DragonVale: How to breed a Kairos Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Kairos Dragon

BUY-IT Price:?? GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Does not appear to be breedable, it must be EARNED by winning DragonVale Races CHECK OUT OUR RACING GUIDE!


**NOTE: Update your DragonVale app 1st**

From BackFlip – “Ancient and wise, Kairos has a unique magic that can speed up time. To get Kairos, you’ll first want to add his perch to your park from the Habitat section of the Market. Then collect Kairos’ 21 fragments over 3 stages to summon him to your park. The fragments are prizes you win in DragonVale Races. Fragments can also be purchased in the DragonVale Market.”

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

487 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Kairos Dragon”
  1. Estevan55 says:

    Anyone who has this dragon able to tell us what it does?

    • Venk says:

      I just got it. Every 4 days, you can activate his power, he makes your park jump forward in time essentially. I can’t tell by how much, but it’s not an extremely large amount. Also, it doesn’t seem to effect the colosseum and the gem dragons. Once activated, he flies around instead of standing on his perch. Once he’s flying, a Call button gets enabled, and clicking that will make him go back to standing on his perch.

      I’m not sure if while he’s flying, his power is activated and once you Call him, it gets canceled.

    • nathan says:

      i just obtained kairos. it gives you the power every 4 days to incrase you time by 6 hours. i.e: if theres 5 hours left on a breeding time and you use the power you can collect it. it also increases all of your habitats. its pretty awesome

  2. Tina says:

    Even though I am level 35, the wheel displays xp as a possible prize. Does dragonvale go beyond level 35 now?

  3. Fraal says:

    I dont have it but I saw somebody with it and it says that it accelerates the Time of your park.

  4. katrinaperaan says:

    I read somewhere that you can only get one fragment a day through the dragon races. Can anyone confirm that is NOT true?

    • jzari says:

      I just won 2 fragments in less than hour by racing so NO its not true.

    • Jacqueline says:

      Well, I only have one fragment, but it is still a winning choice on the wheel, so I’d assume it’s still in play

    • Duddi75 says:

      I got one fragment this morning ( around 9 Danish time) and another one at 16 o’clock. It took like a zillion tries…

    • YorumiHaru says:

      well, i have 2 tablet thingy pieces, and i got them over the course of these two days…. buuuut… i heard someone got 3 pieces in only a few hours… anyone can confirm?

      ADD MEH: YorumiHaru

      • Valentina303 says:

        I’ve gotten 4 fragments in less than an hour. I hope to summon this dragon ASAP!

        Add Valentina303

      • Sandy says:

        I got 1 yesterday and then 1 this morning, first try. And another quickly after work for a total of 3….. Then I landed on another piece on the spin, but it popped up and said ” you already have this piece, please spin again for another prize!” So apparently you have to land on specific pieces to fit the puzzle. Argh!!

      • Rovno says:

        I got 4 fragments in 15min

    • Griffin012 says:

      I got 3 in a row

    • FlyruTheFlygon says:

      No, i just won 3 in the past 10 minutes… but good luck!

    • Annie says:

      It is NOT true!
      There is a “buy a fragment” option. I won 2 pieces and discovered the other. BUT, it comes at a HUGE price…. ultimately around 2K of gems!
      I am not “lucky”, but had the gems saved. Yes, I’m sick.
      I, however, do not know how to tap it’s power.
      Any help is welcomed and rewarded if I can!
      …..and may the odds be forever in your favor!..

  5. iBurn says:

    If you look at Apple’s website and read the update description it says he has the ability to speed up everything including: gold, incubation, breeding, and building. So after seeing some pictures when you select Kairos there is a call and an activate button, my guess is once per week you can call him and as long as you don’t activate his powers (speed up your park) he will stay on the perch. Once the powers are activated he leaves. This is pure speculation. I have gotten three pieces today alone from racing. Got one yesterday and one after midnight so I thought it was once per day until I just got two pieces in the last thirty minutes. So good luck and I’m always up for gem exchange! ID: epanetti

    • iBurn says:

      When spinning, before touching the wheel count UP 6 spaces from where the staff is pointing, it will be the second Dark Brown Space. This will be what you will land on.

      • Mighty mouse says:

        Thanks for letting us know this because you are right. I won a few races and counted up 6 each time and notice that was the reward each time no matter how the wheel was spun. Once again thanks for the this and maybe i’ll try another 6 hrs and see if I get another piece.

        • iBurn says:

          Ha no problem, it’s technically useless information besides verifying the fact that the prize is set before you spin. But now that you know you can’t help but look even though looking won’t change a thing! ^^

      • Thistle Thorn says:

        So it doesn’t even matter which direction you spin? That’s pretty lame…

    • Annie says:

      Thank you SO much for taking the time to respond! I see the dragon flying around a lot, but, yes, if I ‘look’ at his perch, he always is nearby and usually makes like he’s going to land…by now, I’m moving on cuz I’m just clearing habitats if it’s nighttime.
      I definately need to read more up on him!
      But, you have given me a good jumping off start!
      Thanks again!
      I am sending u a request in gratitude, but, though I have a tree, I have more than friends than gems I can give to in one day, but you will get ‘special’ consideration for your guidance! Though any further direction would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!

  6. Don K. says:

    Won one fragment so far after about 20 to 25 dragon races. looks like it will take a while before you get all the required pieces.

  7. Tati C. says:

    If anyone have it could him tell me his gamecenter ID?

    • nathan says:

      malkimfan hes on my 2nd island. they auto put it there you have no choice. well, id assume you know that. hes HUGE

  8. Stark says:

    I have the Dragon and have activated it. Have to wait 3 days to see what it dose lol. Ill be back then to give an update. ADD ME STARK360

  9. Amanda says:

    I think you can only win one a day… please let me know if anyone has been able to win two in the same day

    • OK, I got two today so far. One around 8:15 AM, one around 2:40 PM, and it was the first try both times (tons of fails in between).
      So there may really be a cool-off period, or maybe it is still just dumb luck.
      No idea, but you CAN get more than 1 in a day.
      – The Doc

      • Vagelis says:

        I do not know your time zone or where Backflip Headquarters are located, but maybe the day resets at noon or so, thats why some people have more than 1 so far! And I too believe that there might be a pattern with the first try! Too many people had the first piece on first try (including me) and then zillions of fails!
        We’ll see! Time will tell!

        • Duddi75 says:

          I didn’t get my first fragment on the first try. I got my first two earlier today and 20 minutes ago I got two more in a row. Unfortunately I already had one of the fragments.. It takes forever..!!

      • Annie says:

        Yes, u can get more than one a day. If you play a nounch of racese in a row…the game “stops” you by saying it needs time to “clean the track”. Dosen’t matter what you’ve won ( I played the track a lot even b4 this dragon and it still did that ‘pause'”.)
        Good Luck!
        …And may the odds by forever in your favor!

      • Crewylou says:

        I have him on my island, he speeds up food, incubation and breeding then just flies back and forth unless you call then he comes back and perches, would send screen shots but don’t know how, sorry. You are welcome to view at crewylou.

    • Jennifer says:

      I just got two in ten minutes. Then I landed 3 or 4 times on a piece I already have(only three so far), but it seems a bit easier than yesterday.

  10. DH says:

    The racing game is so rigged.

  11. Jenn bell says:

    I think you have a higher chance every six hours. I got one peice last night then played a zillion times with nothing. Then got one around 9 this morning and another easily after 3 this afternoon. I’m gonna keep going with this pattern and see how it goes. By the way Doc I’m a huge fan! Your always tons of help.

  12. dan says:

    Mac, i kinda think this is a ploy by backflip.

    “Hey, everyone, here’s a new dragon but you can’t have it unless you get all these fun little pieces! you might be able to win them on the wheel at the racetrack, ORRRRRR, since we’ve made that practically impossible, you can do it the easy way and buy a bunch of gems!”

    i just can’t tell if the suckers are the people who buy gems and get the pieces, or the people like us who keep spinning the wheel.

    • rysherk says:

      I totally agree. but you’ve gotta pay like 50 dollars for enough gems to get the stinkin pieces, so I think the suckers are the guys payin… maybe easier, but in the long run its a terrible investment when it only takes a couple of weeks to win them. especially since the top pieces are 300 gems!

      • Kelly says:

        The people who have the new Dragon have a phone that they “jail broke” and have an app that gives them unlimited gems, coins and treats.

  13. This dragon is just a boss the way it looks and wat it does and any I have proven that if you have won a peice by racing in the morning then wait till noon and race again then get another peice then in the afternoon and you get the picture. Add me for gems: its not football
    If you don’t then I will follow you home because I know where all u live and since I am in the uk and some of you are in the US I am guessing you lot are in America it’s just a hunch.

  14. MrGeesy says:

    I too think there is a cooldown period. I have only gotten 3 so far but i got thenm really easily when doing it with large amounts of time between. When i tried real close together did close to 100 races and no piece. Far apart only took 10- 20 races each. Lookin for friends add me MrGeesy. Level 31 and play everyday. Got all the unique dragons since i started playing.

  15. JOROYJO says:

    Hi doc got a very big prob after installing dragonvale update, can’t oen my acct now. Please help doc thanks. JOROYJO

    • Dyeyar23 says:

      There must be something on the update… My prob was everytime i open my account an imternal error occurs… It happens everytime… Ive try uninstalling, reinstall, power cycle and everything but didnt work… Please, if anyone has an idea on the solution please response in this message… Thanx.. And add me please dyeyar23_flamaster and flamemaster23

  16. Luckyme0428 says:

    I’m one of the idiots that used gems to get this dragon. It really looks bad ass but he does nothing but fly around (for now don’t know what backflip has in store with their little “golden age in store” remark). When I used the activate button I noticed that two of my eggs were instantly ready for hatching, my food was also ready for harvesting, and some of my money chest were automatically filled with cash. I have to wait 3 more days to use it again.

    • annienette says:

      I got 4 pieces that I needed in about 2 hours times playing off and on, Also won about 3 other times with repeat pieces so about seven times I landed on the fragments winning 4….just saying to kill the rumor!

  17. Luckyme0428 says:

    Sorry for the long post, but it was informative. I would love to post pics but don’t know how. Can I get a little help?

  18. Lion says:

    All there is a new dragon the ghot dragon, by breeding storm and snow but it is not actially out yet reply please

  19. Dragon69 says:

    I have gems to give away add dragon69 gem 4 gem only ppl who will give gems back please 🙂

  20. Lonnie Knox says:

    I just confirmed that the pieces are not time released. In the past 1 1/2 hours I’ve gotten three more for a total of 6 pieces (missing the last of for stage 1 of 3). In that time I also have gotten 4 duplicates which in turn just gives you a bonus spin that does not include pieces, just higher cash, experience and food.

  21. YaDad™ says:

    Up to for fragments now. I just keep getting the same ones!

  22. Justin says:

    The Kairos dragon was a nice detail they put In dragonvale. ID:justinbeav

  23. ellen says:

    thanks for the tips ^^
    add me: lyndakhuynh
    I give gems back ~

  24. Dyeyar23 says:

    Hey doc, There must be something on the update… My prob was everytime i open my account an imternal error occurs… It happens everytime… Ive try uninstalling, reinstall, power cycle and everything but didnt work… Do you have any idea how to solve this…. Thanx

  25. Vagelis says:

    Good morning Doc and everyone else! Today this morning I got my piece pretty early (second or so try) and then another one 2 tries later! And I was just playing the game, you know, for the game! I find myself that if I want something when I arm something, it will never come when I expect it! And another piece came but it said You already have this fragment. Spin the wheel again for a bonus prize!”
    So now you not only have to be lucky to land on a fragment on the wheel. You have to be extra lucky not to have it already!
    Good luck to us all!

    • Vagelis says:

      Also, to add to that, when I re-spinned the wheel because I already had that fragment, the wheel had ZERO fragments on it! Next race again the fragments appeared!

  26. ynanton says:

    Please add me I have no friends haha I will trade with everyone because I play daily! ynanton

  27. hostEmdScgO says:

    Add hostEmdScgO on game center for gem 4 gem everytime, easier than buying gems or spinning the wheel!

  28. Razor248 says:

    Does anyone or is their some sort of tactic to spinning the wheel after having won the races? I had some idea where you place the peace you want just off screen on the top of the screen and spin the wheel lightly from the middle of the screen downwards, but its not a sure thing. I won about 3 pieces in about 2 hours that way. Does anyone have a surer method though?

    Add me gem4gem : razor248

  29. Person says:

    Although this is an awesome dragon with a sweet power, I am a little disappointed with the way in which you have to summon it. Firstly, the spinning wheel is rigged and will usually speed up on the fragments. Secondly, even after playing over 30 times I have hardly gotten any pieces as they are too difficult to get. Lastly, once you have found a piece, it should be removed from the spinning wheel, as on numerous occassions I have got a piece which I have previously already discovered. What do you think?

  30. JOROYJO says:

    How to update again drag apps? After i updated mine it wont open my drag acct. It crash. Anyone who can help me? Please.. Backflip! Please do help me. Joroyjo

  31. JOROYJO says:

    Anyone experiencing the same problem after updating drag apps?

  32. wicked28i says:

    I got my fist piece last night.
    Got the second and third pieces this night.
    I got atleast 5 pieces but two I have already.
    Just try and try and eventually, you’ll get it.

  33. BigMonkeyPie says:

    Has anyone else noticed that it suddenly seems a lot easier getting pieces for stage 1/3? Between 6 and 7 o’clock this morning (GMT +1) I got no less than 8 pieces! Of course 5 of the times it was a piece I already had and I got to spin the “bonus wheel” where some of the prices are 3-5000 food! WTF?!
    What about instead letting me keep the piece and then let me sell it off in-game for gems? Maybe let me sell it for half the amount of of the buying price.
    I am currently on stage 2/3 and now it seems impossible to get any pieces on the wheel.

    • BigMonkeyPie says:

      Btw. Am I the only one who thinks that the Time Claw (the yellow dial on the perch) looks like Kairos just dropped a poo?… 😉

  34. Rach says:

    I’ve won 3 bits so far (2 within the last hour). I just won a 4th but its a fragment I already own….. I got a bonus spin and won 25,000,000 xp but then the game crashed so i didnt even get that! :’-( …..So not only are the chances of winning really low, but you have to hope its a bit you don’t already have.

    • Duddi75 says:

      The same thing has happened to me. I’ve won 3 new pieces today but landed on pieces I already own 21(!) times today! Every time I won 25000000 xp ( happened 7 times) the game crashed- and I didn’t get my prize. Very annoying!

  35. Sarah says:

    I would have it by now if it would quit landing on the one I already have or in between the ones I need /sigh/

  36. Katie says:

    add me for gem swap. Game center id is katiekwassa

  37. Timothy says:

    Almost done with 1st part..only 2 more left…whoever said there’s a chance for a piece every 6 hrs was right

  38. Noah says:

    What do u mean by pieces ? When I win a race and spin I don’t even see one pass by

  39. brian says:

    i have been playing for 6 hrs won 4 pieces and gone up 2 levels and got a ton of food. getting a little anowed cant get the last 2 pieces but ill keep going

  40. Dylan says:

    I have the dragon it’s giant and requires you to complete 3 stages buy buying the pieces of the stages or racing for them.
    Add me on game center: aceskaterdylanb

  41. Destrada says:

    I added “hostEmdScgo”, “jonnny_riley”, and “QuillanGirl” because they posted that they were looking for people to exchange gems with. They said they were reliable. I gave 3 gems 2 each didn’t receive any in return.

    DON’T ADD THEM!!!!

    They won’t send any gems

  42. Destrada says:

    I am looking for reliable players for gems. I have a gifting tree. I will give you a gem on a daily basis if given one in return. Add me -MADARA UCHIHA-

  43. zwinkiedoodle23 says:

    I won 5 pieces today within 20 mins! two of which are repeated tho 🙁 So yeah. Just keep trying!

  44. zwinkiedoodle23 says:

    I guess it’s my lucky day! Completed level 1 for within an hour 😀 add me : zwinkiedoodle23 🙂

  45. Carin says:

    How the hell do you get the pieces? I have played MANY races, and got 1st place each time…there is never anything but money, XL, and the occasional gem on the wheel. Where the heck are these pieces I’m supossed to be getting?

  46. Bradstreet says:

    Can’t wait to get him!
    Add me for gems – bradstreet230

  47. Sandykins says:

    For the past two days I’ve gone from level 32 to level 35.
    I’ve only gotten 12 out of the 21 pieces to summon Kairos. Ugh.
    I’m tempted to just use my gems but no way.
    Add me at dangiphone. (=

  48. pins46 says:

    I win a race and gobthrough to spin the wheel and my game closes itself down, anyone else experiencing this problem? Very frustrating cause it still takes the coin to enter the race. The Ghost dragon is really cool and surprisingly easy to get.

    • Katie says:

      Yeah, have the same problem from time to time. :/

      This stuff is so frustrating.. I am missing the 300 gems piece from stage 1. Tried it hundrets of times… Most times this piece is not even included in the wheel. They want me to buy it….. 🙁

      • brian says:

        i have the same prob i got the first 5 in 4 hr and i have got one more i the last day gone up 2 levels and just getting pissed off i would buy it but i dont got 300 gems and i ant going to spend real $$ to get the gems. i have read that the races are completely random so its all chance to get what you want

  49. pins46 says:

    * go through * not gobthrough lol

  50. Jaz says:

    I always get this: “you already have this fragment. spin again for another bonus..” Man! This is frustrating. LOL

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