DragonVale: How to breed a Cyclops Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Cyclops Dragon

Dragonvale Cyclops Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 2100 GEMS

HOW TO BREED:Ash and QuickSilver / Swamp and Magnetic

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

Dragonvale Cyclops Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the Dragonvale Cyclops Dragon Egg

362 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Cyclops Dragon”
  1. I love this egg.
    – The Doc

  2. Lisa says:

    Was hoping you saw this new dragon. Will try a few combos but my lack of gems will most likely have me waiting on your outcome.
    Thanks, in advance Doc

  3. Typo says:

    i really hope it isn’t the same combo to get the other olympus dragons.

  4. Lisa says:

    I just got it with ash and quicksilver. Took a screen shot but how do I share the pic? The egg is whitish with a brown eye.

  5. Ditte says:

    Okay i Got 2 Of Them already

    Mud + Magnetic

  6. Typo says:

    confirming ash + quicksilver got it on my first try. thanks Lisa!

  7. Leftie48 says:

    got it with ash and rust

    • Michelle says:

      I also got mine with ash and rust. Tried Docs combos many many times. Got it 2nd time I tried this since I only have 1 quicksilver and had it in a cave already.

  8. Don K. says:

    Confirming that Ash & Quicksilver is a useable combination. Got 33 hour breeding time on the 3rd attempt.

  9. Sarabeth says:

    Do any of u guys have a. Seasonal? How do I get it!!!????

    • Brianltl says:

      I got a Seasonal with Blazing & Lichen…after many, many…i seriously lost count.

      • Mina says:

        I got my first one with blazing/lichen…it took about a month…dedicating both breeding cave and island. I just incubated my 2nd today! I’ve been trying for my second for about a week using (alternating) Blazing/Lichen, Firefly/Pollen and Flower/Fog. I got 4 rainbows and finally a seasonal..(Firefly/Pollen was the one I got seasonal with). Visit my park and add me as a friend! GC Name: MommaBug2004

    • elais says:

      i got seasonal with gift and panlong

  10. Jimbobfreddan says:

    Just got this with quicksilver and ash. 33 hours breed time, 2100 gems.

  11. Typo says:

    cactus and rust can also be used since they are the same elements.

  12. Rocky says:

    Fourth try with quicksilver an ash. Took 40ish gems to finally get it

  13. Sarabeth says:

    Anything else?

  14. lowtie says:

    Rust then lightning worked for me 🙂 also a chance to get current dragon!

  15. BMI PIP says:

    Isn’t quicksilver and ash one of the combos for platinum? I have been trying for that one for the last month but no luck

  16. thatonekid says:

    I wish that they will make the olympus dragon habitat +1 dragon.

  17. Happy New York says:

    I just notice this and although it is kinda ugly I fell in love with the Dragon

  18. Eric Loh says:

    Got it first try with mud (10) and magnetic (10) in the breeding cave.

  19. Bonnie says:

    Thanks for the tips!!!

  20. Dutty says:

    Lets do it!!

  21. Anna says:

    Hey people friend me gem for gem gc name brite eyes anna

    • Seth says:

      Hey I would be happy to add you my game center name is _Sweetness1985_. If anyone else wants me to add them reply here.

  22. HungarrToph24 says:

    i wonder what other olympus dragons they’ll have… if they have any more.

  23. Robin says:

    I hate this dragon, i need a new habitat just for this dragon which is currently impossible. I already have the maximum amount of habitats.

  24. lomodoc says:

    Got it first try LIGHTNING + RUST. You need the elements water, metal, and lightning so I think the best combos are lightning + rust or Lightning + Quicksilver or Water and magnetic. 🙂

  25. Dfen911 says:

    I just put ash and quicksilver into breeding island and have a 50 hour breed time. What the heck takes 50 hours to breed?

  26. Snowfox_ng says:

    I made one!! It took me about 8 attempts. With swamp and magnetic in the island. I have room for 2 friends to gem4gem with. Please add me snowfox_ng

    • SnowTiger7777 says:

      Hi snowfox_ng, LOVE your game name as mine is SnowTiger7777. Added friend request to you. I LOVE THIS GAME!!! Play many times per day & trade Gem4Gem (as soon as I get them). Only 6 per day. I’d like to request that “Dragonvale”give us the option for additional Gifting Trees so I can give MORE gems as soon as someone shares one with me!

      Got my Cyclops today with Quicksilver & Ash. Took 7 tries.

      Never got my Platinum this way, though, after trying daily for 3 weeks??? Geesh. Finally got my 1st Platinum this week (egg still incubating) with Plasma (13 & looking cute after going to fountain of youth) and Magnet 15 Still trying the Plasma & Magnet combo today … no more Platinum yet … Will just be patient … =}

  27. jlboonk says:

    Thanks Doc, I got it 2nd try swamp & magnetic (both lvl 10).
    Most of the dragons I got it with help from doc’s website combination… with the exception of a few dragons that is still elusive.. these are those that are not so recent dragon : eg: moon & silver olympus 🙁

  28. Banana says:

    Greta! Always when i almost have them all.

    Add me,


    On gamecenter. I trak who gives me gems. So many don’t! I have many to give and play every day.

  29. Dutty says:

    Anyone need a friend gem4gem?
    I play daily and always willing to help up and coming breeders.
    Nice job again mac ( n good job beatin me on this one!) lol
    Confirm tho: got Cyclops w ash and quicksilver in that order on breed island ash (lvl15) quik(lvl. 16)
    GL to all

    • Annie says:

      I, too, have significant experience with this game…and LOVE it!
      Enjoy conversing with those new to this app.
      I have two parks…one on GC and a newer one on a galaxy! So i play apple AND android!
      I have learned ALOT over the lasy year when this spp became first available…and bow to Android! LOVE to help !
      GC: >>Moosh<<
      FB: Anne Lucas Sammartano

      I am a serious, 24/7 player!!

      …and may the odds be ever in your favor!!

  30. Allicat10 says:

    Got it first try with swamp and magnetic

  31. Fillioni says:

    Got platinum with swamp and magnetic!

  32. djcamidog says:

    I think I got it with swamp and copper (trying for a quicksilver). I’m not sure, I’m waiting for it to hatch. (It says 33 hours)
    I’m angry lol. I really wanted a quicksilver lol

  33. Calisi says:

    Got 1 cyclops with ash and quicksilver but have yet to get a second. Anyone try to breed Cyclops with another Olympus to get it?

  34. ZebraStripes87 says:

    I love this egg! Trying for it as soon as I have room.

    Add me if you play dailey ZebraStripes87. I’m tired of adding people only to get a gem MAYBE once every other week.

    • Richardw123 says:

      Hi zebra stripes I will faithfully send you a gem every day like you fed up with people who do not.as soon as you appear on my GC list I will send to you.my

    • MaxMaia says:

      I have added you… I’m MaxMaia, I’m after active friends also

  35. BoYcE says:

    Have a gem tree. Looking for active players to trade daily

  36. anon says:

    = ( Tried both combos – used up all my gems doing it. No luck.

  37. Aceman130 says:

    Lol, got mine first try in cave with a lvl 14 ash and 15 quicksilver! First epic ive gotten first try. Looking for 3 more people for gem for gem, i give mine out everyday religiously. GC = Aceman130

  38. Allie says:

    Grrrrr spent about 300 gems and all I got was a lousy rainbow 🙁 hating the long fail times on this one also

    • SnowTiger7777 says:

      BE HAPPY!!! Rainbow dragons are in my opinion the ultimate beautiful & amazing dragons! Smile& relax!

      This game is also about patience & trying for what you want again & again, even though you don’t get it the first or even after trying over & over & over again. Eventually, if you are patient & just keep trying, you end up getting what you were striving for all along.

      Kinda like life don’t you think? Be patient, keep trying & giving it your all & best efforts day after day, & eventually all your hard work will pa off!!!

      SMILES & NEVER GIVE UP to everyone! That elusive “Dragon” is there for those of us who never give up!

      • Allie says:

        Lol yes I understand patience, this is the only dragon I don’t have and still don’t have. I didn’t want a rainbow because I have several already. I just got a platinum, which I also didn’t need. I don’t think this dragon wants to live on my islands 🙁

  39. Rkewt says:

    Got it 1st try with cactus and rust

  40. XJoWx says:

    Got it with ironwood and plasma after 3 tries of all different metal/lightning/plant/water dragon combos.

  41. jomama says:

    I’m pathetic I have 20 dragons and all of them suck.”My notable dragons ash,cactus,crystal,mountain and obsidian.To make matters worse I am LEVEL 16.

    • SnowTiger7777 says:

      The more you play the more dragons & really awesome homes you can create for them!! So much fun to keep getting new dragons & decorating your park. I’m finally maxed out at level 40 and keep trying for the new dragons & redecorating! 🙂

  42. Voloyal says:

    I got this dragon fairly quickly with the Swamp/Magnetic combo. Ash/Quicksilver is also a combo for a Platinum Dragon; so if you don’t have it that’s a good combo to be happy with the results.

  43. Triwywy says:

    Ash and Quicksilver I got 49 hr breed time. This cyclops? Never seen one take this long, lol.

  44. LookerforaGemHooker says:

    Hey, i got cyclops first try with Rust + Lightning! works pretty well compared to 6 failures with ash + quicksilver. Also, Android Facebook players add me! I just got Dragonsai tree, BUT only add me if you’re a daily player, 4 people stopped giving gems (greedy bastards), so thats 4 people available, add 🙂 it’s below


  45. Bonnie says:

    Still trying!!

    • LookerforaGemHooker says:

      You’ll get there. My theory is that Dragonvale moderators (or it automatically) makes breeding methods less effective the more successful they are, e.g. if Rust + Lightning starts working with users and they start mass using that method, dragonvale makes it less effective.
      Well, at least that’s the excuse I’m using for my attempts to get a gold dragon (50 eggs in total from Brass + Fire, Forge + Fire, Forge + Metal)

  46. gio says:

    there’s an apocalypse egg display

  47. andyR says:

    how do you add people in game center? pls add me: andyr0704

  48. Mango gogo says:

    I tried and tried w/ the quicksilver and ash many times, but I keep getting platinums, got 3 of them already, so freaking long hrs cuz 49 hr each, that combo is horrible for me

  49. Maya says:

    I love this egg!
    Add me? my gamecenter is *MAYAPAPAYA*

  50. Z0rg17 says:

    I love this egg too but add me please Macenstein

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