DragonVale: How to breed a Bronze Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Bronze Dragon

DragonVale Bronze Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 2000 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Scoria and Iron / Air and Iron

DragonVale Bronze Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the DragonVale Bronze Dragon Egg

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
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165 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Bronze Dragon”
  1. JLu1428 says:

    Got it with seaweed and magnetic! ????

  2. The Valer of Dragons says:

    I got it with metal and forest, both lvl 10.

  3. Namiria says:

    Accidentally got it with level 11 Iron dragon and level 11 Plant dragon while going for ironwood…

  4. Ed says:

    I got it first try with level 15 metal dragon and level 10 arctic dragon

    • Emily says:

      Didn’t get it, till I wasn’t trying. Forge & Glass in epic got me it the first time and only time I bred those two together. Both are level 13. And it IS metal & earth elements that you’re going to use for Bronze. Hope that helped. Goodluck! 🙂

  5. Stardust says:

    Accidentally got it with metal & earth (crazy, right?)

  6. Aaron says:

    Got one with glacier and metal by accident on my first try.

  7. Hakuna Matata says:

    Got it first try with Electrum 10 and Crystal 11 while trying for Tourmaline

  8. Charlotte says:

    I just got it with a leap year and a salamander

  9. Ali says:

    Got a 46 hr breeding time with forge + geode (both lvl 4) !!! Guessing it’s bronze!? (Normal breeding cave)

  10. Brittany says:

    Rainbow and sun both level ten. Epic breeding cave

  11. Kaelen says:

    got first try with mud and copper while I don’t know what I was going for on normal breeding cave hope it helps!

  12. Lily says:

    Just got a 46hr breeding time with Sulfur and Glass (both lvl 12) whilst trying for mesolite 🙂
    … Time to build another treasure habitat!

  13. Jessica says:

    Got it by accident with water and light

  14. Hazza says:

    got it with lvl 12 scorcia & lvl 15 iron 4th try on ebs

  15. Vir says:

    I got it with earth and metal both lvl 8 first try. I was just going for scoria?

  16. Sunshine says:

    I can’t remember what combo I got my 1st one with… but I just got a 2nd with lvl 16 mountain & metal dragons on the EBS while going for bearded.

  17. Ever says:

    Level 10 Forge and Level 10 Obsidian, 46 hour breeding time, guessing it’s a Bronze.

  18. I got a Bronze with Mountain and Chrome, both Lvl. 11, while trying to get the Bearded dragon.

  19. Crystal says:

    I bred my Metal and Earth dragons (both lvl 11) in my standard breeding cave and got a 46 hour breeding time, AKA Bronze? I was trying to breed an Iron Dragon

  20. Skytak888 says:

    Got it in cooperative Breeding cave with 2 rainbow dragons? Weird…..

  21. JustinL says:

    Just got it (at least, 46 hrs time) using my Silver and a friend’s Ragnarok in Coperative Breeding cave.

  22. Livbrown says:

    I got it with rainbow dragons both level 10

  23. Felicat says:

    Air snd scoria. Was trying for dodo….

  24. Frostguard says:

    I’ve been breeding Meteor and Glacier to get Azurite but ended up breeding this four times, I’m actually kind of annoyed lol

  25. SkillEdBrEdEr says:

    I got Bronze with Rainbow and Sun on Epic Breeding Island

  26. Ma'am K says:

    I got it with mountain and lodestone both lvl 12 in EBI

  27. John says:

    Got it with lvl 10 solarfire and lvl 5 nova

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