DragonVale: How to breed an Omen Dragon

The DragonVale Omen Dragon
BUY-IT Price: 2,015 Gems
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”.

The 1st Egg is the DragonVale Omen Dragon Egg
When was this dragon introduced? It looks cool.
I don’t have an apocalypse dragon yet. Any clue if a Ragnarok and a moon would work?
I don’t have moon but will it work with blue moon
No. You must have apocalypse and moon
can we still breed apocalypse dragon in co-op breeding or is it not available anymore
Will a blue moon dragon work?
Can i use blue moon cuz i dont have the regular moon
I don’t have a twilight tower, so I can’t breed Apocalypse! I was really hoping I would be able to get this one????
There are no dragons that require a Twilight Tower to be bred. There are some that have to be bred at night, yes, but you just have to breed those when it’s actually night outside. Twilight Tower just lets you breed nighttime dragons during the day.
I don’t have a twilight tower and I’ve bred this dragon. Usually put it in breeding cave around 2-3 am. May the odds be ever in your favor!
It’s only 130 gems right now, maybe you can save some?
Hi, can you breed this dragon using APOCALYPSE and BLUE MOON?
You need to have a regular moon dragon with apocalypse
I just got the egg for this dragon I believe
How many tries did it take
What does NBI mean?
I have just got one from the co-op breeding cave with a Hydra x Omen cross.
What does NBI mean?
When does the omen dragon expire? How long do we have to get it before it’s not available?
There are 10 more hours to go as of now.
What should I break with a my Co-Op breeding? My friend has one I can breed with.
Sorry, I mean breed with!
Better to do moon and apocalypse or apocalypse and moon?
I’ve never found the order to matter in ANY combo.
– The Doc
Only work with moon and apocalypse or apocalypse and moon? I’ve been doing apocalypse and moon
Meh. I’m guessing Ragnarok and Moon won’t work. Now I have to try and get that stupid ass apocalypse dragon…that I’ve had no luck with so far -________-‘
I have 2 Apocalypse dragons that I would be very happy to put in my Co-Op! I try to refresh it at least twice a day. : )
^* Doc- do you know how many dragons we are able to put up for friends at any 1 time? Also ….. How long will a chosen dragon stay in so I do not have to worry about refreshing it all day for my friends? (++ My curiosity is just killing me by now, so I wanted to come rit to the DV Boss!
Feel free to add me on gamecenter, I have most of the dragons & just got the Epic of the Relics to try to help with breeding….
But please, in your request specify DV Breeding & particular dragon! : )
If a time comes where you’d like for me to make sure & put in another drag, just send a challenge with message including the dragons.
I love my loyal friends & my new ones, but it’s killing me to try & keep up with returning gems. I’m really really trying though guys!
Happy Breeding!
I haven’t managed to breed this dragon yet… I wonder if anyone’s had any luck?
This dragon seems to be stupidly rare 🙁
For the life of me I can’t get this dragon..I’ve used this combo for quite a few tries, I keep getting sun, moon and rainbow..
I already have all of those (tip for those who don’t). I would love this dragon and I’m running out of time :/
For the life of me I can’t get this dragon..I’ve used this combo for quite a few tries, I keep getting sun, moon and rainbow..
I already have all of those (tip for those who don’t). I would love this dragon and I’m running out of time :/
Finally!! Got it, took forever. Definitely need the Moon and Apocalypse
Is it still possible to get this dragon, through cooperative breeding? 🙂 tried to breed it with apocalyse and moon from the second it was available, but still no Omen dragon for me.. 🙁
I just got a second one, and it’s a twin!
When will the omen dragon be back?
RIGHT NOW, lol You have to use candy to get it, though.
I just got another apocalypse dragon from this combo, and it’s not beb?
Can you cooperatively breed an appocolapse with an omen?