DragonVale: How to breed a Hydra Dragon
BUY-IT Price: 2150 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Quake and Current
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”.
Hydra!!! FINALLY!!!!
I suggested a group of dragons based on Greek Mythology to Backflip when the Cyclops Dragon was released!!!
(This was because I don’t like them being in Olympus habitat….give ’em their own! THAT would be a great ‘Odessey’!!!)
Backflip answered me that “they couldn’t take suggestions from the public.”
Well, HA-HA…..I’m STILL HERE!!!! And I have THREE parks now!!
…and May the Odds be Ever in Your Favour!
Wow. Anyway… If it is possible, can anyone tell me ( reply ) if there is any other way to get this new hydra dragon ( that has a some-what long history!!!)
Crystal and Plasma is what!
Is there any other way. I’ve tried to get plasma and current on both breeding habitats since June 10. I’ve used MacEnstein and DragonCalculater with no luck. Help?
I used water and quake both level 12. Worked for me
No you MUST breed quake and current. check the breeding hint. Even Crystal and current doesn’t work at all. You just have bad luck
I breed the Bicentennial Dragon and the Holly Dragon which works good for me ??
I got it with snow and quake.
Can u tell me how to get all of the Olympus dragons and the silver gold and bronze ones for anything pls!! I don’t know how to get them I have tried for like months.
Many have gotten it with sandstorm and thunder when they were breeding the lapis dragon
the olympus dragons the combinations Sonic+lava
Teidian + Polarian dragon works pretty well
Funny. I just suggested they have a drawing contest and pick the winner (s) to be the new dragon (s). I’d start drawing rn!
I suggested a group of dragons based on Greek Mythology to Backflip when the “Cyclops” dragon first came out.
Backflip answered me saying how they weren’t allowed to accept suggestions from the public.
I told them I wasn’t looking for anything…just loved the app.
I guess they figured id be done playing the app by now. Nope. I have THREE parks now!!!
…And May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour!
Why don’t you research the definition of “noob” so you can realize how childish and IGNORANT you are!
Thats truly right
Hmm. Truly. K.
Hopefully, the silly stone throwers are tucked in bed….where yhey belong!!
For all the REAL DV players, the quake/current combo is good!!! My dragons were both lvl 11 in the EBI.
Just for a hoot, I hit “breed again”….SHAZAAM!!! I got TWINS!!!
OI….has anyone else noticed the startup screen ALWAYS says about how getti.ng every dragon ie possible?…..it used to scroll randomly over a bunch of cute sayings. WHY FREEZE IT NOW?????
BUT, Im just a noob…..I’ll bet the $#=รท$-22 brain trust knows!……probably not!
…and May the Odds be Ever in Your Favour!
got it first try with current lv 5 and quake lv 12….good luck
i have tried it like 10 times and both are level 11 dragons still nothing keep getting crystal
I’ve been trying non-stop too and only getting crystal – my quake dragon is 15 and my current dragon is 16. I only have two dragons left, this one and the victory one, which isn’t even available and I think that they set this game where when you get too close to the goal of getting all your dragons they stop you from getting the ones you’re missing. I had to save up gems and buy the current one. And I’m breeding in my cave for a second one and still having no luck.
I would now set it so that your dragons are level 17-18. This will give you a better chance in getting this Hydra Dragon
I don’t think the game is rigged to keep you from getting all the dragons. Before the Hydra was released,(and right before the Firefly Event started) I did have every dragon. My dragonarium was reacting and it showed that I had all of the dragons.
It’s still just as difficult for me to breed new dragons as it always has been. The Hydra has been a tough one for me. Good luck!
I need to get a current dragon. Once I get it I can get this dragon and I’ll have all the dragons but every time I try to breed a current dragon I get an ash or cactus dragon
Hi, add me, name IsabelleErixon, i have a gemtree so I’m able to give you gems if you give me ๐
what is your game centre
I got 24 hour inc tinme with quake and current both lv 12 in the breeding island, what is it?
I think it might be a chrystal dragon. I dont know.
its a good chance its a crystal dragon
It might be a forge dragon
If it’s not the upgraded, the two people above me are correct.
Since they introduced the “re breed” option, I don’t use it as a rule if im not getting what I want…its never worked. Thats why I said “just for a hoot” up above. Its never worked before.
And I concur, I think the gamemakers are tweaking with the odds.
Also, try different lvls of dragons…ex. if ur getting a lightning hybrid as a result, up the other to a higher level.
Been playing this coming up on 3 years..? It used to be ‘easier’.
…and May the Odds be Ever in Your Favour!
I don’t think that’s correct. I’ve tried the re breed option and have gotten different dragons.
Summer dragon? :/ but still cool
Would it work with plasma insted of current? Thanks!
Would it work with plasma insted of current? Thanks! I have plasma, but not current.
Add me on game centre to trade gems on dragonvale:) I have the dragonsai gifting tree and I play everyday, this is my game centre account: apolloemc
Hi guys, thanks so much. I got enough gem traders.
OMG I love this dragon, I want it so bad, the only thing baring my way of getting this dragon is I don’t have a current dragon. ๐ but I wish good luck to those of you trying to get this AWSOME dragon!
How do you breed a hydra dragon
I bred it by silver and rainbow
Yea finally got it! Add me Rachellosaurus I play everyday and gem everyday too. Need 4 new friends who do the same. Thanks!
Whoops my bad just read that we shouldn’t post friend requests here! I’ll know for next time sorry Mac!
I just love the Dragonvale app but I wonder if there ever going to make a robot dragon
Got the hydra using Quake and Current both level 10 on EBI. I need RELIABLE daily gem traders for my 4 parks. If you want FOUR GEMS PER DAY, add these four Game Center names:
Mermaid Jewels, MinecraftJaden, skylanderjonas, teamj49
If you do not consistently trade, I will have to remove you from my lists. I have had enough of flaky gem traders. I have a lot to give so expect consistency in return. Thanks so much and I hope you get the Hydra if you haven’t already! ๐
Got this dragon, non stop rebreeding with both dragons lvl 17. my son still trying, both lvl 15.
My son finally got it when he fed them up to lvl 17
You must work fir the game and were paid to say that.
I need friends
Please friend me at jordybavvy
I got 28 hours, with the upgraded breeding thing… Is that it?!
Yes !!!! Congrats! I’m still trying:(
Yes !!!! Congrats! I’m still trying to get the hydra dragon.
struggling to get this one big time, crystal dragons every time, might try leveling them up a bit see if that helps!
add me …Danny92… gems and butterflies!
I have a bonsai tree and need new friends to gift everyday. add me “gothefro53”
cheers ๐
Yea I just got both a Leaf, and Hydra!
Got it on the second try with Quake and Current both lvl 15 in the breeding cave. Finally!
Quake and current finally worked for me too!
Doing this for MONTHS!! Level 20 Quake + level 17 Current. This shows that Backflip is lying about higher-level dragons giving better chance and breeding epic dragons.
Well, you’re at least lucky enough to have Current. You would’nt BELIEVE the kind of bad luck MY park is! Can someone please tell us the most likely way to get Current? I tried the tips on the Current page and NOTHING! Been trying since August!
That is SO true! I’ve had WORSE luck with the *better breeding chance dragons(16+), along with the epic breeding island!
Anyone want free gems just send some to me and I will send some to u at airplane1231@aol.com
Can you get all these sorts of dragons using the normal breeding cave??? Because that’s the only one I have ๐
I am new to the game I like it… But I am having a hard time figuring out who and what to breed like I am at 22 almost 23 and in the fights in faced with dragons that are like feniar ect now how on earth am I to beat that I did eventually only took like 4days ? Any help would be great full I also have 60 friends that used to play, but don’t any more so that kinda sucks don’t no where to go add people either lol tyia!
I breeded the quake and current dragon and no luck help?
Patience you must learn. unless you did it literally 500 times.
I still have not got it.. need friends for other dragons for galaxy dragons.
I got it with my lv 10 leap year and lv 11 trinket while hoping for a totally different dragon.
What happens when you breed a galaxy dragon with a ornamental dragon
If anyone is wondering about any alternative combos, I bred my LVL 10 Stygian dragon with Nogard’s LVL 5 comet dragon…. I have got a 1 day 10 hours breeding time so it isa hydra because the Stygian is an Olympus dragon. STYGIAN+COMET/GALAXY DRAGON!