DragonVale: How to breed a Sorarian Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Sorarian Dragon

DragonVale Sorarian Dragon

The DragonVale Sorarian Dragon

BUY-IT Price: ? Gems
HOW TO BREED: The Sorarian Dragon can only be bred using the Collaborative Breeding Cave, and using a Sorarian Dragon (yours, or a friends) and either another galaxy type dragon, or an epic dragon.


(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”.

DragonVale Sorarian Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the DragonVale Sorarian Dragon Egg

67 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Sorarian Dragon”
  1. Annie says:

    Dr Mac,
    This app has been CRAZY “weird” since my “youngest”, he was about 12 then (he’ll be 16 at the end of May), just a few months after it was introduced, “found” this app for me, as my dexterity had become so bad from rapidly advancing MS, “it” wouldn’t allow me to play my beloved PokΓ©mon app anymore.
    Me, I still LOVE IT!! (as I have three “parks” on three different “devices”)…..yes, putting all the service “inconsistencies” aside, (Γ¬ too, have had MULTIPLE “problems ” with their service department too…as I have pointed out NUMEROUS “inconsistencies” over the years which “they” evidently “listened” to, thus making me feel (and I know I was) being “used” as i noticed the “problems ” would suddenly “dissappear “.
    Anyway, thanks for your DV blog, its made playing much easier!
    Regards, Annie

  2. MC Chen says:

    Hey Mac, it would be AWESOME if you showed us a complete view of your entire park! πŸ™‚

  3. Frostfox says:

    As I trade with my family members I don’t have gems on my iOS account , do you play on android my son has extra gems on his and would like to help fund you with gems.

  4. Janna says:

    I have never had such a frustrating time breeding a dragon. I stupidly spent real money on hundreds of gems (my own fault) and I keep getting long breeding times, time and time again!! Right now my nursery is full of eggs that will all take over a day to hatch! And right now I have a breeding time of 48 hours!! I give up! I completely give up!!!! This is cruel! haha

    I still just have my first galactic dragon and I keep seeing people posting about how they have all 5 by now. I don’t get it! πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

    • wow says:

      You know the great nogard guy
      do it with him with a brazurian lvl7+

    • cupcwake says:

      Janna, I understand how you feel. That happened to me too. I now have 5 after a million days, and I will teach you a trick: get the rarest dragon you have and breed it with the galaxy dragon. Worked with me, so i don’t see why you can’t

    • Emily says:

      I’m so sorry, as I know what you’re going through (I’m having the same damn problem!) It took me forever to get the 2 I still only have! Spent all my money too, and as soon as I stopped, I started getting some luck; Not much, but, at least I got a few epic dragons out of the 20 or more I’ve been trying for, for months! It’s ridiculous, because even when you breed them with no break the whole time the dragons are available (I’m talking literally been up all day and night)by using gems to cut the time, you still end up without the dragon! So I said fk it! I don’t try anymore, just pick out random dragons to breed, and I don’t spend $#^t! Good luck Everyone!!!

    • Emily says:

      I’ve had this frustrating a time with all my dragons, but a few. And spent tons of money on nothing; just for the time to be sped up to find out that I got another elemental one that I already got 10 times or more.

  5. Little_min02 says:

    Hey Mac I sent you a gc request. Could you accept it?

  6. Arlina says:

    I want to get a sorarian dragon. I have polarian & antarian.
    My Game Center name is: ****
    Also need 2 more gem 4gem friends!

  7. Lynsey says:

    Hi All. I’m going a lil OCD dragonvale breeding crazy trying to get these Galaxy dragons…. I’m level 65 with every dragon but these! If you have them, please friend me?? **** @game center. Much thanks πŸ™‚

  8. Aidan says:

    Add me aidan keystone

  9. ThePurplePandaBear says:

    I finally got this dragon! Just got to wait 45 hours now xD

  10. ghost.44 says:

    I have three of the galaxy dragons but need help getting the last two

  11. Cally says:

    I have an Antarian and Polarian but need to get the rest! I’m happy to friend anyone who wants to collaborate. My game center ID is **************.

  12. Jodie says:

    Hi. I’m ****. I have successfully been able to breed all of the Galaxy dragons except for the Sorarian Dragon as none of my friends have levelled their Solarian Dragons up to level 4. Is there anyone with one of these dragons who wants to become friends with me? I have the other galaxy dragons, so if someone wants to breed any other dragon I can help them. My gamecenter name is above. Thanks πŸ™‚

  13. LoreneGo says:

    I have two of these dragon and another waiting to hatch!

    Game Center ID: ****

    • Anna says:

      I added you! Can you please put one of you Sorarian Dragons in the corporative breeding cave? It’s the last one I need πŸ™‚ Thanks.

      Gamecenter ID: ****

  14. Althezoe3 says:

    Hey ya’ll! I’m an avid dragon vale player, but I’m struggling to get these Galaxy dragons! If anyone can help me out, shoot me a request! I have a sorarian dragon, and if you have any of the others, I think we’ll get along just fine!

    Game Center id: ****

  15. BoBrightly says:

    I feel kind of silly, but I can’t level my Galaxy Dragons past 10. What’s the magic secret there? Thanks guys. And thanks Doc for all of your wisdom.

    Daily level 65 player looking for Sol and Biz

    • BoBrightly says:

      Or two Galaxy habitats? I have the one, and no option to upgrade or purchase a second.

    • Sugartrip says:

      You need this building, i think it’s called relic of the ancient which was one of the prizes in a past event and it let’s you level epic dragons past 10. You’d have to spend real money or play the app 24/7 to get it tho. It will probably be available to buy for an absurd amount of gems eventually ^^

    • Steven S says:

      You need a special dragon statue which is only obtainable like e.g the magic egg event. If you collect enough magic eggs then it will be yours. I miss it too, was only 200 eggs more to getting it. This statue can let you level up your epic dragon to Lvl 15.

  16. zhannons says:

    I have the Sorarian dragon up for co-op breeding right now if anyone needs it. I also have all the other galaxy dragons. Gamecenter: ****
    Currently searching for players with snowflake dragons up for co-op but feel free to add me regardless

  17. hyprox1413 says:

    I have 4 Galactic dragons on level 15, only missing Arcturian. Please add me if you have one. My gamecenter ID is ****

    • hyprox1413 says:

      To the friends just added me for Galactic dragon breeding,

      I just realized that I have to switch one specific dragon on for my friends to breed with. Sorry if you added me but didn’t see the dragon you need.

      I’m currently having Bizurian dragon on. If you need another one, please reply here, and I’ll switch it on for you. First come first serve for those who have Arcturian on for me. And I will switch to another one every week if there are more than one requested here. Thanks to you all!

      • Emily says:

        You CAN pick the dragon you want your friends to get? I was wondering that; But, I didn’t know how to do it. If that’s the case, thanx NoGARD for the crappy fire dragon you’ve left me with, all the time I had no friends on here!

  18. Arasan says:

    My gc id is ****

  19. Sugartrip says:

    I have all 5 Galaxy Dragons and i will be switching my Sorarian, Arcturian and Bizurian dragons Weekly for co-op breeding.
    If anyone needs any of these dragons send me a friend request ^^
    Game Center: ****.
    I will have my Sorarian dragon up until monday then i wil switch it with my Bizurian ^^

  20. Ali says:

    Why is everyone’s game centre ID starred out! πŸ™

  21. Ethan V says:

    My Game center account name is ****

  22. Erika says:

    I just got a polarian dragon but I don’t know which dragon to breed with the great Nogard’s sorarian dragon to get the sorarian dragon… Can anyone help???

  23. Suzy says:

    Whaaaat it was so easy for me ! πŸ˜€ i have a polarian and the orange one too and i tried with a polarian and the sorarian of my friend(he was just in Level 4) and i got a 45 hours! πŸ™‚

  24. Maddie says:

    Add me at: maddie.11x I have antarian bizurian and polarian and looking to collaborate for the other dragons. Please add me as a friend, I send gems daily!

  25. Skolas12 says:

    Have porycon andromedean looking for bizurian and sorian dragon πŸ™‚ GC is skolas12

  26. James says:

    I’ve been trying to get these galaxy dragons for AGES but because none of my friends have dragonvale, I’ve just been saving gems :/ I don’t know how you add people on dragonvale other than being facebook friedns, if someone could should me that’d be great!
    If people want galaxy dragons, I have Antarian, Procyon and Polarian

  27. diana says:

    I specificly got sorarian by breeding it and snowflake?

  28. Dramsto says:

    IPhone user add


    for Sorarian, Bizurian, Andromedan, Antarian, Arcturian, Comet, Eridanian, Polarian or Procyon

    • okoksolo says:

      Hey Dramsto – I need Sorarian and two others. I will send a friend request. Thanks. okoksolo

  29. Deerfdserf says:

    Try magnetic and current it worked for me

  30. Ladybug says:

    Solaridan + pollen = solaridan
    Pollen= level 11

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