DragonVale: How to breed a Diamond Dragon
DIAMOND DRAGON: (limited: Only Breedable in April)
BUY-IT Price: 1750 GEMS
HOW TO BREED:Ice and Mine
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
Been trying 35 times with 3 Silver & 1 Platinum, still no sight of Diamond.
Me too
Finally got it, after 43 tries.
I already got it in one try yay
Yes got a prism dragon by breeding polarise with arctarian, cool!???
It’s ice and mine can’t you read
Probably meant that they obtained the Silver and Platinum. Can’t you read and comprehend?
I got it first try with level 12 ice and level 12 mine
Lol I got it on my first try using a level 11 storm and level 11 ice dragon
That’s impossible , there’s only one way to get diamond and it is ice and mine.
Took me about 40 times but I got it.
Help it’s not showing me what dragons to breed
i got the diamond dragon on first try
What dragons did you breed?
Ice and mine, it’s the only way to get the diamond you idiot.
Ice and mine not working! Anyone know any other combos for diamond
Does Ice and steel work? Same elements so should work
No, has to be ice and mine.
Does steel and ice work?!
IT WORKED! ???? First try with level 10 ice and 10 mine in the breeding island!
Got a 47 hour waiting time with the ice and mine combo
That is silver
I have something going for 49 hours….hope it’s a diamond!
it’s a platinum
I got it first try with level 13 ice dragon and level 13 brisk dragon!
Got it with ice and mine after about 10 times.
looks like I got lucky!
I finally got it!!! With lvl14 ice and mine took me five times! U might get platinum because I two with this combination
does it work after the starfall update?
I just got it today. After trying for about 8 times!!
Oh, wow. 8…try 80!!!!!!!! Still don’t have it…
Hey guys, It does work!! I got the diamond dragon on the third try, don’t give up!
I used level 11 ice dragon & level 11 mine dragon in the breeding island.
I think this will be my 30th try, still no sight of diamond… 1 silver alerady
I go it my 500th try in the breeding cave
Looks like I won’t be getting it a soon as i hoped for ?
just got 47 hour breeding time first try with level 15 ice and level 15 steel
I’ve tried for the entire month of April…lost count of how many tries….and today is April 30, still no sight of a diamond dragon. Eek
Tried all month & wound up with 3 silver’s, 2 platinums, 2 stupid motley dragons, & a ton of steel & mine dragons… But no diamond! Guess I’ll have 2 try on BEB… Both dragons were level 13…
i got it with double rainbow and platinum.Weird
OMG,this is the first time I ever got a gem dragon the first time. I tried for the aquamarine all month and didn’t get it.
I got the diamond on the first try with ice and mine on the island. I bred 3 more times to try for another and the time is 47 hours. Silver I’m sure, which I needed. No complaints here.
got it on third try by ice+mine YUS
I got it on third try with ice+mine Yyayayay
I have both a mine and an ice dragon, both Level 17. Must have bred them about 20 times already and still no sign of a diamond dragon.
What gives?
i got it i believe 2-3 try with 11 ice and mine. i think. it came up as a 1 day 6 hours so i think i got it
So I finally got it this year!! Kept trying with lvl 16 ice & mine on the upgraded island with the same results as last year… then I gave my dragons a break for one breed, tried again & got it!! I was starting to think this one was never gonna happen for me!!
So many Silver dragons and yet no sight of the Diamond dragon, sigh
Can you get it with ice and coldforge???
It’s an April exclusive dragon, not January?.
I finally got Diamond dragon after 4 days of trying. Used Ice dragon lvl 15 and Mine dragon lvl 15 in the REGULAR BREEDING CAVE. Took 32 tries. These have been known to be time sensitive dragons, so I bred my dragons at 1:45 pm EST. Good luck!
got it first try EPI ice and mine both level 14!
I got it my second try with lvl11 Ice and lvl10 mine!
Got it first try with ice & Mine ?
Got it first try with ice & Mine ?
Will any other combo work? I don’t have either of those
No, sorry.
– The Doc
I’m level 56 and I still don’t have a mine dragon
I got a dragon that says 47 hrs? Any ideas?
I just have horrible luck I’ve tried 48 times and counting on breeding island and still nothing
I like to keep track of how many times it takes me to breed the gemstone dragons because it usually takes me forever. I’m on my 56th try to get this dragon on the upgraded breeding island and I am seriously getting irritated. Both dragons Ice and Mine are level 18 and still nothing for 25 days and this dragon is about to be gone. UGH!
You should give them a break and let others breed for one, then try again. Worked for me.
what a bunch of bs…i spent so much all month to try to get this dragon, and people are talking about getting it on their first try? Am I wrong for using level 17 Ice and mine? Is the dragon combo or level wrong? I mean, wth, I’ve been trying the whole month, literally, the whole time! and speeding it up with gems several times too! Wth is wrong with this game? I have this problem with way too many dragons, yet all my friends get several of all of them without spending a dime!
I got diamond Dragon it’s just i can’t place it since I don’t have enough gems to Buy a Gemstone habitat
Use the gemstone island