReaper says:

    Feel free to add me for gem trading and such x3 here’s my facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Grimice.Reaper?ref=tn_tnmn

  7. Hopethedragon says:

    I is a noob! How do you trade gems 🙁

    • RandomPaige says:

      Add people on game centre and they will appear in your friends list in the social tab in dragon vale. To be able to gift more gems each day buy the dragonsai gifting tree.

  8. thegoodlookin1 says:

    Quake and evergreen dragons bred two ghost dragons in a row.

  9. Robbie_1792 says:

    Hey guys add me for gem trading I am on a lot my game center is

  10. Tamara says:

    Just got two in a row on my first try with Storm and Mud.

  11. RadarSage2 says:

    Got it second try with evergreen and quake trying for Amber. Used the epic bred breeding island

  12. Dv117 2years (redeem codes) says:

    I can’t get the ghost dragon yet, tried everything 🙁

  13. Cat lover says:

    Good luck everyone 😉

  14. Rijanz says:

    I’ll trade gems with you 😀 . Add me on Game Center. My name is Rijanz

  15. Shadow says:

    So I tried every combination provided by this website as well as the combinations provided in the comments. I didn’t get the ghost dragon. So then I started breeding my level 14 cold dragon with all of my level 14 earth dragons. I finally got an incubation time of 15.5 hours using level 14 cold with level 14 glacier. This happened on my regular breeding cave. Now, if someone on here said cold and glacier, then I tried it and it didn’t work the first time so I tried something else. It may take 2 or 3 times of breeding cold then glacier but I finally have the correct incubation time and I am very excited!!

  16. Ceam1210 says:

    Hey I have all but one spot open for daily gems.

    Add me:

    Smoore ;p

    PS I have the gem tree

  17. Soraya says:

    Looking for 4 people who would like to trade gems. Add me: TTSGSH

  18. Adddddd me plz says:

    I like this as baby dragon. Add me someone. Have had 3 spots for over a year and no one to trade with. I log at least 4 times a day. Gamecenter ID: sniembra

  19. EMULLS123 says:

    I used crystal and blizzard on an epic breeding island

  20. Hss says:

    Evergreen and quake gives ghost

  21. dviking says:

    Glacier&Lava and just now with Crystal&Lichen

  22. dragons:) says:

    I got one using quake and evergreen on my epic breeding island

  23. meg says:

    I got a ghost dragon by breeding Lichen and Tree, during the “all dragons are back” period.

    • Debra An says:

      I have been trying numerous combos to get a ghost, ortreat, spectre, trick and the Norstreu (not sure of the spelling for this dragon) ever since the beginning of their rerelease! On the first try of the Lichen(level) & Tree (level 8) breeding of them I with less than 1 day and a couple of hours left I finally got a ghost at 15 hours 30 minute! Amen!!!… Since all the other dragons were over level 11 which I previously used to breed, I decided to dramatically try something different, a lower level than 11. & magical proof a ghost dragon appeared!!!…

  24. meg says:

    Wow! I bred the same pair ( lichen and tree to get mistletoe) and ended up getting two ghost dragon eggs in a row!!!!

  25. Percy says:

    Hey Guys, add me: StuntHardd
    I don’t have anyone at all to share gems with, so plenty of room 🙂

  26. Bobby Thread says:

    Crystal and Blue Fire

  27. Laura says:

    Got a ghost trying to breed the mistletoe. Tree + lichen

  28. Notdishwashersafe123 says:

    Mountain & poison

  29. Sugartrip says:

    I got a bone dragon and the ghost dragon from breeding lvl 15 blue fire and lvl 15 root on the ebi xD

  30. V Lo says:

    Mountain and Watch worked level 12

  31. may52 says:

    How do u get a blue fire so I can get a ghost??

  32. Pat says:

    Just got one breeding rainbow and Celtic

  33. Emily says:

    First try, lichen and tree both level ten in regular breeding cave.

  34. Carl says:

    Hey. I have the 4th egg in your picture on the pedestal, got it in the co-op breeding cave, but I can’t figure out what Dragon it is. It’s not in my Dragonvale app, no direct link to it on here. What is it?

  35. Sam says:

    Just got the nosferatu dragon with lvl 11 blue fire and tree on the ebi! Before that with the same combination I got a bone dragon. I will continue using this combination for obvious reasons lol.

  36. Sunglasses says:

    I got a ghost dragon on my first try with a level 10 cold and earth on the epic breeding island. The island costs 125 gems though.?

  37. I tried all of the combinations above multiple times and finally i just put something random in and I got the ghost dragon by breeding my Moon and then someone elses Muse dragon in the cooperative breeding cave!! So excited!!!!

  38. Aleah says:

    I’ve gotten two ghost dragons so far trying to get a sanguinite dragon with my level 15 lodestone and mountain dragons. Which I’m happy about because now I have the ghost pedestal and the dragon! Still no sanguinite dragon though

  39. Sunshine says:

    Pretty sure I just got one breeding Evergreen & Quake. I already got the Amber dragon & was going for the pedestal, but instead I got a 15hr 30min incubation time. I don’t see any other possible dragons with this time, so it’s gotta be my 1st Ghost dragon!! The parents are both lvl 12, & it was on the Epic Breeding Island.

  40. Jillza says:

    I bred evergreen & quake and ended up witha 15.5 hour breed time. Once I put the egg in the hatchery, it is only a 14 hour hatch and it is a mountain dragon. Anyone else have this issue?

  41. Tlwtlc says:

    Crystal + blue fire

  42. EmilyTEDM says:

    I am getting a GHOST DRAGON!!! I bred it on accident in cooperative breeding with my Eridanian and Arcturian.

  43. Ryue says:

    Glacier + Water

  44. bblove02 says:

    I was able to get it one the first try with my blue fire dragon (level 12) and my Tree Dragon (Level 11)

  45. Jenn B says:

    I got this dragon with Mountain and Lodestone

  46. Persephone says:

    Just got it with Smow and Iron

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