DragonVale: How to breed a Ragnarok Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Ragnarok Dragon

DragonVale Ragnarok Dragon

The DragonVale Ragnarok Dragon

INCUBATION TIME: 39 Hours, 27 minutes Hours
BUY-IT Price: 1,300 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Lava and Ruin / Blue Fire and Root / Watch and Mountain

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”.


DragonVale Ragnarok Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the DragonVale Ragnarok Dragon Egg

65 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Ragnarok Dragon”
  1. Jenn788 says:

    Got it on my first try using a lvl 17 blue fire and lvl 16 root on the ebi. Thanks Mac, you’re advice is always so helpful!

  2. Lauren says:

    Need 6 new friends! Serious dragonvale player will send gems every day!! GC ID- TheeLBC

  3. anon says:

    What do we set our twilight towers on? Or is that not making a difference anymore?

    • Nicole says:

      I don’t know for certain if it makes a difference…but those combos on “Spooky” are giving me consistently Ghost dragons.
      I’m switching mine to “Day” to have a go.

      …and May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor!

    • Annie says:

      Anon….I swear I sent an earlier post to you??!

      I had been gettin’ ghost dragons with the recommended Ragnarok combos…but after changing my “Twilight Tower” to Day…first try….got the right breeding time!!

      Let’s hear it and keep it going!@

      ….and May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor!!

    • CAWAGAL says:

      You may switch it from daw more day.

  4. Kitty says:

    blue fire + root gave me crypt dragon..

  5. Kira says:

    I got it on my first try! Lv. 16 mountain and watch! Thanks Dr. Mac for all the help!

  6. TheTiger478 says:

    Just got my third double rainbow with mountain and watch on ebi. Really want this dragon, cause I don’t have an apocalypse element dragon.

  7. HeichouCakes says:

    I tried it 2 times and on the second time it says to finish breeding for 60 gems and the time is 2:11:54:14 hours. Will I get it?

  8. Liz says:

    Blue fire and root both level 15 on EBI on 3rd try!

  9. Janna says:

    I’ve tried atleast 50 times and still no luck! 🙁

  10. Stef says:

    First try with Blue Fire and Cave. 🙂

  11. Lvl 15 mountian and watch first try

  12. buzz96 says:

    Finally got it with Carnival and Crypt, but I leveled both up to 16 just before breeding on island.

  13. Irina says:

    Got it after a couple of tries with blue fire and root both level 17 🙂

  14. luke says:

    Tried all combos 20 times each (I’ve kept count) all at level 16+ and still not got it. what am I doing wrong?

    • Emily says:

      Hey, you sound like Me! Must’ve got a sh*t park like I did! Let me guess-r u on Facebook, not game center too? Seems like people that have to use Facebook have the worst luck! Especially at finding friends on Facebook that have this game! And when you send the game an e-mail, saying how the breeding never works, they always say, “there’s nothing wrong with your park.” I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve had to buy most of my special dragons. Plus the epic cave, and leveling up have no effect on the outcome; it’s all random!

  15. Vlo says:

    Bluefire lvl 15 and Cave lvl 12 worked after 10 tries.

    • Emily says:

      In other words, it didn’t work. You just finally got a little luck. Me? After 30 some tries, I still never get anything. And some dragons expire after 24 hrs. Those I’ll never get, cuz i’m done spending money on nothing but high-blood pressure from me getting mad at this game!

  16. Lina says:

    So how to get this dragon if I don’t have the twilight tower? Tried since the dragon were out in both breeding place…. No luck so far… Thanks

  17. Nicnick says:

    Blue fire 16 and cave 11 worked first try

  18. Ch3wy says:

    I got this dragon first try Paper (lvl 15) and Root (lvl 15). I got it on accident. I was trying for pepper and root for a different dragon, but hey I didn’t have this dragon yet so score

  19. Bobrightly says:

    Anyone have success breeding this without the twilight tower? I’ve had high level pairs going since it became available with no luck. Thanks.

  20. TBaks says:

    Blue Fire & Root????????

  21. Michelle says:

    Rainbow and Sun scored me this one!

  22. Hey Guys says:

    I got this first try with level 10 lava and rui. Best combo out of the three

  23. Johnny says:

    I got it First Try with Leap Year lvl 10 and platinum lvl 15 in cooperative breeding cave

  24. The Valer of Dragons says:

    I got it with a lvl 10 double rainbow and a lvl 7 gold, without the twilight tower.

    • kat says:

      Just got this by breeding raindow (10) & Mirror (11) in epic breeding cave. Was not expecting that! Oh yeah and I don’t have the twilight tower

  25. CleoDaKatt says:

    Bred this accidentally in the co-op breeding cave XD used rainbow and fire. What an odd mix. Anyone else breed one of these by accident with a odd pairing?

  26. Ty Champione says:

    How long does it take to breed it?

  27. Pugs rock says:

    Any suggestions?

  28. DV Playa says:

    3rd try with Lvl 13 Mountain and Lvl 13 Dungeon

  29. Lily says:

    Got it first try with Ruin and Bone (both Lvl 16) in Upgraded Breeding Cave after several failed attempts using Crypt and Bone.

  30. Kels says:

    I got this breeding a daydream with a dream, weird right?

  31. Gen Hopfe says:

    I just bred my lvl 7 gold with a friend’s lvl 13 muse and got this exact time! Weird. It is about 7 in the morning in case you wanted to know.

  32. JustinL says:

    Just got this with my L16 Nightmare and a L11 Portent in Co-op

  33. Abby says:

    Lvl 10 glass and lvl 10 rainbow

  34. McCheese says:

    You Can aldo try Aurora dragon and current or current and Aurora cant really Remember thet order but it works i Got 2 ragnarok dragons in 5 or 4 attemps. Everybody should try this

  35. C0urtney95 says:

    Blue fire/root just gave me incubation of 56 hours… not ragarnok any ideas??

  36. Susan Saver says:

    I got it with a Conifer and a Tidal. Was trying for a rainbow or something else cool.

  37. oli says:

    I got it with bone and frostbite and for some reason I bred two summer dragons and got a paper. how???

  38. Acura says:

    I got it first try and second with and articurian (lvl 10) and a polarian (lvl 4) in that order with the cooperative breeding cave

  39. Buddy says:

    I’ve been trying for several weeks with the oni dragon and the dark dragon. Anybody get it with this pairing?

  40. Kye Yu says:

    blue fire and watch worked for me

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