Happy Halloween from Macenstein! - Macenstein

Happy Halloween from Macenstein!

Halloween Desktop wallpaper Mac Chicks Azaylia Sen and Katelyn Laney

Click to dowload the high-res desktop wallpaper

Well, here in NJ, Halloween has been officially postponed due to Hurricane Sandy (just like it was exactly one year ago due to the ice storm we had) but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a treat for all of you who were NOT affected by the storm! Here’s a great shot sent in by faithful Macenstein reader, and recent Mac Chick-photographer du jour, Mark Kuta Model Mayhem / Facebook , of Mac Chicks (and Playboy Models) Katelyn Laney, and Azaylia Sen

To see more of the girls, be sure to check them out at:

Model Mayhem

Model Mayhem
Instagram Kittykat0416

One Response to “Happy Halloween from Macenstein!”
  1. Jon Rosen says:

    This may be Halloween, but I am pretty sure they are not witches.

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