DragonVale: How to breed a Cyclops Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Cyclops Dragon

Dragonvale Cyclops Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 2100 GEMS

HOW TO BREED:Ash and QuickSilver / Swamp and Magnetic

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

Dragonvale Cyclops Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the Dragonvale Cyclops Dragon Egg

362 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Cyclops Dragon”
  1. Beverly says:

    Hi, I operate two accounts, and I friend requested you so I could send you gems (can send you two per day), and I saw it notify me that you accepted…but I have never seen you show up in my friends! Any idea how I can find you? Do you need to initiate the process? My user names are horsepal81 and justjb12 if you like…I really appreciate what you do to help all of us:)

  2. Pomdude says:

    Never seem to have much luck on the new ones. Still got a few platinum dragons by default. Please add for gem exchange GC name Pomseth

  3. BNR631 says:

    Yo!!! Rust and cactus work just got it and add me gem for gem at GC un: bnr631

  4. Storm Trahan says:

    Hello everyone… I have a dragonvale account and would like to say something…
    I understand its gem for gem but I would like support for just a couple days to help my grandpaw out…
    He is trying to get the garnet and its not working for him :/
    He only has 3 friends and to help him rush breed for it in the final days can you please add him…
    His gamer tag is cndtr…
    My gamer tag is storm the sexy…
    I would not like any gems but would like the support for my grandpaw..
    Thank you for your time…

  5. Thomo says:

    What the hell using quicksilver and ash got to 2 48 hour breeders thought it was 2 platinums turns out just rainbows what’s going on

  6. Rocky says:

    first try with cactus and quicksilver.

    add me i am: rockyrash20

  7. Billyt33 says:

    Tried Ash/Quicksilver and Cactus/Quicksilver and so far two Platinum Dragons!
    Really want a Cyclops!!!

  8. Ini8465 says:

    Got The rainbow dragon when trying this!!
    ~Gamecenter: Ini8465

  9. ZebraStripes87 says:

    Got it first try with mud and magnet!

  10. i cant get it i keep getting copper dragons

  11. christiaz says:

    need frends with jail broken ipods

  12. oskar says:

    hi mac! can i add you on gamecenter to give you gems and check out your park? i sent a request some time ago but not sure if you got it 🙂

  13. MaxMaia says:

    Got mine first try using Lightning + Rust!!

    Add me for daily gems ,,,MaxMaia

    Lvl40 and play daily

  14. JOROYJO says:

    Add me JOROYJO.

  15. Billyt33 says:

    Got it with Quicksilver/Ash. Got 2 Platinums first…good combination

  16. Comm4ndoC4rl says:

    i did swamp and magnetic and got platinum. Gay it takes so long

  17. boss says:

    mine took four hours with swamp magnetic

  18. Comm4ndoC4rl says:

    4hrs is magnetic dude not cyclops

  19. Austinblake18 says:

    The combo deff works got my Cyclopes an every single other one check out my far out islands in the land of dragonvale

  20. Austinblake18 says:

    Add me at Austinblake18

  21. kenpachi says:

    I have all the the dragons except the few gem dragons, so i guess until next month i have nothing to do but to trade gems….-_-….add me Rudebwoyballa……first come first serve

  22. Luna yuki says:

    Just got this dragon 🙂 ash and quicksilver, each level 11
    Please check my dragon village : D full decorated
    Id: Luna Yuki
    Im not having gem tree yet, but i still can give 2 people for a gem, because my regular gem trading friends wont give me anymore T_T

  23. Slanelott says:

    Got it on first try with swamp and magnetic. Both level 15 on epic island

  24. Gnarkill69 says:

    I got it with magnetic and rust with out even trying. it works.

  25. anon says:

    I got two days finally with the ash/quicksilver – but that’s too long for this dragon. What else could it be?

  26. Bustersmyboy says:

    Just got my second while trying for a second platinum. For the first one, I bred ash and rust. It only took me two tries. For the second one, I bred quicksilver and copper and I have 26.4 breeding time on the upgraded EBI. Good luck everyone!

  27. Meerkatsandy says:

    Got it first try with love+quicksilver after numerous failed attemps with ash+quicksilver and ash+rust

  28. Toddy says:

    Need 2 people to swap gems with!!! Add me [_.gilbert._]

  29. Yarinsha says:

    Still tring… No cyclops egg!
    Lvl 40 and play daily…
    Add me gem4gem…

    • bunny7542 says:

      Keep trying…I run 2 accounts and tried 3 times so far on both accounts…on one account two out of 3 times I got cyclops…and on the other account I haven’t even gotten one cyclops…I guess its just the luck of the draw…there have been other dragons I had to try for about 50 times before I got it!!!

  30. ninja1102 says:

    only got my gem giving tree.. i need friends who are loyal gem traders..
    add me ninja1102


  31. Susan says:

    Got it with Love and Quicksilver – finally!!

  32. Laura says:

    What does it mean when the Dragons have little circles floating above their head???

  33. rich says:

    add me leeps79 ONLY if you play daily


    i got 48 hrs with ash and quicksilver any idea wat i got?

  34. Mette says:

    Just got a gem tree – pleas add me and exchange gems 🙂 I’m Mette 2000 GTI in Game Center. I’m playing Dragonvale every day

  35. WhiskeyKid says:

    iv’e been trying ash/quicksilver or quicksilver/ash for over a month! No Cyclopse OR Plat!!! Fustrated!

  36. Mermaid Jewels says:

    Got it second try upgraded breeding cave both level 15 Quicksilver left – Ash right. I am seriously over people saying they will gem for gem daily. I am about to delete all but one friend and would like to add ONLY THOSE WHO WILL TRULY TRADE. I give out six gems a day and only get one in return. Done with that. I will delete you if you do not give gems as I do. Thanks and if you are serious about trading, add me: MermaidJewels

    • Rafael says:

      I’ve just got a dragonsai, and I need 3 friends to trade everyday. I’ll add u today, and will send u gems from tomorrow on. Hope u send me too.
      GC: rafaelcg

  37. Karabear22 says:

    Confirming Ash and Quicksilver on 1st try. Feel free to add me.

  38. gentlemartha says:

    Finally got it with Ash + Rust!! I tried and tried the Quicksilver + Ash combination and did get a platinum, which I didn’t have, so I’m happy to have both the platinum and the cyclops in my garden now.

    Another subject – when I go to the gamecenter on my iPad, I can’t figure out how to search on a GC ID for a particular person to friend. All I get is a list of players out there, starting with some top level 40 players. Many of them have definitely been kind enough to accept my friend request and send gems, for which I am thankful. So I would be happy to friend some players starting out and send some gems to help, but can’t figure out how to find the players by level, or even by Game Center ID. (To get down the list to the lower level players would take forever just going through the ist 25 players at a time)

  39. T says:

    got it first try.. ash and quicksilver!

  40. Kmk'o'hara says:

    WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 193 fails! I hate this dragon (breeding wise.)!

  41. Kmk'o'hara says:

    HEY MAC! I think your “Mac chick thing is DOWN RIGHT MESSED UP! We women have rights you know you $&@*%#• dragon!

    • Allie says:

      You’re right. Women do have rights. The women that pose as models excercise their rights to do so and subsequently, exploit men, by making money off of their desire to see attractive women in semi nude photographs. No one forced those women into their career choice. I would say they’re pretty happy doing what they do.

  42. Alyssa says:

    Just got it with love (15) and quicksilver (15) in the not upgraded breeding cave.:)

  43. Viviale_ says:

    QuickSilver and Ash worked for me after several tries but it did!

  44. Rbosiris says:

    Looking for people gem for gems,


  45. Emma says:

    I got 39 hours in the breeding cave, mine is upgraded so it takes a quicker time to breed, so I think I got it! First try!

    Ps. I need gems i am on every day and my Game Center name is Emcatera

  46. Allie says:

    I finally got one after 100 fails, cactus and rust.

  47. Bonnie says:

    Just like the other olympic dragons, the cyclops is being
    difficult to obtain.

  48. Player says:

    Bred swamp/magnetic, got 15 hours, what is it? With upgraded island.

  49. Dodie5018 says:

    Well, over 100 tries and nothing. This is the hardest dragon to get!! Ash/quicksilver is not working. Tried other but no luck. Have all the other dragons so will keep working on him.

  50. AlyzieDGamer says:

    Apparently the Cyclops has the same breeding technique as the Platinum and supposingly a Rainbow dragon
    I just accidentally got a Cyclops dragon and I’m happy about that =D still want my Platinum

    Add me, AlyzieDGamer
    I have the Dragonsai Gifting Tree

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