DragonVale: How to breed a Leaf Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Leaf Dragon

DragonVale Leaf Dragon

DragonVale Leaf Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 1,350 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Swamp and Luminous / Meadow and Lotus

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”.


DragonVale Leaf Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the DragonVale Leaf Dragon Egg

63 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Leaf Dragon”
  1. Paula says:

    I got it on my second try with Swamp & Luminous

  2. Case says:

    First comment gives me good luck need ????????????????dragon!!!!

  3. jay says:

    Whats the 4th egg?

  4. Don K. says:

    Got a Leaf Dragon on the 4th try Usig a Meadow Dragon and a Lotus Dragon ( both were Level18).

  5. Aj says:

    Second try with lotus lvl 12 and meadow lvl 11! 🙂

  6. tahliariley says:

    I got a prism dragon with the swamp and luminous combo on the second try

  7. HS says:

    Got it first try with swamp and luminous 🙂

  8. Joe says:

    First try with ember and bouquet.

  9. City _o_champyinz says:

    1st try with swamp and lum i got a 30hr in the epic BC upgraded.. Hope it the leaf

  10. City _o_champyinz says:

    Hemmed it cause i was so curious and it was the leaf!!.. That never happens to me on the first try.. One extra hurry up and worry I’m not gonna get it off my shoulders

  11. myrubberduck 39 says:

    puttng levels with your combos sure does help….

  12. Bruzer3 says:

    I got a prism dragon first try with luminous and swamp both level 14. I still don’t have the leaf dragon though. 🙁

  13. Lila says:

    So I think this idiotic game also lets you get prism with this combo and I am totally mad about that
    I have 2 prism and paid for the egg with gems and now I got the 42 hour prism.
    Not happy.
    But I guess that’s another combo for all you who want this or prism?

    • Jetstream says:

      WHY WOULD YOU WASTE GEMS ON AN EGG? If you already had two prism dragons, you could have just bred them together for a 100% chance to get a Prism.

  14. myrubberduck 39 says:

    got it with lotus lv 12 and meadow lv 11……

  15. V Lo says:

    Swamp and luminous level 15 for both worked!!! Tried 14x

  16. Erik says:

    Finally got it after about 30 tries in the epic breeding island with swamp and luminous both level 12

  17. Erik says:

    Got a prism dragon with meadow and lotus both level 12 in the normal breeding cave before i got the leaf with swamp and luminous levels 12 in the epic breeding cave island

  18. MasterChief7494 says:

    Anyone that wants a free gem per day add me. Will only get them if you send one first. I will get a dragonsi tree if I have more than 3 people at a time. First people to send friend request gets em 🙂 GameCenter: MasterChief7494

  19. Lisa says:

    I’m on level 40. Just finally breed Leaf after what seemed like 486 tries using all recommended combos. Working combo for us was Swamp level 17 and Light level 16 in the epic breeding cave. Now onto that pesky dream dragon!!!

  20. Liz says:

    I can’t get this dragon!!!! I’ve tried swamp and luminous level 15 30+ times and meadow and lotus level 15 over 15 times and nothing!!

  21. bonnie says:

    does anyone know how to send dragons on quests?
    i have kairos
    tried backflip website but couldn’t find anything
    thanks in advance

    • Grim says:

      You can not send your dragons on quests if you already have Kairos as the quests are based on getting the legendary fragments to summon him. So no quests after summoning him.

  22. anon says:

    Finally! I had to use up gems I won in the game but I got this dragon. One more left to get my dragonarium working again.

  23. Kari-Irun says:

    Ughhhhh I’m so frustrated…… Ive used 250 gems that I have spent months accumulating to speed along the breeding of this dragon and i’ve tried probably about 40 times and I have gotten nothing! It used to be remotely possible to breed dragons (especially limited ones) now it’s literally like pulling teeth. I guess I don’t get the leaf dragon…

  24. Judy says:

    They made this leaf dragon way too hard to get. I’ve had both breeding caves constantly going with level 19 dragons since it first became available. And I just spent $10 worth of gems. I’ve always gotten at least two of each dragon before. I haven’t even got one leaf. I’m sooooooo disappointed.


  25. Yolo says:

    I got a leaf dragon from using light and seaweed on my 4th try

  26. Spydre says:

    I’ve been trying both combinations on both islands since this guy was released and nothing, even on higher chance days. I’m starting to wonder if its been left out of my dragon database…
    Very frustrated

  27. totoro2003 says:

    Does the decorations give higher chances?? Dragonvale Wikia says it doesn’t, but whenever i buy the habitat or decoration before i start breeding, i always get the dragon 1st or 2nd try. is it just being lucky? plz help me!

  28. totoro2003 says:

    OMG! i got this dragon in the co-op cave (1st time in co-op cave!) with rainbow and rainbow!! so happy! good luck to other leaf dragon breeders!

  29. Sprocket07 says:

    First try, meadow and shimmer

  30. Arnav says:

    I got it using a polarian and double rainbow.

  31. Bagel says:

    I think I’ve tried for this dragon atleast 30 times both level 15 in the epic breeding island… 🙁

  32. Mjölnir says:

    I kept my two caves going. So far, light And seaweed and shimmer and seaweed and meadow and shimmer not working. Trying luminous next

  33. Kid says:

    Got it after about 6-7 tries with the swamp and luminous both lvl 10 good luck getting him guys just keep trying if u keep getting a different dragon

  34. Rainbow star says:

    I dont have a luminous dragon so any other breeding combos?

  35. Cephalotus says:

    Second year of trying using both caves and still no leaf. Definitely frustrating.

  36. Danigurl says:

    Just got this by breeding 2 snowflake dragons. Bizarre.

  37. Jarvisc says:

    Got it with prism and dazzling dragon first try in ebi

  38. Kemp says:

    I got the Leaf Dragon with level 11 meadow and level 11 seaweed. That works too:))

  39. Yannick says:

    I got it on first try with blue moon and leap year in the normal breeding cave???

  40. Jack says:

    I may sound dumb here, but why can’t gemstone dragons be bred??

  41. Hector says:

    I have tried it at least ten times and still havent gotten it.

  42. Bred this with lvl 11 shimmer and evergreen while trying for a wavelyte. Imagine my surprise :0

  43. Michelle says:

    After trying swamp and luminous about 15 times (I did get a prism though) I used meadow and lotus both level 15 on EBI and got it first try. This was the last seasonal I needed.

  44. Unknown says:

    Lol i bred a rainbow and a leapyear to get mine

  45. Nancy Cordero says:

    Merry Christmas everyone!
    I’m trying to evolve leaf but I’m not able. What am I doing wrong or what level do I need to be in order to increase the level of the seasonal dragons?

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