DragonVale: How to breed a Rift Dragon (Light Rift) - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Rift Dragon (Light Rift)

DragonVale Rift Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 3650 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Light Rift and Light Rift (Otherwise must be hatched by Magic)

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale Rift Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the DragonVale Rift Dragon Egg

220 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Rift Dragon (Light Rift)”
  1. caren cornett says:

    with bring them all back has anyone been able to breed a light rift? I only have one and want another

    • Dyeyar says:

      Yes.. As long as you have 2 rift dragons.. Just keep on breeding them… Add me to check it on my park… My gc is Flamemaster23

    • Dyeyar says:

      You can use darkrift-lightrift

    • myname says:

      I had light rift and dark rift left from when I got them from the island thingy

    • Elated says:

      I JUST BRED LIGHT RIFT AND DARK RIFT BY USING HEAT AND MIRAGE!! I was attempting to breed sunstruck as I had given up on breeding the rifts!

    • Chrimsonghost says:

      I got one by breeding a luminous dragon and spark dragon during the bring ’em back event

    • Emily says:

      Aw, that’s too bad. Can’t someone tell us people who are new to the game how to get rift dragons? I would like to have just ONE! I’m on level 25. Is that not high enough? Or was that a one time event, where now we can only get them on the “bring them back”? (which definitely is not enough time to breed a dragon, as many times as I try and don’t get anything!) BTW, I still have no friends, cuz nobody showed me how to find people with this game on facebook, so it’s not like I can co-op breed one.

    • Dudwarior says:

      Promethium and light in the normal breeding cave, not upgraded

    • Ladybug says:

      I did plant and flower and got a rift

      • Emily says:

        Wow…thanks, you guys…. I’m still trying. Lol Now my friend has light rift in co-op and idk what works with it. Thanks for the tips, though…I will try next time rift is available. πŸ™‚

  2. Jane says:

    I don’t have any rift dragons, is it possible to breed them with the bring them back event?? Or do I need to just but them?

  3. Nooie says:

    I bred Lotus and Nightshade and have got 48hr. It’s either Light Rift, Dark Rift or Rainbow. Will post the results in two days!

  4. Jough Psmyth says:

    It’s rainbow both rift is 30 sec

    • Meermoggy says:

      Light rift takes 48 hours to breed, then 30 seconds to incubate. I just got one from a light rift (20) and shadow (15) combo in breeding cave. Didn’t realise you could breed them til then!

  5. aboynamedaboy says:

    do you think LIGHT and DARK RIFT can produce LIGHT RIFT?

  6. Stiffler says:

    Just bred level 18 Light Rift and Dark Rift on the upgraded breeding island. 38:24 breed time, but went to 30 second rift egg in the nursery, hatched into Light Rift.

  7. Djohns says:

    I got a light rift by breeding light and dark rift.

  8. Djohns says:

    I was able to get a light rift by breeding a light and dark rift. Took a few times but it’s possible

  9. Annember says:

    I bred a Celtic and Leap year in hopes of getting another Celtic. Very surprised to hatch a LIGHT RIFT!!

  10. Hello says:

    How do you get the dark/light rift?? You can’t breed a rainbow typ or another epic dragon it dosen’t work. Or must i upgrade or…?

  11. Undine3 says:

    Is it still possible to get a (light/dark) Rift dragon? I stopped playing for awhile so is it too late? Please let me know:)

  12. Zue says:

    How do u even breed a light dragon?

  13. Doggurl89 says:

    They should make an event for the two rift dragons like they did for the ovalith dragon and the dusk/dawn dragons. Cause I don’t believe there is another way to get them unless you actually pay for them. And, I ‘d like them. But, I am not buying gems to get them.

    • Aynessa says:

      When they first came out, there was a giant event…in fact, it was the first one of its kind. πŸ™‚ They are the dragons that started the whole limited-time event for Dragonvale.

      • Emily says:

        I read about that; that is why i’my so Ticked that they aren’t available to us new players. I knew I should’ve got the game when it came out!

  14. aurora says:

    wanna get a snowy gold or a piridot dragon? heres the combinations: piridot: crystal/cactus. snowy gold: air/bluefire.
    i got them both in one try good luck! ^_^

  15. RandomPerson says:

    I’m breeding dark and light rift after firefly festival and got 48 hours. What is it?

  16. RandomPerson says:

    I’m breeding dark and light rift after firefly festival and got 48 hours. Is it light rift?

  17. RandomPerson says:

    Got it with light rift and dark dragon idk how πŸ˜›

  18. Jofu17 says:

    Hey Doc, have u been able to get either rift dragon when breeding non rift dragons? I missed the original rift event and I’m hoping to get one with this bringin em back event. Appreciate the help!

    • Regan says:

      I got a light rift breeding lotus and wraith in the upgraded epic breeding island and during the bring em back event.

  19. Tash says:

    I have an egg in my nursery and it’s either light or dark rift but it isn’t taking 30 seconds. It’s taking same time as breeding took. Why is this? I need light rift and bred light dragon with dark rift to get one.

  20. Snowyleopard218 says:

    The rift dragons came back in bring em back event but how can you bred them if the original event is gone?

  21. Kelly says:

    I got a Light Rift breeding Mirage and Heat during the winter event, I’m hoping the same combo will give me a Dark Rift as well

  22. 8giraffe8 says:

    Bred a light rift! Sorry i’m not sure which pair it was, either SteelFire or LightPromethium. All level 11.

  23. Jamie says:

    What do you mean hatched by magic

  24. Robin Confair says:

    How do I add friends on dragonvale so as to get the galaxy dragons

  25. Elizabeth says:

    I got mine from the easter event on the 18th day, my gift was a light rift…. It takes 2 days to hatch

  26. Cal says:

    Hey, I have every dragon in the game but 6, and the light rift is one of them. I have the dark rift, but I want to get some game enter friends with the light rift as their Co-op breeding option.
    I made it a while ago, I know. But I kinda like the username now.

  27. Lideville says:

    I got a light rift dragon when i bred Hydra and Daydream. Upgraded Cave; tried to breed elysium

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