DragonVale: How to breed a Smoke Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Smoke Dragon

DragonVale Smoke Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 100 GEMS

HOW TO BREED:Chrome and Blazing/ Lava and Air / Air and Fire

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale Smoke Dragon Egg

The first 2 eggs are DragonVale Smoke Dragon Eggs

168 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Smoke Dragon”
  1. Amary says:

    Got it with air n fire first go whooop

  2. Mmybird says:

    I just got 19 hrs with chrome & blazing on upgraded ebi.
    Any idea what I have coming?
    Please add me gem for gem. I have the gem tree and 6 gems waiting for good homes.

    Thank you.

  3. Harry says:

    Yo mac keep trying to add u but no answer plz add me

  4. Alee says:

    Got it first try fire and air in that order both level 10 (: add me katsh66 gem for gem (:

  5. Jenn788 says:

    Got it on the first try using fire(left) and air(right) in the breeding cave! Thanks Mac!

  6. Alee says:

    I decided just to randomly breed my blue moon and solar eclipse dragon and got a 48 hour breeding time. Any idea what i might get? add me katsh66 gem for gem (:

  7. nbrass94 says:

    Air and fire works! On my 4th try though I kept getting blazing
    Add me gem for gem game centre: nbrass94

  8. frenchstarr says:

    Got it with dodo and fire first try.

  9. Madhatter0 says:

    Got it first try with chrome and blazing. Add me gem for gem madhatter0 🙂

  10. Darcc tsang says:

    When trying for a Smoke Dragon with the following combinations;

    Chrome & Blazing …..could result in the following fails: Brass (5hrs), Blazing (8hrs), Chrome (5hrs), Forge (24hrs)
    Lava & Air ….. could result in the following fails: Lava (10hrs), Dodo (16hrs), Sandstorm (2hrs), Air (2hrs)
    Air & Fire…… could result in the following fails: Air (2hrs), Blazing (8hrs).

    I ran on both the normal breeding cave, and EBI but was gutted when got Forge using Chrome & Blazing, but finally got Smoke Dragon on my 3rd attempt on normal breeding cave using Air & Fire both level 10s after getting Blazing twice.

    Hope this helps everyone!
    I am a serious everyday player.

    Add me for gem for gem exchange on game centre: DarccTsang

    Just wanna give a shout to out my lovely gf who i love so much! she also introduced me to DV!

    • Kyle says:

      I got a gold dragon w/ chrome and blazing too. Wouldn’t consider it a fail though haha 😀

    • Jeanett says:

      Thanks for the list! I couldnt remember what the incubation for Forge was, which must be what I have now. I also play everyday & tried to add you but it wouldn’t go through. I have a gem tree & will trade gem for gem! My Id is JeanettJ

  11. Alexandros says:

    Got it by surprise as a failure from solar eclipse “Mud + Blazing”, however it’s not really a failure cause I got another solar after and this dragon looks awesome! 😀

  12. James says:

    I need some friends to trade gems with FENIX38

  13. Nancie says:

    Was trying for frostfire with cold and blazing and got smoke, first try.

  14. Eric Loh says:

    Got a sandstorm using lava & air. Not too bad a try.

  15. Bbevans says:

    Got it first try with chrome & blazing. I am level 35 . It has been easier getting rare dragons lately — Possibly because I am at a higher level??

  16. Chris11122 says:

    Got it on first try with fire and fog

  17. Laura says:

    I got smoke dragon twice in a row, first try, using blaze and bone dragons.

  18. Trogdor says:

    Got it first try level 15 fire and 10 snow on regular breeding cave

  19. Umelsi says:

    obsidian and sonic, without ever knowing it was available, while trying to breed my second gold olympus.

  20. > says:

    Blazing + Snow, first try. I think it’s the best combination

  21. Lomodoc says:

    Keep getting blazing. Add me lomodoc gem for gem 🙂

  22. Dusk26 says:

    I got it with bone and air @Dr.Macenstein

  23. Bonnie says:

    Have two now, as well as two eclipse!!!! Yeah!!!!! As for the kairos
    i give up i’ve raced their legs off and still no kairos!!!

  24. Zach says:

    Hey guys! I you want to trade gems, add me!
    Game center: Kiddo234

  25. Stefan says:

    Just got my 2nd solar eclipse on the island from blazing and mud thought it was another rainbow since I was tryin for panlong while breeding solar eclipse with moon in cave trying for a second solar eclipse but got a second moon instead then 1st pair of blazing and mud on island 14hours so guessing its a smoke dragon and 1st pair of blazing and mud in cave gets 36hours!!! Soooo happy since havent upgraded either of them just gotta wait for all them to finishing breeding and incubating to add to my big collection. Gem for gem.

  26. ChelseaK says:

    I just bred lava and air and ended up with a 48 hr breeding time… What could this possibly be?

  27. crimsontide91 says:

    Got it on the regular cave with Snow+Blazing on the second try, good luck!

  28. Erin says:

    I just got this with blazing and mud. I was trying for a panlong.

  29. JOROYJO says:

    CONOR are you here?

  30. Pyxigirl says:

    Just did lava and air and got a 48hr breeding time, what have I got? Possibly rainbow or Gold?

  31. Fyrewhisp says:

    I bred the Blazing Dragon and the Crystal Dragon and unknowingly bred a Smoke dragon. Yay! So Blazing and Crystal is a confirmed match for the Smoke dragon.

  32. Kittlesbug says:

    I got it with blazing and plant one the second time.. I was trying to get the seasonal though..

  33. Af says:

    Got it with firefly and cotton both lvl10 at the regular breeding cave, trying for a seasonal dragon, but got smoke instead on Saturday

  34. gothefro53 says:

    I got it 6 try with fire and air good luck everyone!!!
    Add me gem for gem game centre: gothefro53

  35. Overdosn says:

    Add Overdosn Gem for Gem looking for continuos people to gem please add me I have a tree =)

  36. DJ says:

    Blazing & Cold 1st time 🙂

  37. Joselyn says:

    Add me and I’ll send you gems. I play everyday and try I send gems to everyone that sends them to me: lilwhiskeygirl

  38. JRW says:

    Got it 2nd try with lava and air in the normal breeding cave!

  39. Ashatia says:

    I got this dragon accidentally by breeding blaze and crystal ( I wanted a gold Olympus) add me for gem for gem 🙂

  40. Lyk12 says:

    Tried air and fire a few times and always got blazing. Got smoke on the first try with fog and fire.

    If anyone needs a friend, I’m lvl 40 and have every dragon ( Have been playing for over a year 🙂 ). My Id is lyk12 if you want to check my park out

  41. Yon3Lay says:

    Plz add me @ gamecenter: Yon3Lay

  42. Grievous Maca says:

    Strange, I usually have luck getting all dragons, but this time it took me 16 tries to get the Smoke. Got it with Chrome and Blazing in the EBI.

  43. Bonnie says:

    Does anyone have the 411 on the new Quest option??

  44. Hardo says:

    Air + Blue Fire first try! I swear,,,,

  45. Susan says:

    New combo attempt: Blazing +Snow finally worked!! Tried bunches with other combos & got no smoke.

  46. Mums Beast says:

    Dragonvale keeps chucking me out. Can it breed, send gem, feed (for long) but can collect money for a short time. Is this happening to anyone else? Ahhhh

  47. Andrew says:

    All of you are missing another way to breed the smoke dragon.You can also breed a scorch and/with a fog and result a smoke dragon.Some of you are level 35,you should know this stuff.I mean I do,and I’m only level 21.

  48. jojok13 says:

    i got 1st try just used cold and blazing I’m on lvl 19

  49. Billy Bob says:

    I got it using mud/blazing. Plz add me. My GC is Joehugu

  50. Draggy says:

    I just used sonic and lava dragons, and i got smoke dragon ;D

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