Macenstein’s Mac Chick of the Month June 2014: Manda Susan - Macenstein

Macenstein’s Mac Chick of the Month June 2014: Manda Susan

Mac Chick of the Month Manda Susan

Welcome to Macenstein‘s “Mac Chick of the Month”. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we have the lovely Manda Susan!

Mac Chick of the Month Manda Susan

Mac Chick of the Month Manda Susan

Mac Chick of the Month Manda Susan

Mac Chick of the Month Manda Susan

Mac Chick of the Month Manda Susan

Name: Manda Susan
Age: 25
1st apple product: iPhone 4
Favorite Apple gear: MacBook!
Favorite non-Apple gear: My ’12 Jeep Wrangler
Favorite TV shows: I don’t watch much tv due to my busy schedule, but I LOVE Catfish!
Favorite movies: Monster, requiem for a dream, and any Quentin Tarantino film
Favorite bands: Nirvana, Goo Goo Dolls, The Ramones, Breaking Benjamin, etc etc
Hobbies: I love horseback riding, going to the beach, reading, and spending time with friends & family
Pets: I have two hairless Sphynx cats, Sebastian & Oliver, and a 3-legged Rat Terrier named Cache.
Web site:

Mac Chick of the Month Manda Susan

Mac Chick of the Month Manda Susan

Mac Chick of the Month Manda Susan

Mac Chick of the Month Manda Susan

PHOTOS by the talented: Kevin Winter

To see more of Manda, please check her out on:
Model Mayhem

Due to popular demand, we are proud to offer a MCotM desktop wallpaper to enhance the beauty of YOUR Mac.

Desktop Wallpaper Mac Chick of the Month Manda Susan

Click image to download the high-res wallpaper

4 Responses to “Macenstein’s Mac Chick of the Month June 2014: Manda Susan”
  1. Robert Burgin says:

    WOW is all I have to say just WOW!!

  2. Sean Lefield says:


  3. Freddy W says:

    Smoken S-E-X-Y

  4. Dr J says:

    Swiggity Swooty!!! nice caboose..

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