DragonVale: How to breed an Ash Dragon
BUY-IT Price:500 GEMS
HOW TO BREED:Plant and Lightning / Tree and Lightning
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
Have a gifting tree, looking to trade gem for gem! ID: AJG0608
Add me for gem for gem DAMASTA$$61
Gem 4 Gem add me Mike.Zulu
Add me , I do gem for gem , 2 accounts <3
Lazzar777 & Railmybum Add them both :)!
They need to come out with more decorations in this game!
Add me on Game Center. i play all day, im addicted!
I added u have sent at least four gems nothing in return???
I have also sent gems and nothing in return!!!!
Me too 🙁
i e-mailed and asked for more decorations, no
Add me on gamecenter. Gem 4 gem
I did it with CURRENT (lvl10) and Plant (lvl10)
I need gem so frend me on game center my I’d is f8tltilldeath@gmail.com
Got it by accident tring for panlong pollen and flyer fly looking dragon
Got it first try. I gift gem per gem. Add me mskatmccoy. Tree And lightning.
Dear Macenstein,
Do you think breed ing ash with something like lava or mud would work? I ask because I have not had any luck with mud and lava as a combo and ash is black, kind of like opal. So can you try a combo with ash and give me your results?
Doubt it. Gem dragons seem to only have one combo each month. I suggest having two muds and two lavas, and just keep breeding them 3 times a day until you get an Opal.
– The Doc
Dear Doc,
Is it best to use the same 2 lava and mud dragons till it works or will changing the combo be better?
For example, when i hatch the new Lava or mud ive been leveling these up to breed, am i increasing, decreasing, or not effecting my chances?
Many thanks,
I don’t think the pairing matters, nor the order, or the age, so long as they are breedable.
All luck.
– The Doc
C’mon doc I promise to send you a gem everyday please please send me a request at “pntkdby” I really want to see your park too. Please.
Thanks, i’ll keep trying. Great job your doing.
I have tried different level combos depending on what I get…lava or mud. Everything I have is upgraded and I got one in the breeding cave…the dragons are flying over each other. Just for hoots I have tried both breeding places and have mud and lava in epic amounts! I’ve built up to lvl 20 as a result!
I’m done trying….going for max money for minute until next month….good luck!
Macenstein i have got every gemstone dragon since july i especially want this one because it is my birthday month add Luch360
Got Ya!
Just lightning left, plant right
Add me for trading gem for gem. My GC is GamesCrazy9. I am looking for 4 more friends.
Thanks for adding! I sent you a gem today.
Thank you guys for adding as friends. I have more than 4 now and would not be able to trade gems anymore. Thanks again…
Thank you for trading gems with me, it’s sad that one can not communicate with game center. I subscribed to this thread so if you want to contact me, try it here, if you’re on holiday or sth else.
I am looking for friends where can i Find friends my acount is MJSJH
MJSIH öre else mjsih
add: XAlkoX
Why does the ash dragon fly like such a retard? And why no dragon breath?
Who cares?!……he makes good money!
Why does the ash dragon fly like such a retard? And why no dragon breath?
Because its a evil dead referance
I’ve git mine with storm+cactus
I got mine with cactus and firefly
Cactus and firefly is Torpaz..
Add me gem for gem *ducky12345*
Add me gem for gem *ducky12345* please I need to get epic breeding cave
Just breed it in the way it says… got mine with lightning on left plant on right. Very easy.
That’s not the way it says but great job 😉
thats the way it says on the game anyway
First try and it worked 3 times in a row…..lightening and seaweed
Got in on fifth try! Thanks doc!
Got it on first try using sonic and evergreen.
Have gem tree! Add Bwon1
Gem for gem. I have a tree and no friends. Looking for 6 people to trade everyday!!!
Add me AJG0608, I’ll trade daily!
Add me I’ll trade daily with u
Add me I’ll trade gem 4 gem daily!
Hello everyone 🙂 plz add me itachim22
Add me on Gamecenter! Rebelangel:) (with smiley) I’ll try my best to trade gem 4 gem 😀
How do you have brand new equinox eggs in that picture with the Ash dragon egg?
Hey Doc-
Is the Ash dragon the one for Halloween, or should we expect another one later in the month?
Please add me on gamecenter if you wish to trade gems on a daily basis. I have the gifting tree and have room for 4 more loyal traders.
Add me I’ll trade daily
Current & plant works. Both level 10 in breeding cave.
How do you get the current dragon?
Dear Macenstein,
I am trying to breed the opal with lava and mud both being level 10. Does the order or level actually matter? I am a big fan of your breeding tips… Thank you for keeping it updated… Would love to see your park. Thanks.
I’ve gotten all gemstone dragons since July and I’ve gotten at least two a month using both dragons on both sides and they usually werent the same level. So i don’t think the pairing or level matters as long as they are the right dragons.
Thanks. 🙂
Add me, I have gifting tree. Koonatic
24/7 player. Gem4gem add me
Game enter: AzianBoiLoyalty
I also give tips on how to get a lot of gems & breeding combinations.
Email: Azian_boi_swaqq@yahoo.com
Spread my name and give me love and support. Soon I’ll be putting up my dragonvale website.
Also check out my Island 🙂
I got one with plant and lightning my second try =) add me i play everyday Heatherbabe1991
Add me I’ll trade gem 4 gem
I just got the ash dragon with lighting and plant.befor that,I got a lot of cactus dragons. Also,friend me on Game Center.my account is Hippomon82.
I got 2 back to back in the regular breeding cave with lightening and swamp
will they release Bone Dragon again?????
Its super easy to get. Add me gem for gem reed106 🙂
Does anyone know why I can’t gift gems daily? Sometimes I’ll go 2-3 days without being able to gift.. My friends are gray and I’m unable to give anything.
Try forceclosing and start again. I have that issue often when I’m switching between accounts.
Thank you! That worked!
I really need Gems for an epic breeding island add me Gem4Gem KayleneC
Add me send me gems il send u gems! I play every day my game center name is =(^_~)=
JOROYJO add me.. Thanks
Add me DANTHEMAN413360 gem 4 gem
Just got a bonsai gifting tree gem for gem!!!
Add me for daily gem4gem,
Have dragontree and a few Open places left!
Add me
I will actually give daily gems for gems for first 3 people to add ‘jpascalee’
Accidentally bred it with seaweed and firefly.
I need three more people to give gems to every other day. Add me on Game Center if you want gems, my name is Saigiekat (:
I’ll add you ASAP, I have two places left since I bought the tree. accept me and I’ll send you the first 🙂
My husband just started playing this game cause I’m a 24/7 player. Please add us for gem trading. I have gem tree, he needs gems to get the tree.
If you’re interested in game trading, why didn’t you send some back? Because I sent you two or three and never got one from you, I deleted you 🙁
Add please GC – GGzilla, add for gem trades 😀 thanks
I dunno how to get friends for DragonVale so add me? I play everyday so will always be gifting
i tried scorch and tree thinking it would work but got a 14 hour incubation time?