DragonVale: How to breed a Sanguinite Dragon

The DragonVale Sanguinite Dragon
BUY-IT Price: 1,750 Gems
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”.

The 3rd egg is the DragonVale Sanguinite Dragon
Do you mean lodestone?
Looking for someone with procyon dragon, or just someone who I can swap gems with (I have the gemstone gifting tree)
Gamecenter ID: Siljeemh
I have Procyon dragon, as well as the rest of the galaxy dragons 🙂
Also play and swap gems daily.
Gamecentre is ::NicoleF::
How do you add friends. I am Jareth the Just. I can’t figure it out.
You do it through game centre on iOS. I’ll add you.
I am full on gem traders though! Sorry! But I’m more than happy to help with co-op breeding 🙂
im on a tablet and it doesnt add people
Can you please add me as well? Trying to add people but can’t get it to work – shadowsprout is name
You’re probably a facebook user. Add friends who play dragonvale on facebook.
Can we swap gems and co-op breed? I have the gifting tree and three of the galaxy dragons. I’ve been dying to get a Procyon dragon but like I can’t find enough people who play dragon vale that I know ?
Super ! I’m adding you !
GamecenterID : kewlstorm
Let’s swap gem, I play daily too
Add me as well? Daily gem trader!
I have been trying to get Procyon since it came out and I have a friend with it. Haven’t gotten it yet
Add me, I have gemstone tree and want to breed Galaxy dragons.
Game Centre Tinka:)(:
it is the lodestone dragon? instead of loadstone
Lodestone* dragon?
I got roughly 43 hours in the breeding island and I have no idea what It is. Anyone know?
I think it’s the electrum dragon
I think that’s what i’m getting screwed over with again and again. Funny, cuz i remember trying for electrum a hundred times before, to use it to get another gemstone dragon, and of course i couldn’t get it then! Now i have to wait all that extra time !
lodestone* not loadstone
Thank you. I thought so too.
YOU GUYS REALIZE HOW OBNOXIOUS THAT IS WHEN 50 PEOPLE KEEP MAKING THE SAME CORRECTION, RIGHT? Wow, good for YOU, you know how to spell a WORD!!! What are you guys, 5?
I need the lodestone dragon and I can start breeding this dragon.
Can i use a copper dragon instead of loadstone
No. All crystalline dragons have specific combos and you can only use mountain/ lodestone.
I have used level 20 lodestone and level 20 mountain (millions in food to get there) and NOTHING. So aggravated.
Sorry to hear that. I spent all my money and still don’t have $#^!
Wow I used the two dragons he said to both level 11 and got it on 1st try
Yes! I got his dragon second try with this combo! Lodestone level 11, and mountain level 14.
I think the lower lvl dragons work better with crystal dragons. My 20 level dragons r breeding anything BUT crystal dragons (jasper, bismuth, etc. True for all. Instead I get electrum, bronze, rainbow, and othr). Much easier with my lvl 15 dragons. Still no sanguinite for both though and I’ve been trying since it was released.
Me too and both dragons are level 20
I have been trying for this dragon for over a month. Both Lodestone and Mountain are level 20 and all I keep getting is Electrim. It’s getting very frustrating to say the least! I don’t know what else to do!!!?
finding someone to trade gems daily. 🙂
Add me at Game Center, ID: xSilveR_MooNx
OMG! usually my luck sucks at getting very rare or epic dragons, but I got sanguinite first try!!!????????????
God it First try with combo shown above, both level 15.
I’ve been breeding a level 18 mountain and level 20 lodestone since this one became available, and gave gotten all kinds of dragons, EXCEPT the sanguinite. Is there a specific time of day for breeding this one?
I am so mad about this one. Don’t waste your food making both dragons 20 because it oesnt matter. I CANT get it
I agree! I have two ibreeding caves going for a week-wasted gems and food and can not get this dragon!
I’ve only tried this combo once but hasn’t worked yet. Hopefully I don’t have to try to many times. Would be cool if someone added me on Gamecenter: *Tskune*
Are you kidding? I’m using 2 caves and just reaching the 30’s. I know I’m not getting this one, now, because after 10 tries, i never end up getting the dragon.
I got double rainbow from my level 10 Andromedan dragon and the nogards level 4 polarian.
I got Sanguinite while breeding a Sun and a Solar eclipse dragon. It’s funny looking, kind of like a duckbill platypus.
I have two breeding caves going for days and cannot get this dragon. Very frustrating when you keep getting the same three dragons over and over and never the one you are trying to get! Also, forgive my ignorance… but how/ where do you name your island?
It’s 3:20am in detroit. Glad i stayed up all night, as usual. I finally might have gotten something! 1:04:48:00 or something like that. After at least 2 weeks of mountain and lodestone, day and night in 2 caves, getting every dragon that takes 2 damn days to breed! Usually a time like 1:14:00:00 – so close, just enough to piss me off, and now a 0 instead of a 1 in front of the 4. Btw, upgraded the cave, so Sanguinite SHOULD be just under 29 hours. Thank you persistence! You paid off and it’s about time!
have tried and tried, can NOT get, very annoyed 🙁
I feel like a total jerk rn ive gotten a spectre silver twin blazing gale and now this dragon from mystery eggs feels bad but so good at the same time
I wasted sooooooo many gems over the month trying to get this dragon… I am convinced that the Lodestone/Mountain combo doesn’t work.