DragonVale: How to breed a Glass Dragon
BUY-IT Price: 800 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Earth and Light / Earth and Light Rift
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
Hi doc, whats that second egg?
Sand I think
It’s a ember dragon egg
FUNNY YOU GUYS SAID THAT. I FINALLLLLYYYY….got theGLASS DRAGON!!! Cuz i bred EMBER & SAND in the normal breeding cave! Whoever gave me the idea on here is awesome (and i never use that word, cuz i hate it.) It’s been a long, what, 2, 3 months? Geez. Anyway, LOVE this site! THANK YOU GUYS, SO MUCH!!! Thanks doc, ur the $#*t!
Got it after several tries! Add me on game center: Knstarbuck90
Thanks Doc,
I didn’t see this yet. I tried sand and rift and got seaweed? Love this one. Hope I get it. Lol
Glass dragon first try with Lv 20 crystal and Lv 15 sand.
I got the Glass Dragon 1st try using Light + Crystal.
I forgot to mention that both my Light and Crystal dragons are level 15.
I need help saving for the breeding cave upgrade. I trade gem for gem. My gamecenter is Warpnog
Got it first try earth lv16 and rift lv 15 in EBI for 12.5 hours…I’m assuming it is glass!
I dont need gems but i LOVE Beautiful islands!
Please add: myNAMEisFayard
Thank you!
Got this one with plain old sandstorm and rift, first try.
Add me to do gem for gem trades (: I have 2 accounts and 2 trees ! Lazzar777 & Dryballs9000
I play all the time :)!
I need friends to do gems for gems trading, too. How do I add someone such as you?
Need someone to swap gems with, have 3 slots, i play daily. Gamecenter ID is ETHANC0406
I play daily also and want to trade gems. How do I find the game center to add you? I play on my kindle fire hd.
1st try Rift and Tree GC:Oz_Vessalius
Yup, bought by Hasbro, when one of the first dragons out of the lightside gate is a My Little Pony knockoff. What’s the name of that dark winged unicorn one? She’d make an excellent titanium dragon.
I tied every one tip on this website 5times nothing worked what so ever
Please add me for GEM TRADE. My level is 49 and I play everyday. Gamecenter ID: lallalove
Got this with Sand + Light. I was amused by the comment about it being a MLP knockoff. Even my daughter said, unprompted, that it looks like Rainbow Dash. But this isn’t a bad thing to us, because I think it’s adorable. This is my favorite Light dragon and I was very happy to breed it.
I need at least two people to add me on GC for daily gifting as I just got a tree: Stef0722. Thanks!
This dragon does resemble Rainbow Dash quite a bit, but like you said, this dragon in incredibly adorable and already my park’s pride and joy.
I use lightning and sand dragon and got a glass dragon
Enter this friend code to receive gems!
I got a glass dragon from light lvl 7 + sand lvl 7 🙂
Why i dont have any friend on dragonvale?? I have facebookfriends who plays it and i have logged in on dragonvale?? And i cant search anybody on gamecenter?? HELP PLEASE ????
I just tried Light and Crystal, both level 10, and got 19 hours. Any idea what it could be?
I got the glass dragon by breeding the ember dragon level 11 with the sand dragon level 11 🙂
You! IT WAS YOU! You rock, dude! FINALLY SOMEONE’S ADVICE WORKED! Ember 12, Sand 11. Normal breeding cave-ALWAYS BETTER THAN THE EPIC CAVE, FOR SOME REASON. Btwn the co-op and epic, I’d pick the normal cave, everytime! For some reason it’s the only cave i ever get luck in! I bred them at 8:05am, monday eastern time. Detroit. For people that like to know the specifucs.
Lol you know i put “specifics”. Stupid tablet screws up everytime!
Got it first try level 12 earth and level 13 light.
Why does lightning and sand not make glass? That’s annoying but I got a crystal dragon with sand and lightning.
Because it’s light, not lightning. Why don’ t people just try light and earth. It worked for Kitty, and that’s what I was going to try first anyway. -I’ve been doing well since I started to pick my own combos. ?
Thanks, got it on the 2nd try after upgrading both the Earth and Light dragons to Level 13 from Level 12 🙂