DragonVale: How to breed a Bronze Dragon
BUY-IT Price: 2000 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Scoria and Iron / Air and Iron
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
looks like leap year and rainbow dragon
i love it!
More like a panlong
Wait, correction, all 4 look alike
Me too! I was lucky enough to get it rather quickly. Ironically, I was trying to get a scoria to help my daughter, and with a “0” % chance, I ended up getting her a bronze! Couldn’t believe it. I got her a peridot 1st try too. I think her IPod is magic. 🙂
Looking to add gem traders.
Iman7575k on GC.
Happy gemming.
Don’t forget the Celtic!
They seem to reuse that design. A lot.
Currently trying for:
Peridot in EBI, Crystal and Cactus(nonstop and still nothing!)
Amber in cave, Evergreen and Quake(same as Peridot!)
Update on my progress with the Peridot dragon!
…Well just by reading that sentence you can tell what happened. But it’s my first 1/week gemstone dragon! So I’m excited!…maybe I should have posted this on the Peridot page!
I got peridot in normal breeding cave on first try! I think your dragons should have the same level, still trying to amber though….Good Luck!
Looking to add gem traders.
Ibob7575k on GC.
Happy gemming.
46 hours?! and only 143/minute??!! sad face.
add me for daily gem trades: knockouttony
Easiest dragon ever! You rock Doc! I have never been able to say this before but….. 1st try!!! EBI both level 15 through the fountain of youth. Good luck to all.
Need new friends. CASH / GEMS
Got first try with metal and earth in cave, both lvl 10
I got it in 1st try with scoria n iron both on level 15th
Earth and metal first try :>
Earth and metal first try :> both lvl 10
Hello everyone. I need help saving up gems so please send gems to me. I do gem for gem. My gamecenter is Warpnog
Hey you don’t return the favor you just wait ppl to give you gems. It’s because you don’ t even have a tree.
Adam I sent u gems everyday for weeks didn’t get any bk..thats not very nice.
Julie, send me a gem and I’ll send you one back. Officer’s word. I play everyday and can’t find a reliable person to trade gem for gem with.
Add me too I do daily,I always send back! Killersurf
I’ll trade with you
Wots ur name as I play on Android& ipad so have 2 park at different levels. And play several times a day. You can find me on Facebook with dogs laying in the snow. :))
Adam, you sly cock, I sent you several gems with none returned. Avoid this $h1t stain unless you’re feeling charitable.
add me… cyn7hia.
got it first try 15 scoria + 15 iron, ~ 38hrs on upgraded EBI
you’re the best!
you’re my go to.
Daily gem giver looking for five GameCircle friends. My nickname is dwntoearth
Gem for gem!!! Add the 2 GameCentre Accounts -> Anderson0918 & inventability
Need 2 more gem givers, playing 2 years. Gem for Gem, weeding old players out. nickname ????TAS????
Bred 2nd attempt with Earth and Metal both level 16 in regular breeding cave. Scoria and Iron currently in EBI, on 7th attempt and nothing.
Add me for daily gem trade: OrchidSpring
Add me GABE5115 for gem for gem trading.
Got it first try with earth and metal at the epic breeding island. Also at the same time I was try for the problems with magnetic and fog and got electron 3rd try.
On my 2nd attempt breeding an Iron Dragon (Level18) and a Dodo Dragon (Level 16) on the Epic Breeding Island I got my Bronze Dragon. Previous attempts with a Malachite Dragon & a Forest Dragon and attempts with an Iron Dragon & a Forest Dragon had failed.
need gem for gem trade.will give back game center id-ISHAAN 3606
please add me
Another stubborn one for me. Currently on attempts 15 and 16.
And while I’m here, I’m looking for reliable gem traders once again – room for three at present. If you’re a serious, DAILY trader looking for a partner, I’m poshlil, add away. Be warned in advance, I do keep track and I do delete people who don’t return the gems I send them.
I was goin for the iron with an earth and metal and got this:D
Me too
Add me GABE5115 for gem for gem trading
Add me on Game Center for gem trading. I am on every day.
Game Center ID is: justkeepswimming19
You haven’t returned any of the gems I sent you
Add me on Game Center for gem trading. I am on every day.
Game Center ID is: justkeepswimming19
I still don’t have 6 people on Gem 4 Gem. 🙂
4 Spots available!!
Add me if you want too!
Ellundel 🙂
Dododododododododo cant get with earth metal HELP
Add for Gems!!! Nazuna12 on daily.
Add me for daily gem trade I am on every day.
My Game Center ID is: justkeepswimming19
got this dragon with earth and mine
I give gems daily. Add me. LizzyLou
Hey I need friends to trade gems with. I have the gem tree but not enough friends to trade with. Please add me and I promise to trade gems. GC name is Stacy Reed and email is stacyreed@live.com Ty!
You can add me, I have 4 spots available..Game Center ID is sangriah73
If you’re a serious gem giver then you can find me on Facebook friend me and ill awnd u gwm but if u sont then ill delete aaIive wasted them on false gem givers. My gamecenter name ia Mark1010773:) x
Got this with FOREST (left) and MINE (right). I have all the dragons available and just started playing around with combinations trying to get another ironwood and got a second bronze.
Tried that many times and finally got one with scoria and iron at EBI, both on lvl 15. Now too try for my second 🙂
Good luck every and I was hoping to find reliable players to trade gem for gem. I honestly play every day and don’t understand why it is so hard to find player who send gems back.
Game Center ID: ravenwydle
Thank Doc u rock
You’ll really have serious problem getting friends specially if you misspelled your gc id
Thank you to everyone who requested me as a friend. I have enough now so please don’t send anymore requests 🙂
Got frustrated with scoria and iron combo which only gives Iron or Scoria (22Hrs Breeding time).
Tried Air and Iron for the first time and got the Bronze Dragon.
I got a bronze dragon using both combinations- scoria & iron/ air & iron. A good tip is to try breeding dragons in the morning, I don’t know why, but almost ALWAYS I get the breeding time of any dragon I’m trying to get! Best luck between 8am-10am (time zone doesn’t ever seem to matter)!
Gem for gem! I play every day! GC – MollDoll39
Add me to trade gems! kcdav4osu17
I try to breed rainbow dragon from firefly and seaweed in the regural cave , but its doesn’t work and I don’t have the other dragons for the rainbow. the dragons have to be in level 10? Please help me!!
I got it with magnetic and crystal.
Metal and Earth, both level 15 in normal breeding cave. I’m looking for 3 more people to trade gem for gem daily. Game center account: Crepes23
First three to add me get in, but if three days pass with no reciprocation, game over & friendship ove 🙂
Anyone else having a hard time getting bronze? I have been trying for a month and just keep breeding various metal dragons? Otherwise, thanks doc I LOVE your site!!!!
I’ll trade gems with you 😀 . Add me on Game Center. My name is Rijanz
I got one from Earth and Metal in my breedin cave
I got one from Earth and Metal in my breeding cave
Add me on DragonVale, Brittany Bennett. Need more Gem friends !