DragonVale: How to breed a Sprout Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Sprout Dragon

Dragonvale Sprout Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 1,750 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Sand and Lotus / Cotton and Shimmer / Bouquet and Glass

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”.

Dragonvale Sprout Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the Dragonvale Sprout Dragon Egg

75 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Sprout Dragon”
  1. Hi there says:

    River and light works too

    • Nicole says:

      I FINALLY got a sprout on my iPod park using sand/lotus (lvl 15) on EBI. My android park, NOTHING has worked, so I came here for alternatives.
      SECOND, I just started a 3rd park on my NOOK. I have 2 slots open for gem buddies. Of all the loyal ones I have on my other two, only one answered. So calling Android users….FB is Nicole Storch. Otthers know me as Annie or >>Moosh<<
      Thanks, Annie
      …and may the odds be ever in your favor!

  2. Viljar says:

    @Plzzz add me on game center my account is kult 123 i need gems and i give back gems

  3. FishyMode says:

    I got it on first try using lvl 14 sand and lvl 15 lotus

    Add me gem 4 gem FishyMode

  4. FishyMode says:

    I got it on first try using lvl 14 sand and lvl 15 lotus

    Add me gem 4 gem FishyMode

  5. xN3M0x says:

    Sand and lotus worked 3rd try. Add me for gems xN3M0x (it’s a zero not an o)

  6. J.D. says:

    This one looks awesome! Gonna put it on my new large seasonal habitat when I get it. No luck after two tries with sand/lotus.

    I’m looking for some new reliable friends to trade gems with. I play daily. Level 49 with 10 cool islands.

    I also love checking out other players islands.

    Add me at Game Center…


    • J.D. says:

      Holy crapola !

      I got like a million friend invitations. I hope nobody gets mad if I can’t trade gem for gem. Wasn’t trying to scam a bunch of gems from everybody – for real. Think I’m full for now. Wish they would let you buy a second gifting tree!

      But I’ve enjoyed looking at everybody’s islands. There’s definitely some creative ones. I especially liked what Helengivesyounoham did, and then somebody else did one whole island with rainbow habitats and a bunch of those Japanese cherry blossom trees that looked awesome.

      Still no luck breeding the Sprout Dragon yet with Sand and Lotus. Around 0-for-10 so far.

  7. Liz says:

    I trade gems daily. Add me. Lizzy Lou.

  8. Margaret says:

    Was helping a friend with this dragon and she got one first time with sand and lotus both lvl 13.

  9. Chase says:

    Got mine with cotton and shimmer

    Please add me. My game rid is: superchase
    I return gems daily

  10. Sameer2496 says:

    Wooow such a cool dragon! Add me as gem for gem friend!! Add Sameer2496 :DD

  11. Vincent says:

    Hey. Guys friend me get a lot of free gems plz friend me my name is vinny 7 09

  12. Maya says:

    I think I got 2nd try with sand and lotus both lvl 10. At least it’s something with a breeding time of 28 hours 48 minutes in the upgraded breeding cave, so I’m hoping 😉

  13. Mieke says:

    …my gamecenter name is CALIMIEKE…
    Add me, i add you – always gem for gem 🙂

    I also had luck – first try lotus and sand

  14. Dodo reneshca says:

    I got it shimmer and earth 4 try

  15. Brent says:

    Have two spots for gem trading. bak2530

  16. Ashley says:

    Got it first try with Bouquet and Glass, both level 11 on the EBI

  17. Ashley says:

    Got it first try with Bouquet and Glass, both level 11 on the EBI

  18. WinsAllot says:

    I got the sprout dragon on the first try using a level 20 Light Dragon & a level 20 Terradiem Dragon. (On the Upgraded Epic Breeding Island).

  19. Gabby says:

    Can anyone tell me what the blue egg with the gold at the bottom is? It’s the last one on his picture. 🙂

  20. Jill says:

    Working on it, trying bouquet 11 and glass 11. Hasn’t worked.. going to try and level them up.
    Add me: thatpumpkin
    We’ll trade gems 😀

  21. Geelo says:

    aclovince id. Add me

  22. anitablake says:

    I got mine with lotus and earth, twice in a row!!!

  23. Countrybug says:

    I am after 2 reliable gem friends. Please don’t send request if you don’t have room for daily gem 4 gem. I will only accept the first 2 requests, that way nobody will waste giving any if I don’t have room to return

    • Countrybug says:

      So sorry to anyone who tried to send me requests. I left the 69 off the the of the Countrybug.
      It should have been countrybug69. Game centre ID

  24. haniczka says:

    Gabby, the blue gemstone egg you asked about is the Lapis.

  25. jul.a.lamb says:

    I was able to get this dragon after a few tries with level 15 lotus and level 15 sand in EBI.

    I’m also looking for some reliable friends to trade gems with. I love seeing the designs of everyone’s parks. I currently have a dragonsai gifting tree and no more friends to exchange with 🙁 Please add me at game center: jul.a.lamb

  26. Anicca says:

    I trade gems daily add me

  27. AlyzieDGamer says:

    I got mine with Light and Panlong, on accident! This dragon is the highlight of my new large Seasonal habitat 🙂

  28. Margaret says:

    I was having no luck with sand and lotus so tried mud (15) and lotus (13) and got it first time.

  29. Sas says:

    Can’t get this dragon with any of the breeding tips ????

  30. Mariluuuuu says:

    Hi there! Looking for one or two daily gem traders. Please add me – mariluuuuu 🙂

  31. Jayster says:

    Working on 3rd try river + light both level 11
    Hope it works soon this dragon is sick!

    Looking for some friends
    add me @ Jayster179

  32. ??? says:

    This whole time I was breeding sand and lotus over and over again with no luck. Today I felt I had enough an switched the position from left and right for the first time and bam! 36hrs. Both dragons lvl 11 in the normal breeding cave. I hope this helps anyone with trouble breeding this awesome dragon and best of luck breeding! 😉

  33. ??? says:

    Aha it lagged sorry about that

  34. Kristin:) says:

    Hi, i trade gems daily, add me 🙂 kristinsgr

  35. tahliariley says:

    Tried for ages with river/light combo, got first try with sand and lotus both level 15 on island.
    Add me on game centre tahliariley currently only 2 spots available, but I have a lvl 52 park and will be getting the dragonsai tree soon.

  36. Margaret says:

    My son was trying sand and lotus over again to get his second sprout, no luck so put sprout and spring in and got it first try.

  37. Dragnstar says:

    I spent a bunch of times trying sand and lotus, but got it on the first try with Cotton and Shimmer on the epic island.

  38. Mummzy177 says:

    Got this dragon with cotton and shimmer third try, also looking for 4 reliable friends to trade gems daily. I am a daily player level 54 add me on Game Center. Mummzy177

  39. King Evan says:

    Hey add me gamecenter: Coolness McSwag (yeah i know :/) gem for gem as often as i can

  40. Christopherson says:

    Hi! I’m looking for two devoted and reliable friends to trade gems with! I play everyday and gift to those who have proven themselves loyal to return the favor. I only have two slots though so first come first serve. My game center id is: Christopherson 🙂 (be sure to include the smiley)

  41. Nikki says:

    I can’t get this dragon! I’ve probably bred sand and lotus 30 times. Anyone have some tips to help me get it?

  42. Narvark says:

    Still trying to get this. Wondering if you really do need to upgrade dragons to higher than level eleven….

    Would love some friends. Will send gems. Play every day. Add Narvark (Game Center id)

  43. Sas says:


    Add me gem 4 gem
    Daily player

  44. Amanda tozer says:

    Tried cotton shimmer and cotton lotus for like forever, no luck. Lots of people ask for friends saying they will swap back and never do! Tired of no give back? St0rmagedd0n Dark Lord of all 1 on gamecenter. With two giving tree accounts I play daily!

  45. Calisi says:

    I can’t get this dragon!! Been trying sand/lotus and cotton/shimmer with zero luck and I’m down on gems.
    I need 3 new loyal gem traders. Seems I’ve had 3 “friends” disappear and stop returning gems.
    My gamecenter id: MammaLisa03

    • Narvark says:

      Just exhausted my gems trying both glass and bouquet AND sand and lotus. I’ve been trying since Sprout came out and STILL don’t have a “little Sprout”!

  46. Sarah says:

    I need 3 friends to trade gems. Only who trade daily will stay. Game Center ID : babydragon18

  47. Joanne says:

    These combos didn’t work for me. Tried lotus/sand more than 20 times. Got two Sprout dragons with GLASS/WATER!!! My kids switched to glass/water after many unsuccessful attempts and they for Sprout dragons right away!

    • Narvark says:

      Wish I had known sooner.
      I’ve exhausted all my saved gems and spent all my coins on food to upgrade dragons.
      Only an hour left and still didn’t get the Sprout. I lost count of how many times I tried.

      • Narvark says:

        Tried water/glass 3 times.
        Didn’t get the sprout.
        Never tried so much to get a dragon and actually NOT manage to get it.
        Really weird.

  48. I got the sprout dragon 1st try with sand and lotus dragons both level 12 on the EBI! Plz need gems, I give gem4gem, Game Center: Lexsterz12

  49. Princess Javert says:

    Hey doc do you mind if you post on the Limited Dragons their Time Frame of when they are available In the Year? That would be so helpful

  50. Luna says:

    I’m not sure what I’m getting. It’s either this, panlong (impossible at the moment) or victory. I guess I’ll see the day after tmr

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