DragonVale: How to breed a Kairos Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Kairos Dragon

BUY-IT Price:?? GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Does not appear to be breedable, it must be EARNED by winning DragonVale Races CHECK OUT OUR RACING GUIDE!


**NOTE: Update your DragonVale app 1st**

From BackFlip – “Ancient and wise, Kairos has a unique magic that can speed up time. To get Kairos, you’ll first want to add his perch to your park from the Habitat section of the Market. Then collect Kairos’ 21 fragments over 3 stages to summon him to your park. The fragments are prizes you win in DragonVale Races. Fragments can also be purchased in the DragonVale Market.”

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

487 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Kairos Dragon”
  1. Dragu says:

    Omg I always win the races but never get the parts of the stone… -_-

  2. Lion says:

    Omgggg how do you earn this dragon i need it add me to find out m1chael duffy

  3. Oh this is gonna suck…. 40 races in (all 1st place) and only 1 piece.
    This is going to be all luck.
    – The Doc

  4. Endelva says:

    Good thing all I do is races for exp anyways lol, and my hatchery is full

  5. Khoas says:

    Jeez…I’ve done like 10 races, won one piece. Wondering how long this will take. Isn’t gonna be like breeding an Epic

  6. Endelva says:

    Well this sucks, game enter wont connect….lameeeeeeee

  7. crimsontide91 says:

    Yeah I don’t think it’s luck, it’ as if the game gives you the lame rewards, no kidding I’ve seen it make a sudden stop when it’s falling on something good, or move one more space when it is stopping at a fragment… They probably want to push people to spend money on the game. Anyone else seeing how ridiculous it is sometimes? Looks like something from a cartoon, oh well good luck everyone!
    – crimsontide91

    • but can you even spend money on this dragon if you wanted?
      I see no way to buy pieces or anything. This one seems just designed to get you to play more in general.
      – The Doc

      • Khoas says:

        Oh you can, it costs 75 gems. Each.

      • crimsontide91 says:

        Yeah you can buy the parts, enter the habitat and click the + sign on each piece, some are more expensive than others but they can all be bought! But not all of us have that many gems, sadly, but anyway try to get it so we get more pics and info! 🙂

      • IdaJ says:

        You Can buy all the pieces, I did that, and I have the dragon in MY game…. But im not sure what it’s god for…

      • Crewylou says:

        Yes you can buy the pieces 75 gems for lower ones 150 for the middle piece and 300 for the highest!!!

    • deeptoot84 says:

      OMG!!!!! i totally know what your talking about. it would spin and then it will stop right before the stone. or it will keep spinning when you know it shouldve stopped on the stone. Its getting annoying. The fact that they are doing this is lame!!! i want to stop but i cant.

    • Spike says:

      It seems awarding a piece is random… the spinning wheel is just a hoax. Before you spin, slowly move the wheel the opposite direction six places. You will get that item, regardless where you start to spin or how strong you spin it. If it is a piece your lucky. Try it out. You’ll know what you’ll be getting even before spinning.

    • Creaven says:

      Dude, a wheel of luck in a game like this is not like a wheel irl. The outcome is determined by chance. You can’t “try to hit” a fragment, because it has already been decided what slot you will hit, no matter how hard or slow you spin the wheel. The wheel just adjusts to hit the slot it has given you. Thats the way these things work in all games.

      • Dragu says:

        Not true the wheel always stops in the darkest background .
        For each slot/ prize there’s a background: light dark darker and darkest, the wheel ALWAYS stops on the the darkest slot
        Credits to barjunkie

  8. Rain On Fire says:

    This is gonna be a challenge. Good luck, Dr. Macenstein! Add me for gems. Game Center ID: Rain On Fire

  9. YaDad™ says:

    How many races do you have to complete to see a piece of the stone? I’ve done 15 races came in first in each and have not seen one stone

  10. YaDad™ says:

    Appreciate it doc. I’ve update though but still see no new habitat ima restart the app

  11. Has anyone gotten more than 1 piece today?
    – The Doc

  12. Plo says:

    Just one today… its suck…

  13. Didiwags says:

    This is ridiculous! I have won so many and only got one piece my first win!

  14. Jetx9000 says:

    I can see people going insane from trying to get this

  15. YaDad™ says:

    Yea this is going to make ppl put dragonvale down. And they uped the max levels it takes forever to level up

  16. David says:

    Hey, Doc. Click on the habitat and then tap ‘Enter’. Voila, you can buy the pieces.

  17. Bree says:

    Only one piece here so far. This is something I can see myself really obsessing over!

  18. Vagelis says:

    Wow. Let the race farm begin again!

  19. Sunny says:

    I’ve been doing the races for about 2 hours straight, no idea how many races that is, I’ve come in first for all of them yet I only have one piece. I’m pretty sure they’re trying to make you buy gems to buy the pieces because this is pretty ridiculous lol.

  20. Lipn says:

    Hey all i have no clue how u not hettin it, 6 th try for 1 then 1 more 9 tries later just get silver for better chance

  21. AUFH Luke says:

    Seems like the limit is one per day, but we’ll see. Here’s to hoping it’s no worse than that…

    • Vagelis says:

      Well, at least a couple of people reported that they have more than 1 already (without any screenshots ofcourse) so I dont see any limit being possible! Me on the other hand, I hadnt touch the racetrack in about 2 months, and got my piece on the first try (yes, I know it sounds arrogant and very “Internet like” but I did get it on first) and I was confused, seeing the responses here. Boy I was wrong. No confusion at all. 2 hours later, I still have 1 piece! Im done for now. Ill try later again!

      • seniormarcotaco says:

        looks as though everyone gets the first piece on the first try. as for the rest of the pieces no luck.
        add me seniormarcotaco for gems

    • AUFH Luke says:

      I got my 1st piece on my 3rd spin last night around 11pm.
      I got my 2nd piece on my 3rd spin of this morning at 6:30am.

      Fortunately, it does NOT have a 24 hour cooldown. Don’t know anything else, but I’ll update til we figure it out!
      Feel free to visit my park for proof (assuming you can check someone’s Kairos progress that way…)

      • seniormarcotaco says:

        Would not be able to check anyway mate, you can only see the progress of it when you have a set complete.

  22. Verdaken says:

    100 races and i just got one piece

  23. seniormarcotaco says:

    I got the first piece on the first try, i am thinking this is the same for everyone?
    After another 40ish attempts i got nothing so i bought 3 pieces.
    Tryed again for about 60ish attempts and again nothing so bought the rest of the first set.
    each set (7) will cost you 900 gems. in total it would cost 2700 gems!!! (3 sets of 7 pieces * 900 gems)
    i have been trying again on the second set and still not success with more pieces.
    add me seniormarcotaco and gem me to help speed the process up and i will let you know how it goes.

  24. Tammy says:

    🙁 have won soon many races but only have 1 piece from first race 🙁 seems to always land either side of a piece 🙁

  25. Theshortness says:

    I get first place almost every time with my rainbow dragon, no lie. I don’t know why, maybe it’s because it’s a mixed dragon? Anyway, I feel like the wheel is rigged, it won’t stop at a piece 🙁

  26. Dragon69 says:

    BS is in B.S they’re cheating!!! Why is it that when its about to stop on a piece it all of a sudden stops on sum o bull s**t food prize lol

  27. Meerkatsandy says:

    I think this dragon will be our Everest…or the developers will earn A LOT of money with gems…stupid wheel!!!

  28. Dustindola says:

    So I know it’s not just me, I have spent about 5 million dollars on races, I have 1 piece. There was one race several minutes ago where it stopped on a second piece of the stone and then after pausing on the stone for a few second it jumped up 2 more spaces giving me xp, what the hell is that about? Also every single time I do spin it always lands right in between the stones or just befor it. This seems kind of rigged if you ask me.

    • Vagelis says:

      Try not to think of it that way! If the wheel had 10 spots and 1 of them was the piece you want, you don’t have 1/10 chance to get it (at least that’s what I believe)
      I believe it is predetermined what the reward will be! Of course I don’t have any proof on all of these, but it is what I believe…

  29. Katie says:

    Omg. This is cruel… Is the dragon limited?

  30. Dustindola says:

    I certainly hope not. There are 3 different stages of stones to go through..it’s going to take forever at this rate.

  31. Katie says:

    Raced 20 times, got one piece on the 6th try.. This is ridiulous. We also have to find the pieces for stage 2 and 3 lateron? Before we have any use of this dragon?

  32. Lonnie Knox says:

    Been playing for the past 4 hours on and off and have 2 pieces. Who knows how many races but I do know its to many to count. It’s looking like it might be 1 piece per day. Only time and a lot of patience will tell.

  33. BigMonkeyPie says:

    I think I have experienced a glitch; on my iPhone 4S I can only buy the basic perch and then race for the following pieces like all of the above are describing, but on my old iPad 1st gen. I can upgrade the perch two times each for 750.000 gold and then I get the finished perch. But if I click the perch I can’t go to the races I only get a “buy egg” icon. When I click the egg icon it goes to an empty screen in the egg shop. If i then turn off my iPad for about 15 minutes all the perch upgrades are gone and I can start over upgrading it for 2 x 750.000 gold. I have of course taken screenshoots of every step if anyone are interested.

  34. Lana says:

    yeah… trying to get this dragon frustrates the eff outta me so I’m just not gonna keep tryin for it… even winning 1st place most times, the wins (mostly xp n food) is not enough to make it worth it n just robbin me off of my hard earned golds >.<
    not makin enough money as it is… Ughh

  35. Overdosn says:

    Comfirmation Got my first piece at 8am now just got my second piece at 5:35 i did not spin inbetween those hours because i was at work, if you would like me to provide screenshots i can so no problem. Must be pot luck ? Ill keep in touch with further information

  36. Baomilee says:

    I can’t find the perch in the habitat section of the market, when I go to the habitat section, all the habitats were grey and I can’t purchase any, I ant the perch either.. Is this dragorn limited?

  37. Josh says:

    Only one piece per day. I got my second on the first try on day two. I wouldn’t bother with anything after the first try of the day. A this rate we’ll all have this dragon in a month.

  38. AB says:

    Anyone notice the amount of gems in the screenshot of the ipad? WOW!

  39. Milz18 says:

    I just got my third piece, all through racing…got one like first try in the morning, then probably spun a good over 100 times till i got my second one in the afternoon, then i havent touched it since, just went to race once, and got a third piece first try……..i thought it was rigged as well at first, but after this maybe it is just luck?

  40. YaDad™ says:

    Wow 10milli on races one fricking piece!!! I even got the same piece twice. Why would dragonvale leave the piece you already collected in the spin wheel?????

  41. seniormarcotaco says:

    despite it being incredibly frustrating, anyone else happy with some of the xp gains? not too bad at all haha.

  42. Blazedragon says:

    What I see it as a is a challenge it is not called legendary for nothin the whole game is about luck I am still breaking for the opal dragon I think they did it so there would be a incentive to do more racing other then that there not much to do then breed, do the tournaments and race so that how I see it a hard challenge

  43. Stefan says:

    Im sorta wondering how Doc has so many gems. Been trying to rack some up with stadium each day and some from friends but still barely making any progress, only at 89 or so and been doing it since about early september. Could use lots of help. Game center id: ->Bigberto<-

  44. Timothy says:

    I got 2 pieces after 70 tries

  45. Consul says:

    I got my 2nd piece after hundres of tries and it was the F***ING same as the first one!!!
    That shit is just introduced to make you buy gems, shame on them!!!

  46. Summ3rain says:

    The wheel is complete rigged. As someone pointed on here, you will ALWAYS land on the 6th spot no matter how you spin the wheel. So you can tell what you’re getting before even spinning. The fragments have a 6 hour cooldown so you could potentially get 3-4 a day. But there is still a chance of getting the same fragment twice – if this happens the 6 hour is not reset so you could still get another fragment in the next few races.

  47. Katie says:

    It’s NOT one piece per day! Just got my second today! On the 23rd try!

  48. YaDad™ says:

    I have two pieces now after a boatload of attempts

  49. TinyByte says:

    I’ve got an idea!
    Maybe it’s 6 hours cooldown?
    I just got my 2nd piece, and it’s about 6 hours ago I got my 1st piece.
    – TinyByte

    • Lonnie Knox says:

      You logic might be right. I just got my third piece. Started racing last night around 9 (first race, first piece just like most of everyone else). Then got my 2nd piece around 3 am or so. Just woke up and got my 3rd just after a couple of races.
      This is really going to be epic!

    • Katie says:

      Yeah that could be true. Got my second approximately 6 hours later. Weird. I am trying for my third one. I’ll let you know if I get it in 6 hours 😀

      • TinyByte says:

        I can confirm that it has exactly 6 hours cooldown. Just got my 3rd piece. 🙂
        – TinyByte

        • Katie says:

          Confirmation from me as well!

          • Lonnie Knox says:

            I just confirmed that the pieces are not time released. In the past 1 1/2 hours I’ve gotten three more for a total of 6 pieces (missing the last of for stage 1 of 3). In that time I also have gotten 4 duplicates which in turn just gives you a bonus spin that does not include pieces, just higher cash, experience and food.

          • TinyByte says:

            I think they remade it over the past few hours. I’ve gotten a lot of pieces too. I guess they’ve listened to all the complains and made it a luck game 🙂

  50. Kelly says:

    I got my first piece but it was after 10 or 12 races. I just tried for the first time today and got XP.

    Doc, do you know what level it will go up to now that the “max” is not listed? I’m at 35

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