DragonVale: How to breed a Kairos Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Kairos Dragon

BUY-IT Price:?? GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Does not appear to be breedable, it must be EARNED by winning DragonVale Races CHECK OUT OUR RACING GUIDE!


**NOTE: Update your DragonVale app 1st**

From BackFlip – “Ancient and wise, Kairos has a unique magic that can speed up time. To get Kairos, you’ll first want to add his perch to your park from the Habitat section of the Market. Then collect Kairos’ 21 fragments over 3 stages to summon him to your park. The fragments are prizes you win in DragonVale Races. Fragments can also be purchased in the DragonVale Market.”

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

487 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Kairos Dragon”
  1. Jonathan says:

    I have the kairos dragon

    Add me: j.sabiro (gamecenter)

  2. Noah says:

    This is getting annoying how do y’all race for the stages because when I spin the wheel I don’t even see any puzzle price go by

    • Bloedje says:

      You have to select not the dragontrack but the rock and then race for it

      • Vagelis says:

        NOt really! After you buy the “special rock” from the Habitats store, every time you begin a race from the Racetrack you will see the fragments on the spinning wheel! I did that to save the first couple of clicks, which dont seem much, but it really worth it if you are to race 300-400 times!

    • Heathertkb says:

      You need to buy his perch first. Look in the habitats area. Buy that and then you can start building the pieces together. Good luck!


    • spazkidz says:

      What’s annoying is paying for the race, winning, pressing ‘spin the wheel’ and getting kicked out of the game. This has happened to me repeatedly since purchasing the perch and attempting to race for the pieces. Anyone else having the same issue??

    • lokiwyld says:

      try reinstalling… when i did the update i saw them… also seems the more “perfects” you get during the race and it has more pieces on the wheel

  3. jmm22RULES says:

    Yesterday, I got mostly gold medals and there only 3-5 pieces on the wheel. But I got silver and there were 6 pieces on the wheel, then I got bronze and it had 7 pieces on it. Got my first piece from the silver wheel

  4. Noah says:

    What pieces r u talkin bout?!?!

  5. Carin says:

    I don’t even get pieces on the spinner. Never even seen one.

  6. strayligh71 says:

    He speeds up all time on all islands. So this includes all your crops all your dragons earning money and all your incubation time. I have him;)

  7. Dragon69 says:

    Im on my third puzzle (the dragon)

  8. Hello says:

    How do i get my pieces, at what time? I have 5 on the first puzzle

  9. Devil13oy says:

    Ok… after racing non-stop for the past couple of days, I got the Kairos dragon. Helps that I had this the whole week off! Not that it means anything or if it even matters, but I did vary the speed in which I spun the wheel. And I ended up getting several pieces in a row. The only issue was towards the end for the last two of pieces for both the Time Claw and Statue of Kairos. I kept getting pieces I already had – very annoying, especially when you get the bonus spin and no pieces to win in the bonus spin – lame. Eventually though, I got him. Don’t know what exactly he does, I’m assuming he just speeds everything up – from building, incubating, breeding, etc. I noticed a ‘call’ button and in his description, it says that he’s available every couple of days. So, since I just got him, and I’m not in a hurry to speed anything up… I’ll hold on to him for a bit.

    • Robertoldi says:

      I just got my Kairos Dragon!!!!
      YAYYYYYYYYY!! I did the same thing, I varied the speed of how I spun the wheel too.
      The most difficult parts were the last 2, just try to find a “trick” on how to spin. I dont know what is does, but its beauty was worth the wait.

  10. matt says:

    This is a terrible addition. I enjoyed playing the game until now. I never had a reason to race as there was no incentive, now there is an incentive but it has turned the game into race monotony. I will not give in and pay to complete the Kairos Dragon. This actually may result in me not playing Dragonvale as much.

  11. bruskedragon says:

    All i get are repeat pieces and its all i have gotten, i still have 3 pieces left for stage one and its annoying i might just buy the darned pieces at this point…

  12. Katie says:

    It is really annoying and dumb luck. I have been trying for the last piece (the most expensive) of puzzle 1 the whole day. Then my sister tried 20 times and got it finally the first time it was in the wheel. It is so stupid that you keep in trying and trying and the pieces you need do not even appear in the wheel. An hour later I raced in order to get pieces for the second puzzle and got the four most expensive ones in a row!! Ridiculous..

    But what actually about the Level ups?? You can go beyond Level 35 now but do not have any use of it???? No new island, no more habitats or anything?? I am Level 37 – anyone higher and can tell me differently??? ????

    • ZecromEX says:

      I have raced about 500 times for 1 piece and still NOTHING it’s so frustrating because it barely appears on the wheel

    • 5410Chen says:

      After race….race….race and race …
      I didn’t get the puzzle I want, but lv up to 40( it’s max)
      There’s No any new island, only increase 4 habitats.

      Btw, I just buy the tree
      Do you want a new friend to gem4gem everyday ? 🙂

    • Raevven says:

      Yes, I’ve maxed up to level 40 and I can build 41 habitats now. I’ve also got my Kairos after countless races and spins. So now I’m back to enjoying the breeding of the rare dragons I want at least 2 of. Keep going, it was addictive for me and it’s all worth it! Good luck! You can add me Raevven if you want. 🙂

  13. Arden says:

    I’m level 40 and I have completed the perch in 40 mins so try using rainbow,ruby,gold,gold allimpus and opal they werk well 4 me

  14. Dragonvale nut says:

    I LOVE this addition. Yes it takes a while to get the pieces but if you get the same piece again they let you spin again for other prizes. I always win at least 2 to 3 gems each day from the races too AND it’s a great way to level up fast! I was already at level 35 when they added new levels so I got a lot of extra habitats when they made these changes. The best part about this new rare dragon is I think it will speed everything up on all islands during a set period, meaning faster breeding, faster hatching and faster money collection which is all good! Also every higher level player needs food to level all dragons to 20 and the races give a lot of food fast. Love this game! Lol

    • tree of wisdom and life says:

      Finally got Kairos after 3 days of continuous racing..it was insane my fingers are bleeding!! Good thing is got to level 40 in no time…amazing…got 5 more habitats which can’t be too bad. Also got lots of gems from the races, mainly from the bonus spin:) I have got every every dragon in the market except Silver Olympus, but haven’t got the achievement of ”possessing evry dragon”!! I thought rare dragons don’t count towardsthis achievement…can anyone please confirm whether I’m not getting this achievement due to not having the Silver Olympus dragon?? thanks in advance:) add me ‘tree of wisdom and life’ to visit my park:) it’s not bad..considering I’m only playing for about 4 months now. thanks

  15. Sandy says:

    Phew!!! Finally got the last piece of puzzle 2. Onwards to puzzle 3. You seriously have to have no life (or a lazy weekend) to accomplish this. ;-))).

  16. Sandy says:

    Phew!!! Finally got the last piece of puzzle 2. Onwards to puzzle 3. You seriously have to have no life (or a lazy weekend) to accomplish this. ;-))). Btw. The good news, is that it helps you to level up quickly. AND I finally got the rainbow incubating. That took me forever… I’m on level 30 now and so many more “friends” are lower and have a lot of rare or limited dragons…. Grrrrrr

  17. ? says:

    I’ve been trying for days now and i’ve still got 3 pieces to get on the 2nd puzzle. Its so difficult, just luck really.
    Good news is i’ve levelled up a lot quicker so its not all bad!!!!!!! 🙂

    Add me on gamecenter


  18. Cc says:

    When I spin the wheel it tells me I’ve won either money food or XP, yet I never receive it. It just reverts back to the part where you try again. How do I collect what I’m supposed to have won?

  19. Drumindan says:

    Been trying for 2 days for last 2 bits on first stage and keep getting ones i have already :@ never have i won a gem in a race either

    • Vagelis says:

      On my perspective, what I really see to get (after the exp) is gems! Im on the second stage and today alone, except the whole 36lvl that I took, I earned also around 16 gems in a matter of a couple of hours, probably less. Most of the times when I get a fragment, is one that I have. The extra spinning that comes after that, for me at least, it has several 1 and 2 gems rewards on it! And lands on it pretty often! I never say no to gems rewards! Good luck all!

  20. Sleyf says:

    For so long I’ve tried getting all the dragons without using too many gems, but now its impossible with so many coming out at once. I only have 2 fragments left to get but i keep getting ones I already have!

    If possible could anyone add me, my gamecentre username is sleyf. I’m not sure how adding friends goes.

  21. solita says:

    there’s really no luck into it which is actually more annoying as backflip is just pulling all our legs! the wheel will ALWAYS stop on the 6th slot from the slot when you opened it (start slot is the zero then count 1 to 6 from there). they should just give the prize, just take out the bogus wheel! 🙁

  22. WhitePotato says:

    This addition’s reaalllyy sucks!
    Is Backflip really that desperate for money?
    I don’t mind not getting the piece when I spin. But how come they DON’T EVEN PUT THE MISSING PIECE ON THE WHEEL??
    I’m getting really annoyed. Missing the last piece for the 2nd puzzle, and the piece is not even there!

    • Vagelis says:

      Yes, you are right, sometimes its not even there if you need that last 1! But in reality come on. I dont believe there are many people out there who would buy with 150 and 300 gems each piece! Not everyone must have everything as soon as they come out! take some time on it!

      • WhitePotato says:

        Well, for me yes you’re right..
        I won’t spend my money for piece that’s worth 150 or 300 gems each. I don’t mind buying it for 75gems each though. Got some spare gems, and if the last piece I’m missing is the 75gems one, I’ll definitely buy it..
        But I’m pretty sure there will be ppl out there buying it, even if it costs you 150 or 300 gems each..
        Some ppl are really having trouble to get the piece you know..

        • Vagelis says:

          I know! I’m one of them! Almost the whole day today the wheel stops 1 cm after the last piece I need! Drives me crazy!
          Good luck to you though! I know it seems a torture at times! 🙂

          • WhitePotato says:

            Got it!
            Damn pretty boy!! 😀

          • ZecromEX says:

            Same with me. I like the fact that I got about 25 gems in two days from only racing but COME ON I’m half way there and looking for 3 more pieces of time claw at first it’s easy the first time you race for a new fragment (i mean a new stage) it always gives you it but then frustrating by the way anyone that’s wanting friends I have room for more add me ZecromEX

  23. Harry says:

    Yo mac how do I get gems

  24. Dragon69 says:

    I have kairos!! Got him today at10:10 am
    add me dragon69 gem4gem

  25. Dragonvalekairoslolz says:

    Add me gamecenter, gem for a gem.’ Robloxrules22′ game center id

  26. diao chan says:

    I have a hard time on this…
    Even can’t finish first puzzle 🙁
    Is it true that we can only get one piece every 6 hours???

    • Katie says:

      No! Seemed so at first but it is not true. Got 4 in a row a couple of days ago.

      • ZecromEX says:

        I’ve actually discoverd that if you change wi-fi it gives better chances at my house I have like a 1% chance of getting it and at my aunts, it gave like every time but still did not get it on first puzzle. I’m single! Lol

  27. Don K. says:

    Got the first 6 pieces of Stage 1, after trying to get 7th piece for 18 hours I bought it for 300 gems. Won the first 4 pieces of Stage 2 by racing and spinning wheel. Have tried all day to get 5th piece with no luck. I would have preferred Backflip to just say — we have a special dragon that can only be purchased for 2700 gems. That would have saved many players hours of aggravation, annoyance , and wasted time.

  28. Sandykins says:

    I only need two last pieces to summon Kairos! The head piece which is 300 gems and
    the hand holding an orb piece for 75 gems. I’m really trying to get the head then buy the hand
    but it’s just patience for now.

  29. Viking says:


    Suggest update to cannot breed, have to win pieces or buy pieces and but it price to cost of all pieces?? You do basically say that already…

    Great website!

    I always learn of new dragons from you and your breeding tips are VERY helpful. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have to figure them out by randomly trying combos.

    Just won final piece to Kairos! Almost just bought it but racing does help with getting gems and exp. was rewarding to have won it instead. Did buy two 75 gem pieces on first stage just to get to the next tho.

  30. Ceejudy says:

    I find it almost inpossible to get all the pieces unless you use gems. I have been working on the 7th piece on stage one for 3 days now and I can not get it. It always lands on the space before or after the piece I need . I feel it is rig to not win

  31. brian says:

    i broke my phone today and i miss playing this game more than my phone. lol i do love this game

  32. Danmera says:

    I loved this addition as well. Yes, there were times it was a bit monotonous. Yes, it felt like I would never land on the final elusive pieces. Now that I have my dragon, I miss the massive amounts of experience, I went up 5 levels. I miss the gems, I got about 40 gems from that little romp. Now the wait, anxious to see it in action. 3 more days.

  33. sevndedlysinz says:

    everyone who says the addition is a bad idea, sure it takes a while to get the Kairos Dragon and the pieces required for him but his ability is pretty good. Speeds up the time in your park, advancing at least an hour. drawback is it takes like four days for him to recharge but he looks damn awesome.

    add me: sevndedlysinz gem4gem. i gem back

    • techdir says:

      I went through from level 35 to level 40 to get all of the pieces and finally purchased the head late yesterday. The great surprise for me is the additional habitats when you summon Kairos. During the advancement from 35 to 40 only advanced to 36 habitats. After summoning Kairos, I had 41 available habitats in total.

      • Dragonvale nut says:

        Good to know about the extra habitats! I noticed that when I spend just one gem speeding breeding time then use the wheel I get more pieces. Just now in the second level. Also noticed the wheel does stop a set amount of spaces after the spin but it’s not always the same. Ie we have two Dragonvale games going on two iPads. …one wheel stops 5 spaces after the piece it started with and in the other game it stops at 4. I got one piece by carefully hand moving the wheel back 5 spaces then spinning it! Try it you may get lucky too. This is how I finally got the last piece of the first segment. Just watch for the pattern in your wheel and remember where it starts then when the wheel slows down start counting how many spaces it goes past the starting place. That will be you guide for where you can try to hand move after the next race that amount of space to try to win gems or pieces.

  34. Katie says:

    Omg!!! Got ist finally!!! It is huuuuuuuge!!! O.o

  35. Don K. says:

    Finally got the 5th fragment for stage 2 (Time Claw) on Sunday night. Got 6th fragment this morning. I started racing and spinning for the 7th and finally fragment (300 gem one) and after a number of races and spins, I noticed that the 7th fragment was not on the wheel at least 50 percent of the time. Decided not to get myself aggravate dans purchased the final fragment of Stage 2 for 300 gems. I have started racing and spinning for Stage 3. I have one fragment so far, but I noticed that sometimes there are no fragments on the wheel and sometimes there is only one fragment on the wheel. Hoping to be able to win the first 5or 6 fragments and then buy the last one or two with gems. Doesn’t make sense to me to race and spin 50 percent of the time with no chance to win the fragment that you need.

  36. Snw616 says:

    Wow I got 4 pieces just today. I have the chronolith and now I have 3 pieces for the time claw. It’s kind of annoying and tedious having to race so many times but once you’re on a roll you’ll be good

  37. Alex o says:

    It took me 2 days to finish all 3 puzzles I was stuck on last piece of third and had to know the mot pricey one for over 6 hours I made over 300 gems so I bought it soon as 300th gem banked can’t imagine how much longer head woulda taken wo getting lucky a lot hitting gems on spins

  38. Mike Zulueta says:

    I just finished the kairos summoning. Check out my park

    Game Center: Rice n Sporks

  39. Babsmomof4 says:

    Got it after non stop racing for DAYS! It’s huge! Love that I got so much food , money, Xperia, and gems from all the racing…it helped me level up, get 2 dragons fed to level 15, and buy some extra habitats and shrines. Waiting for the pieces was frustrating, but overall I’m really loving the addition! Add our family, we play daily, and gift gems daily! Babsmomof4, blessedbabs, NateB0320, olemissrebel1972, alexbennetttwin2

  40. Gamerdo says:

    Just got the Kairos from sheer racing non-stop almost… For me mostly mornings and nights…l didn’t use any gems. Plus side was that I leveled up quickly plus am getting many more gems… Downside of course is it took a lot of spinning!! 🙂

  41. Sandy says:

    I just got it!!! yeah…. Now I’m not sure what it does. There is a button that says power ready activate, what happens when I push it? I don’t want kairos to go away…. The is another button that says call…. Will I have to wait for him to come back? He is beautiful, so don’t want him to leave.

    • Penny says:

      Push it. It speeds ur park up for 6 hours. Very cool Dragons finish incubating, food is ready for harvest. Wish I knew that before I pushed it or I would have cleared all of my habitats before pushing it. Don’t know what the call button does yet. It hasn’t lit up for me to be able to push it. Only got it today so time will tell.

      Add me to trade gem for gem. Ynnep1

    • sevndedlysinz says:

      and there is a ‘call’ button that you can push to bring him right back to the perch. 😀

  42. Bratbid says:

    Hey Doc
    Just got kairos
    Did you notice that there is an arrow that is not highlight when you get all three stages? Is there going to be more stages?

    • I did…
      not sure if that is simply laziness on the designer not wanting to fill in that space, or maybe FUTURE legendary dragons will have more stages. We’ll see!
      – The Doc

  43. Timothy says:

    Got 1st and 2nd stage to kairos after a week and a half…now onto the 3rd stage…*sigh last piece on every stage is hardest to get 1st 2-3 are easy

  44. Cody says:

    Add me to trade gems!! I send them everyday

  45. cityhopper says:

    Rate this game at 1/5 star in the appstore. Lets drag its ratings down because it doesnt play fair.

    The wheel pointer will always land 6th spot from where it is originally positioned. It is possible to get the fragments but when? It doesnt assure you that if you get many perfects in the race you’ll land the 6th spot with whatever fragment you need.

    Generally speaking, they developed this Kairos feature to increase the time you spent in this game, increasing user engagement. This allows them to look for more investors by showing good metrics.

    If you want them to play fair, rate this game at 1/5 star so they’ll fix it.

    Oh and btw I know you wont stop till you get all fragments but its just a trick, which you’ll achieve till ???

    • sevndedlysinz says:

      the wheel lands randomly. you can spin it however fast you want. where do you get your information from? clearly you dont play the game or you would know these things….

  46. brigoth says:

    I got Kairos Today. My suggestion for those last 1-2 pieces in each set is keep on truckin’… I gained almost 4 levels (26-30) just going for the last time claw piece

  47. XJoWx says:

    Just completed kairos and didn’t have to buy a single gem.

  48. John5now says:

    Finally got my kairo dragon, without buying, stage 3 was easier than stage 2. Lv 35 up to 37. It’s a beautiful dragon . 🙂 🙂 🙂

  49. Don K. says:

    Completed stage 3. In some ways Stage3 was easier than Stages 1 & 2. Started Stage 3 about 4:00pm on Monday — got 4 fragments by 11:00 pm Monday including the 2nd fragment( 150 gem one ) and the 4th fragment (the 300 gem one). Won the 5th & 6th fragments by 2:00 pm today(Yuesday). The 7th and last fragment was a 75 gem item. Tried to win that fragment but it was only on the wheel once in 5 to 10 spins so I finally purchased the last fragment for 75 gems. Final line– won 18 of 21 fragments racing and spinning the wheel and used 675 gems to purchase final fragment in each stage.

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