Macenstein’s Mac Chick of the Month April 2014: Audrey - Macenstein

Macenstein’s Mac Chick of the Month April 2014: Audrey

Mac Chick of the Month - Audrey

Welcome to Macenstein‘s “Mac Chick of the Month”. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we have the lovely Audrey, violin salesperson and performer, and of course, a die hard Mac Chick!

Mac Chick of the Month - Audrey

Mac Chick of the Month - Audrey

Mac Chick of the Month - Audrey

Name: Audrey
Age: 24
Location: Orlando, FL
Occupation: Violin Sales and Model
First Apple product you bought: iPod Nano
Favorite Apple Gear: iPhone 4
Favorite non-Apple Gear: My violin. I’ve been playing since I was 8, so it’s pretty much a big part of my life. I’m also in love with my 1993 Nissan 300ZX
Favorite TV Shows: Archer and anything on the History Channel
Favorite Bands: Express and H&M
Pets: Too many cats! I’d love to have a big dog, but I’m not home enough.

Mac Chick of the Month - Audrey

Mac Chick of the Month - Audrey

Mac Chick of the Month - Audrey

Mac Chick of the Month - Audrey

Mac Chick of the Month - Audrey

PHOTOS by the talented: Kevin Winter

To see more of Audrey, please check her out on:
Model Mayhem

Due to popular demand, we are proud to offer a MCotM desktop wallpaper to enhance the beauty of YOUR Mac.

Mac chick of the Month Audrey Desktop Wallpaper

Click image to download the high resolution wallpaper

5 Responses to “Macenstein’s Mac Chick of the Month April 2014: Audrey”
  1. Elmo says:

    Horrible photoshop job, again.

    • oluv says:

      i acutally like the photos and they don’t seem to be retouched that much. on one you can even see some slight hints of cellulite which is a good thing and makes her look more natural than if the skin looked like rubber.

      a gorgeous girl btw!

  2. Phil McKraken says:

    Oh i love the jumping shot!

  3. Rusty Schackleford says:

    Link to a website for pictures that does not work! Shame on you, why include the link to Model Mayhem if the link wont work??

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