DragonVale: How to breed a Kairos Dragon
BUY-IT Price:?? GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Does not appear to be breedable, it must be EARNED by winning DragonVale Races CHECK OUT OUR RACING GUIDE!
**NOTE: Update your DragonVale app 1st**
From BackFlip – “Ancient and wise, Kairos has a unique magic that can speed up time. To get Kairos, you’ll first want to add his perch to your park from the Habitat section of the Market. Then collect Kairos’ 21 fragments over 3 stages to summon him to your park. The fragments are prizes you win in DragonVale Races. Fragments can also be purchased in the DragonVale Market.”
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
i hate how if you get one that you already have you cant spin for another just stupid prizes. they should change that.
hey Doc, do you have any tips on winning pieces?
This is a preset game. It plays the numbers game. Gives u a peice when u have done so many races, so on and so on. The spinning of the wheel is a pre determined prize, no matter what way u spin or how hard. I no this cause I can tell what I’m going to get even b4 spinning. And never get it wrong. So here’s the tip, get racing and clock up the numbers. Tht simple
Really, just how do you know what you will get before you spin??
I now have 2 pieces on the third stage of Kairos…. Just keep racing and spinning, there is no magic way to get more pieces, you can be 1,2 or 3 and get anywhere from zero to 8 pieces on the wheel regardless of how you raced… Ie good, great, okay, perfect do not give you more or less pieces on the wheel.
I have competed in over 100 races to gain the 14 pieces so far and gained 3 levels in exp gains 🙂
Good, just keep racing.
When the board loads,what ever peice it starts on, count six peices up and u will be winning the 6th peice.
You are absolutely correct. If you count six up or down, that is what you will win. So, once the wheel loads, your prize has been determined. But, is there anything that can be done to influence what that prize will be, before the wheel loads?
You are correct about the track stopping at a set number of spaces but it’s not the same amount of spaces for all games. I have two Dragonvale games going on two different devices and one of them stopped 5 spaces after the starting space and the other was 4. The next day it changed to 4 and 6. I guess people can try a practice spin and count. I do know you can hand walk it back the set amount of spaces for the bonus spin if you land on a piece you already had and you have a high chance of getting the prize you “start” with verses the set amount of spaces it normally passes through.
To all the friends of >>Moosh<<
My game is not letting me use all my gems everyday! 🙁
I bought the gifting tree for a reason!!!!
Please don't leave me… I have a great group of 6, but the game is not being fair!!
Just got it today I got tired of racing for an hour to get the dragon statue piece,
I was so frustrated when I handed my brother the phone he the piece on the first try!
I have been trying for the pieces forever! On the last puzzle and need two more pieces. Is there any difference starting into a race from entering in to kairos and picking a piece to race for then just racing?
I had better luck getting the pieces faster by going through the Kairos perch and selecting a needed piece to race instead of going directly through the dragon track. Saw a difference trying for two different Kairos dragons via two different games .
I completed Kairos a few hours ago and didn’t buy a gem either. Spent a lot of time racing. I went up about 4 levels. It was a little irritating when some of the Gold wheels didn’t have any pieces or gems. Once I got the last piece in level 2 which was yesterday evening, I flew through the rest. I got 3 pieces in the early morning. Two back to back around noon. And the last 2 fairly close together.
Hi BigJo, I got the last part much faster after the the first two sets of pieces too! Be patient everyone because you will get it if you keep racing. 🙂
Does anyone notice that in some races the piece you need isn’t even an option on the wheel? Wtf is that about?? Helppppp
That’s the same with me, I have all the pieces for puzzle 1 except for the top middle 1
Just got kairos few minutes ago, it’s amazing it’s so freaking big!!! Addm me on gamecenter: masterieon
I know right! I just got mine a few minutes ago too!
Finally I got kairos I reached max level trying to get this thing
Just got the Kairos dragon after three or four days of spending a lot of my free time racing. Managed to get all 7 pieces of the final stage in just a couple hours tonight. The dragon looks awesome and all the other prizes I got from the wheel added up to about 500,000 food, 50-60 gems and 4 levels. Plus I pretty much broke even on dragon cash. Definitely worth doing it the hard way. Good luck all!
Finally got him today!!! Can only be gotten thru racing. Good luck all. Friend me [E]Dragon
Weee- Finally I got Kairos!! The 3rd stage was by far the easiest- for me anyway. Completed the 2nd stage yesterday and got the first 4 pieces (3rd stage) in a row. This morning I got two more on first and second try. The only part missing was the head. My 9 year old son wanted to try and got it on his first try. But the first 2 stages were killer- especially the first one!
Has anyone else experienced the same?
For me it was the HARDEST. I spent more than a WEEK trying to get the head fragment for the 3rd stage!
From what I’ve noticed, the more ‘PERFECT’ you get in the race, you get a higher chance at the peices..
1st stage took me a total of 3 hours.
2nd stage suprisingly took me 30minutes.. o_o
3rd stage took me 2 hours
This was over the course of 2 days hahaa
Anyways i LOVE KAIROS! And i LOVE his ability!
Add me on Dragonvale! Gem for Gem! My name is EpicOinkers!
I just got my Kairos dragon today, I finished the 2nd and 3rd stage in 1 morning, I spent about 4 hours non-stop playing
so happy 🙂 you can use the power to speed up about 6 hours of everything in your park, and you can use it every 4 days.
I a got Kairos dragon. Took so long to get the twenty first piece. Add me I’m on every day. ID:rocketshideout
I have THE dragon in Two and half day
Dont play it THE whole time THE trick is not play to Much leave soms time in between then you get THE other Stones faster. Always looking for friends you can add me mjsih id. Look AT my Islands i am stil saving for upgrading my bereiding cave and island and tree.
Getting the pieces takes some luck, persistence and patience. I got my final piece 300 gem cost piece of 2nd stage, head(300 gem cost), neck, back leg/hip, and foot of final stage all within a 20 min period of about 30 races. Now just waiting for wing, shoulder, and hand/orb piece to finish the whoe set and get kairos. The trick/preview method of its the prize 6 section/segments ahead of where the wheel begins pointing at is true I do it at every wheel after races.
Same here… Those must be the hardest pieces to get.
Add me I just got one its long but worth it at the end his so cool and wicked add me to see and please lend me gems 🙂 checkout my park at k.jamz
Finally got him without spending any gems!!
One more! I’ve been trying for 2 days to get the head fragment of the Statue of Karios. So hard!
As far as I no the board cannot be influenced, don’t matter how many perfects of 1st places u get. I Can got from a all perfect round which will not have a single price up. From coming 3rd and the wheel being packed with peices. That’s why I think it’s purely numbers, hit a certain number of races and it gives a peice up.
Finally got him! Once I buckled down and raced non stop I completed puzzle 2&3 within a couple hours. A trick I learned is you can move the prize wheel before you spin in. If you move it down about 5spaces from what you want and slowly spin it, it lands on what you want. Also if you don’t know, if you use an epic dragon like a gem dragon, the dragons you race against are also epic. All dragons are slow on the track and its easier to hit the marks with a perfect. I hope my lil tricks help someone!
I have Gem Tree. Add me on Game Center, MrsAngryPanda. I’m slow at returning gems because I get bunches, but I try my best to return them as soon as I can 🙂
got him, come check him out! “anndim” he’s cool, dont know what he does yet tho… lots of spins no cheats
I found a loop in the system. Spin te wheel slowly and it won’t spin. So if you see what is where you can determine how hard or soft to spin it to get the price. Got 12 prices this way in only 20 minutes. Hope it helps.
Already knew that but thanks for the top anyway. 🙂
Lol well done on getting the peices. Although there is no loop. The prize is set b4 u spin as I previously explained. No matter how hard or soft u spin!! U would of ended up get the exact same prize
St its supposed to say prize ad pieces not price and prices
And it’s supposed to say sorry not st. Silly autocorrect
I am on stage 3 and just from getting the last two on stage 2 by getting lucky on the spins! 😀 I also have 3 pieces of stage 3 already! ;D
Finaly!! Took a while but got it…
Now im not gonna do races for a while xD
add me on GS 08Ale I like to see other people parks. Will also gem who ever gem me
I hate the stupid track cleaning thing. I used to be able to rice for hours without track cleaning coming up and now it come up after every race! Scince when did the tracks cleanliness become important?! And yes there is a loop. It took 4 days to get my first 2 pieces and by checking and spinning slowly I got 12 in the past 30 minutes. Please do explain that
Hey kool hippo,
When I get a repeated track cleaning notice I just click on a few habitats to collect money,then go back to the track and it’s ready to race again. It’s a good way to collect extra money from habitats that won’t hold much and it will get rid of the track cleaning message.
Woa it seems most of you guys get kairos. I’m still missing the last piece of the first stage now. Shame on me! I race about ten times everyday. For a person that rarely used the race track before, 10 times a day is A LOT. And most of the prizes I got was food. So I got frustrated and wondered if I could ever get him. But then I read your comments and realized how little my effort was. U got 4 level up by racing? Seriously? I guess I have to put more time in racing then. Cross my fingers and good luck to me 🙂
it took me at least 2 weeks to get Kairos.
i play the dragon race every night since i have to work during the day.
when the games says that they have to clean the track, go to the perch, from there pick a piece and race from there.
i race until i slept playing. 🙂
Finally got Kairos!
Yey! This one is so cool!
Congrats! I move on to second stage now. Getting closer and closer to Kairos yay
I’m do frustrated! Im stuck on the last piece of the second stage! I raced at least 50 races today and the piece wasn’t even on thr wheel! Atleat put it in the wheel! And then the track cleaning thing comes up very other race! I’m emailing backflip studios this is ridiculous!
The last piece on each stage takes forever. I have kairos now but took a long time, just be persistent. Add me on Classicad.
Finally got the last piece to the time claw! I’m happy now
I’m not happy the stupid things hard to get.
Took me a long time to get the Kairos dragon without any use of gems…
Add me 🙂 I’ve got the gifting tree and will pay you back gem for gem 🙂
Love Kairos and his ability. It took me about 100 races to get the last piece, so don’t give up and don’t waste your gems. Perseverance and time is the name of the game with this one, but in the long run he does save you some time. Awesome dragon. Thanks Backflip!
It’s really not that hard I completed the kairos in 3 days playing dragonvale 1hr each of those days.
The whole 6th item on the wheel of prize works 6up or 6down. You need patience on this one.part of the game 🙂
If you would like to visit my park please do so. I do gem 4 gems daily but, with the amount of gems were allowed to give out it takes time for me to give out gems to everyone. however, I do give gems to the first new 6 gamers who adds me.
Have fun!
Game Center: Michael.Zulu.Eta
It’s 7. Not 6.
Have the first seven w/ 100+ races
Add me jakesag
I…I just got it…. It’s really big…
It took like a week of racing to kairos and at first I was frustrated with how long it was long it was taking but then I went up four levels and got food, dragon cash, and a few gems so all in all, even though it takes a while to get the prize you’re actually working for, you shouldn’t get frustrated because you’re getting a lot of stuff in return.
I finally got it!!!! It’s NOT impossible, although it may seem, beLIEVE me, it’s not. You’ve just gotta try real hard to get the fragments. See mine at my park! I’m on constantly. It’s kind of an addiction, but hey. It’s better than drugs, smoking, or alcohol, right? Anyways, my Game Center name is Drangon3. See you there!
Who can explain this loop thing better? I can’t get it to spin slow… And how farip or down from your target piece do you need to be to spin slow? A few notches inside your target piece or 1 piece above or below etc?
Finally, when I visit my two friends who have it, it looks like one of the ugliest dragons of all!! Lol!!! So great it’s 60 times bigger!! Hehe
Count 6 spaces up from where the wheel starts before you spin. And that is your prize, no matter which direction or speed you spin.
Finally got him! Woo
Need 3 friends gem for gem every day. Tulsacane22
Just get him now realy hard just continue try to get him never give up! Add me xbgnity gem4gem get tree gem
Add me 🙂 beastlybijin on game center
I finally got the kairos dragon!!! Took me forever! •__• I also noticed that I could still win fragments even if I didn’t place first or second in the races. I won a fragment on both silver and bronze. So I just used kairos time magic, does anyone know exactly how far ahead he speeds up time? I assume by a few hours, because most (not all) of my habitats were ready to collect money, along with one of my breeding caves and one gem. If anyone knows how much time ahead that would e great ^_^ thanks!
seems to be 6 hours, does anyone agree?
If you’re looking for someone to trade gems with please add me! Star0309 thanks!
This is really not to hard to get. I have 3 accounts and got 2 already with minimal effort. It seems there is a way to get the spinner to stop at the right spot but it is not full proof. Also how it gives you 5 pieces when you win gold or sometimes 1 or none. Or you get silver and get 6 pieces, whoever came up with the plan has a strange way of doing things. All I can say is just keep racing and it is possible with enough patience.
Hey doc always appreciated you work and would love to see your park and help with gems, username Rufio 94. Also to all other users going insane for this dragon, anyone that wants to add me gem for gem to end the races this a mass request.
Hi everyone…. Just an FYI…. When you get this dragon, it is very cool but only can be used once every four days. Still, I love it… But you can and are earning very good ex points, money, food and gems….. More so than you will earn at races once you get it…. I was obsessed and got it fairly early by racing a gazillion races…. But now, I can’t earn as much on my races anymore… And still need cash and food since I’m only up to level 33. So now I wish for the good paying races trying to get the dragon…. AND I still can’t get the panlong!!!!! Just a thought
I have it add me “Ariesterday”