DragonVale: How to breed a Coral Dragon
BUY-IT Price: 800 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Water and Fire
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
Doc, I’m going to try I’m subscribed so I see everything first lol
Anyone know the EBC time?
Seven hours and like 35 minutes I think
Go to dragonvalebreedingtime.com to find out the hours for EBG and EBI
Hi, im lookin for people to trade gifts with! I hav a gem tree and only currently trade with two people. My name is KING*ANDREW
This and the Salamander are both quite easy to get with the base elements, so while hybrid combos work, this is the best combo as the only other possibility is Air.
– The Doc
salamander???? on dragonvale
Can u please give friend request and ill give u gems ur a legend
Name : johnkiid
trying to breed a coral dragon anyone have any suggestions? And by the way I need more friends to play game with. I have a gem tree and would love to send you gems. Not sure how to add friends form this site.
Hey John! Sending Friend Request to you.
If you aren’t already, please join “The Dragonvale Community”. Awesome site for everything Dragonvale; plus contests, help with anything you may get stuck on during game play, addition dragon breeding breeding help, etc. great companion to Macenstein’s. There is sooooooo much info on the site, that it would take a couple days to explain. FREE TO JOIN! Check it out yourself and let me know your thoughts.
FR on it’s way!
Hope to see you in The Dragonvale Ccommunity????
I’m only getting air and I’ve tried it like 20+ times already. My daughter got it on the first try
Hey, I got an eleven hour and a half breeding. I think it’s a coral dragon; I breeded Flower and Water. I will tell later what it is.
Yup, it’s a coral egg!
It looks cute !! Add me waala1
Doc, I’m only getting air
Keep trying got salamander my second try then got air then got coral.
Don worry..just keep on trying..u ll eventually get it after 5 or 6 times.
I agree… I tried to get Love. Took me a few days!
I got it first try with fire and air, but my dragons are l15 and l20… Don’t know if that makes a difference in non-rare dragons or not. Used the regular breeding cave, upgraded. Got coral first, air next, then salamander. Sometimes, though, these things take a lot of tries as it’s all luck of the draw.
Add me gem for gem. kentV7
Need 2 more friends. I play everyday
Do you have your two people as I play every day as well?
At level 41 and looking for anyone serious about sharing gems … Add me hodsonparty
Add me I play everyday will send gems
Friend requests will give gems play everyday
Just got a Coral dragon on my EPC with a level 14 water and level 14 fire dragon. The time will be 9:11 (could be off by one minute) on the EPC.
I finally got one on the first try!!! Motley & Water. I think it’s coral… 10 he breeding time in upgraded cave. Lev 13 motley, lev 15 water. Yay!!!
Motley & Water works for Coral after trying Fire & Water for 3 continual Air.
In 5 tries I got 2 salamander dragons and 1 coral dragon with water and fire.
Thank you Doc
Air three times in a row already:(
We got 2 on first try, century + obsidian.
First try with bluefire/water. Good luck.
Already g
Already got two Coral Dragons on the first Try
Got it first try with fire and rain
Got last night with just guessing .. with flower and water
( lvl 15 and 13)
Going to try for salamander now
I got this dragon while trying to get the blue fire dragon first try!
Left: Fire (lvl 10) Right: Ice (lvl 11)
Just wanna say the coral might not be so easy. After 5 tries, got 3 salamande with water/ fire, then i tried water / salemander 2 times godt coral both times
I got it first try I bred fire (level 10, left) and water (level 9, right) and got coral dragon.. excited to breed coral and water for salamander. (:
I dont need gems but i LOVE Beautful islands!
Please add: myNAMEisFayard
I got this by mistake when trying to get a blue fire dragon. Took me forever to add the 20% back on and figure out what it was. I think I used fire and ice.
I have all the vernal fountains 25 but i dos not do anything
So can i t do something ore not i only have one ore two bloom dragons.
Sugetions any body ? Maney thanx
Gem for gem. ID: yam_poomps
I got the Salamander Dragon on the first try with River and Lava. Now trying for the Coral Dragon with the same pair.
Try breeding coral and water
hope this helps
Got it with water (10) & fire (15)
I have gem tree and no one to give gems to, just cleaned out my friends list of people not returning gems.
Need 6 people to trade gems with, will only add the first 6 to send request. Need gem everyday and will give gems everyday, if you miss MORE THAN 1 day you will be removed.
Game Center ID: Monitorjak
Add me for gem exchange: GC: dhykhast
Add me as a friend. I play everyday. Need gems…
I play everyday. Send me a friend request. I need some gems…
Add me gem for gem. I adoptShelterDogs play daily and looking for reliable folks. I have gifting tree. Thanks.
Add me gem for gem. I have the gifting tree: lomodoc
Hi add me at gamecentre
If you give me gems i’ll give you gems to
Gamecentre name: amampje
Add me acerboy96. I’m starting a new world and I really need the gems.
There’s a space between acerboy and 96
I got one with fire and water first try in a normal breeding cave
I got one with flower + seaweed in a breeding cave – esconde try
Got it on the 1st try with water and flower, good luck guys
Flower and seaweed gives u coral
How do you get a coral dragon if you do NOT have the epic breeding island and you are on leval 16?
Now do you get the coral dragon if you do NOT have he epic breeding cave and you are on leval 16?
I got coral with quake and crystal dragons, both level 9. I am on game level 16 building a second park up.
Mountain and salamander, level 16, regular breeding.
salamander and plasma
Ice and fire i got it accedentally
To get a coral I breeded a Fire (lvl 8) iceberg ( lvl 8 ) together
Was trying to get salamander …I tried fire (level 10, left) and water (level 9, right) and got coral dragon.. excited to breed coral and fire next
I got it with Rust + Poison.
I’ll trade gems with you
. Add me on Game Center. My name is Rijanz
Add me on DragonVale, Brittany Bennett. Need more Gem friends !
I tried getting this one to day using water dragon and fire dragon and I got a air dragon egg so I had to then buy the air habitat for it that is still under construction
Please I’m desperate for gems!!! My old account got deleted by my little sister so I had to start from srcatch!!!
Got a Coral breeding on EBI, Salamander (13) and Light (12) on 5th time (trying for Berry). I’m level 25.
I have gotten 20+ air dragon eggs with fire and water any suggestions?