DragonVale: How to breed a Jet Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Jet Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 1500 GEMS (on sale for 150 gems initially)

HOW TO BREED: Ash and Frostfire

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale Jet Dragon Egg

The 1st egg is the DragonVale Jet Dragon Egg

218 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Jet Dragon”
  1. Jp_sam says:

    Wow on the last day for amber I got one and on the first day for Jet I got one. There goes the rest of my luck for another year.

  2. Abbypuppylover says:

    Are there any other ways to get jet? I don’t have frostfire

    • Annakin says:

      Try blue fire. It has the same elements as frostfire

    • Nindrone says:

      No gem dragons have only one possible combo … i cant believe my luck i just got frost fire trying for autmn and afte it fnished i tryed agian and i got autumn … or another dragon with 24hr breedin time 😉

  3. Robbie24 says:

    I just got it today, after a few tries. Can’t wait until the egg hatches

  4. NoName says:

    I got mine with bluefire and ash

  5. Chris says:

    Oh my gosh i had the opal, I got the amber one the 12th,I got topaz on the 13th,and now I’m trying for jet!!! I thought it was the dark dragon

  6. Kris says:

    L15 Ash – L15 Frostfire, First try 48hrs. Mixed emotions :((:

  7. Creepers05 says:

    I got it first try

  8. Adam says:

    Please send me gems. I do gem for gem. Gamecenter: Warpnog

  9. April says:

    Bred frostfire and ash and got 48 hours. Any ideas on what it is?

  10. Add Me says:

    Need two more people for daily gem swaps.
    Game centre: tonysangels

  11. haley says:

    How long will it be on sale for?

  12. mickey says:

    add my game center i do gem for gem ; rescue mickey
    plz and thanx ????

  13. Glue says:

    Gem for gem. Game Center iD: MangoGum

  14. Eric says:

    Does any one here facing this little hiccup? Whenever you go to your gift section to send gems, the game crashes?

  15. jp_sam says:

    Gem for Gem daily: Jp_95

  16. Spartan-124 says:

    Looking for gem gifting buddy. Will go to the first 4 people. I gift everyday. I gift you, you gift me. Game Centre is Spartan-124

  17. Wicked viperess says:

    I did the ash and blue fire combo. Got39 hours.. What could it be?

  18. Cat lady says:

    Has the Amber completely expired? Because it never had a limit on it til now 🙁

  19. Cat lady says:

    Yeah, I tried and got 48h!

  20. JuiceySpears says:

    How many times should it take to breed a topaz dragon grrr!!

    • Yz says:

      I breed topaz dragon…just follow the combo on macenstein website and try for about three times…:D

      I am glad to have help if this works…

  21. Cat lady says:

    I got no idea, it’s impossible!

  22. LockeBr says:

    Add me for gem trade!
    Have 4 slots left.
    Nick: LockeBr

  23. Trintitytrotter says:

    Does this work with bluefire and ash also lvl 43 never traded gems but my GC is trinitytrotter.

  24. Mike says:

    Anyone tried breeding 2 double rainbow and got a diff dragon. Same thing happened 2 blue moon got a diff egg. Please advise doc. Tnx

    • Mike, Backflip changed the breeding rules, possibly forever, when they started the magic event. Breeding two of the same dragon no longer guarantees the same offspring.
      – The Doc

  25. Datguywhohassomethingtosay says:

    I got 48 hours with these 2 dragons. What is it?

  26. bob waz here says:

    Help just switched to android and I don’t have any friends on Facebook that play dragon vale
    Facebook is yale Johnson

  27. Red John says:

    One more slot for daily gem trading. Will send 100% EVERY day, and will delete if you don’t send one back etc etc.
    Gamecentre: GustavoFringe

  28. Nick says:

    Add me for daily gems!

  29. Albie says:

    Game Center: Zaraki Kenpachi

  30. Rupert says:

    Looking for 2 gc gem buddies for daily gifting. GC name is Ruperoo.

  31. Konata says:

    I think I got it first try!

  32. Dev says:

    Gem for gem
    Play all day long
    Game Center : !Dev59!

  33. Rupert says:

    Struggling to get Frostfire, keep getting Sun! Have tried cold with lava/scorch/firefly – any ideas???
    Also if anyone wants to daily swap gems, I have two spaces. Game Centre name is Ruparoo.

  34. NeedPrivacy says:

    Congrats to everyone who got the jet dragon. I haven’t picked up a gem dragon since Hasbro took over Backflip. Glad Doc showed this was a gem dragon that only gives gems twice a month too. I’m getting tired of trying for this one. They locked down my epic breeding cave for 48 hours the first attempt just to give me a moon I didn’t need. Ever since its been nothing but more crap I didn’t need. Is ” this” how they are going to continue to treat long time players? These new breeding rules ruin the game. I do good to check my park once a day now and that’s only to make sure I gift gems to friends because I’m starting to care less what comes next because its never what I was trying for.

    Way to go Hasbro… You’re ruining this game just like all the others you got your hands on!

    • StarstoneFireyKestrel says:

      Don’t worry. I haven’t got a Jet dragon either. I only have a sapphire dragon. Keep trying, that’s what I did. If it doesn’t work after about twenty times, complain! It took me about fifteen attempts to get my Sapphire. Keep on trying. I agree it annoying when your breeding caves are busy, with dragon you don’t need. Good luck!


    • NeedPrivacy says:

      Ok, we’ll I just got this Jet gem dragon. It figures that get this “after” I posted I had yet to get a gem dragon since Hasbro took over. Lol maybe I should post things like that more often? I was done trying for it and got it. Anyway, it’s only two gems per month so I would not have tried to get it unless my gem island was upgraded with extra slots of which it is. Good luck everyone…these gem dragons are much harder to get…like everything else.

  35. Bryant says:

    Add me, I gift gems every day.

    Game Center: Bryant623
    Facebook: Bryant Phan

  36. Nate says:

    Add me shurio0713 gem for gem

  37. StarstoneFireyKestrel says:

    I don’t have a frostbite but I do have a Blue Fire. Will it still work? Please tell me because then I could get a Jet dragon.

  38. Aaron Ramirez says:

    I used this combination and got rainbow 😀

  39. Lenita kimp says:

    I’ve been trying forever for jet dragon with ash and frost fire still no luck. I use to get what I tried for but again since things have been changed never get what I’m trying for. Play daily at least, starting to get bored now!

  40. charlotte says:

    have one place open for gemswaps
    game centre – babacharchar

  41. NewGuy says:

    I’m new to the game and am in desperate need of gems. I’m only at level 17 and have no other friends to send gems to. Gem for gem? I look everyday!

  42. Jason got says:

    Add me (Jason got ) if you give me gem daily ill give you gems back one for one 🙂

  43. Senna says:

    Trying to get the jet dragon but furst have to finish my ash dragon. Have no friends yet, add me, gem for gem RafiSenna

  44. Becca says:

    Hey have a few spaces for gem swaps. Add me and will do gem for gem bambi_91_ 🙂

  45. Rob says:

    I’ve tried this at least 10 times. Any other combos work for anyone. So far no Jet, but I just got a rainbow….and I got mad…because I want Jet, damnit. Would have killed for a rainbow a year ago.

  46. Kimmie52 says:

    Add me. Gem for gem daily – Kimmie52

  47. zariella says:

    add Zari_ella. i need more people who play daily and return gems

  48. Aneta says:

    Please add me on game center .(antek).

  49. gimmesomefood says:

    Blue fire instead of frostfire works too?

  50. Carina says:

    I’m still looking for people to Trade gems with. Feel free to add me: carina.*

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