DragonVale: How to breed a Liberty Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Liberty Dragon

Dragonvale Liberty Dragon

Liberty DRAGON: (Only available around July 4th)
INCUBATION TIME: 29 Hours 48 min
BUY-IT Price: 714 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Air and Copper / Sonic and Copper / Chrome and Copper

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

Dragonvale Liberty Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the Dragonvale Liberty Dragon Egg

171 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Liberty Dragon”
  1. Michelle says:

    Hey doc! I figured out that the elements of this dragon are fire,metal, and water. Try and breed bass and rust together. It might work!

    • YouSuck says:

      it would take no effort whatsoever to figure out that this dragon’s elements are air, lightning, and metal. it straight up tells you in the game. and there is no such thing as a bass dragon. please stop spamming with random lies. no one is fooled, it is very obvious that what you said is a lie.

  2. Rain On Fire says:

    I would try Copper and Rust. Common sense if the dragon is based on the Statue Of Liberty.

  3. Successful Troll says:

    Ummmm, it metal, lighting, and air. I would suggest a copper and air.

  4. Siobhan Macinnes says:

    Hi, I’m getting it. I used copper and meteor. 1st try. So excited!!!! Good luck everyone.

  5. Diana says:

    Firework and copper

    • Kelvin says:

      Thks. Figuring Fireworks is another 4th of July limited, tried this combo and tada…. , my first time getting a limited on the first try.

  6. robbie says:

    I got it with brass and rust I am L30:)

  7. Infernoblaze says:

    Maybe steel and air

  8. ana says:

    Cooper and meteor! First try!!!! YEAH

  9. 777loks says:

    I believe its Air + Iron. Also, I trade GEMS daily. I need 3 more committed traders cause the ones i sent to never return the favor and thats not fair GC Name [#:loks:#]

  10. gareth says:

    3 tries with meteor and copper

  11. Jarle Wallem says:

    Since its metal, air and lightning you should be able to use the same combo ad the ruby chrome and scorch…
    Chrome is metal and air
    Scorch is lightning and fire

    • Stygian Leo says:

      It seems Copper is like a primary element of this dragon 🙂 u can’t replace it with any :p

  12. Superhero says:

    i dont need any gems, but I LOVE Beautiful Islands!

    Please add: myNAMEisFayard


    • Courtney says:

      Hi guys! I just tried copper & meteor in an UBC and got 16 hrs.(15:59:59). Dare I get excited? Aaaaah. Oh I hope so. I am progressing quickly at the game, but I am fairly new. I love to look at beautiful parks too & if anyone has extra gems for some reason, I am always very grateful. If you are like me &buy them, I always try to gift back as soon as I gift my always “friends”. The new system of gifts is nice, but I still wish it was easier to communicate with fellow players & suggest decorations, or placements to each other, and to compliment awesome parks! Have a wonderful night and happy 4thnto everyone everywhere! (:outdoorsgirl:) or lovmywines@aol.com

    • Carolina says:

      I don’t have any friends added to my dragonvale but I think you would be a good friend. Would u like to add me?

  13. Val says:

    Sonic and copper first try.

  14. evil Greg Brady says:

    first try copper / meteor

  15. Dudefunk says:

    Looking for decorating ideas?
    I have a beautiful park add me
    Gamecenter ID: dudefunk

  16. devorahanne says:

    Just removed 5 friends who are not giving back gems. Add me (devorahanne), I will only accept first 5 requests.

  17. engk says:

    Add me up. GC:C007dudz

  18. HungarrToph24 says:

    DragonJ on the wiki made a better model BEFORE this was made:http://dragonvale.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:DragonJ/LIBERTY_DRAGON

  19. aj says:

    hey!!!! which dragon does that weird looking dragon egg belong to; the one with the silhouette of a baby green dragon

  20. aj222 says:

    which dragon does that green egg with a silhouette of a baby dragon belong to; is that a new dragon that”s going to come out.

  21. Adriamarie says:

    Yep looks like a winner Copper & Metor 1st try Yea!

  22. Piefishrocks says:

    Chrome and Scorched

    Bred this while I was trying to get a Ruby Dragon 🙁

  23. Jordan van norman says:

    I just breed a rust and brass dragon and got a 18 hour incubation wait period?! What could it be?!!

  24. Frinkley65 says:

    Need a few more friends for the ol’ Gem for Gem, add me, Frinkley65

  25. Jordan0943 says:

    Meteor and copper, 1st try!

  26. Jordan0943 says:

    Meteor and copper 1st try

  27. sofia hallberg says:

    Hi! I need friends to trade gems with me. Add me: sofiahallberg1


  28. Hollynn says:

    I got it 1st try with copper and air.

  29. kittenkchu says:

    Copper & Metor 1st try

  30. lilly2704 says:

    copper and air: 1st try

  31. Artemis Kintoc says:

    Just got a dragonsai tree, add me for Gem trades!!! id: Artemis Kintoc

  32. bethanxXx says:

    copper and meteor second try

    need two more friends i trade gems for gems and play every day. Add me on game centre : bethanxXx

  33. Lexy says:

    I can’t get a copper.D: add me gem4 gem: Lexybelmontes. I need help

  34. Lexy says:

    I can’t get a copper.D: add me gem4 gem: Lexybelmontes. I need help!!!

  35. chrisqfitness says:

    Has anyone else been having problems with the arena? Since the update, when I select a dragon to compete, it doesn’t start. No time status bar; nothing. Then I pick another dragon, and same thing. Also, the update said you could now get bonus habitats. But I can’t figure out how. Does anyone have an answer for this as well?
    Oh, one more thing. I have four people that I exchange gems with every day, and have been for months. I need two more. I never miss a day, and I’ll HONESTLY always give you a daily gem if you’re consistent with me. Chrisqfitness is my ID.

    • - *~Love~* - says:

      If you go to habitats in the Market, at the top you’ll see the number you have/ have available. If you push the ‘+’ symbol, you can purchase up to 5 more. Hope this helps.
      BTW: I’m having the same problem with the arena. I think the filter button gets in the way? Just keep trying. It will take eventually. 🙂

      • chrisqfitness says:

        Thank you for the info. It’s funny, after leaving this post yesterday, I was inundated with friend requests. I accepted them; but I hope most of them read this because I have to amend what I asserted yesterday. I needed two more gem friends, and I got 7 of you. I will try to rotate it so that I get you all gems. But I didn’t want any of you to think I’m a liar or a deadbeat. I’m waiting on my tree to rejuvenate so I can get the rest of you. If you want to stop sending them until I’m back down to six friends, I certainly understand. And I’ll start sending them to you when that happens. *~Love~* – you’ll obviously be number 5 that I try to send every day. Thanks.

    • Pruth66 says:

      I have same problem with the arena. Reboot your device & try again. Hopefully Back flip will come up with a fix soon.As to extra habitats, there’s a little button at the top with a + sign.

  36. - *~Love~* - says:

    Happy 4th everyone! To those of you who served, and to the family of those who served, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your sacrifice, dedication, and our freedom. <3 God Bless America <3
    I have a few gem trading spots I just opened. Looking for active daily traders only please.
    – *~Love~* –
    dash space star squiggle Love squiggle star space dash

  37. Phoenix Issa says:

    This doesn’t make sense. How can you have a ghost dragon when it has expired 9 MONTHS ago? And what way did you use?

    • Ljarha says:

      You can get a ghost dragon by breeding two ghost dragons together, regardless if they are no longer available. Same goes for all the other dragons that are retired/expired.

  38. Phoenix Issa says:

    This doesn’t make sense. How can you have a ghost dragon when it has expired 9 MONTHS ago? And what way did you users get it?

    • acerynn says:

      By having two of any dragon in your park, you can breed them whenever you want – ie. I have two panlongs and have been breeding them like crazy because they make 329 coins a minute at level 15. 😉

  39. Jared's says:

    Got it first try with copper and chrome
    Add me I have a tree

  40. Ethel says:

    Looking for gem to gem. Game Center ID is etheldaffyd . I have 6 gem to gem – none of my real life friends play

  41. Kama says:

    Copper (15) and meator (13) got it on first try

  42. vicki says:

    I got Liberty using meteor and copper and a breed time of just 24 hours, so maybe the times aren’t exact. Took about 5 tries though in the enchanted breeding cave and my meteor was level 11 and scorch was level 15. Yippee, still trying for ruby and firework.

  43. Susan says:

    Copper & Pollen works

  44. Adjun says:

    Brass and Sonic, breeding isle, first try.

  45. Tamsin says:

    Copper and chrome 1st try :))))

  46. Sjm123 says:

    I got it with copper and meteor

  47. Karen says:

    Can’t believe I got liberty after only four tries. Still trying for summer. Any suggestions? Need gems I play every day Karenrmck

  48. and989 says:

    Got one copper level 10 left side and air level 10 on right side epic breeding island

  49. yumyul says:

    Add me for gem for gem. Got some gem to share 🙂

  50. Hollyjolly3 says:

    Just got a gem tree and I play everyday!!!
    I need friends to gift gems

    Add: hollyjolly3

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