Dragonvale: How to Breed an Lacuna Dragon - Macenstein

Dragonvale: How to Breed an Lacuna Dragon

*Because these new Rift dragons are going to take a long time for me to breed and hatch, I am just going to post the suggested guidelines for now for each, and update as I have success (but you guys are smart, you should be able to figure it out from this!) 🙂

BUY-IT Price: ??? gems

How to Breed: The breeding pair of dragons must contain a Mirage dragon with the Water trait, and a Shadow dragon with the air trait.

This dragon can only be bred within the rift

Dragonvale Lacuna Dragon

Dragonvale Lacuna Dragon

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”.


23 Responses to “Dragonvale: How to Breed an Lacuna Dragon”
  1. Cephalotus says:

    Some of these new rift dragons look like the will be nigh impossible to obtain. 🙁

  2. Tbird Ninteenfiftynine says:

    I concur. I am NOT enjoying the Rift Experience.

  3. Rosemarydanjou says:

    I’ve been trying to breed mirage (water) and shadow (air), without much luck, so I’m very inclined to believe you!

  4. Frostfox says:

    I got mirage water but still working on shadow air

  5. Jackie Jones says:

    How do you get mirage with water trait

    • Adam says:

      It’s easiest to find the transfiguration tower in the rift. That way if you get a mirage with fire trait, you can change it to the water trait. Albeit for 10k etherium

  6. Don K. says:

    Got a Lacuna Dragon using a Mirage Dragon ( water trait and Level 14) and a Shadow Dragon ( air trait and Level 14).

  7. Colleen says:

    Yes, but how do we breed a mirage with water trait if we HAVEN’T had the luck of finding the transfiguration tower yet? I have not had luck finding it and now that it takes 3750 etherium to clear I’m screwed.

    • Jean Leliuga says:

      I found the transfiguration tower top left of the main clearing of rift if that makes sense

  8. natalie says:

    the only useful thing about this rift mess is that you can use the etherium stuff and exchange for gemstone dragons, since they are difficult to breed. So far I have 12 gemstones dragons thanks to the rift. Before I only had 3, just 3!!

  9. Emily says:

    This whole rift thing has me confused. How am I supposed to breed a rift dragon without a rift dragon? Sorry if that sounds confusing, but I placed the fire rift dragon in my park with hopes I can actually get a new dragon with a rift trait since breeding the two plant and fire rifts you get I’ve already done and have poison and flower rift dragons. Obviously, I can’t make anymore combinations, and this has been annoying me for a while now. Not to mention I’m up to 4,000 etherium to get rid of that smoke stuff and I have not found a single thing within it. It’s taking days now for me to get enough etherium to even get rid of it anymore.

  10. Dotti L. says:

    Has anyone gotten a Lacuna dragon yet? I’ve been trying continuously since the hint was first posted with no luck at all. I have a rift Mirage at lvl 20 with the Water trait and a rift Shadow at lvl 18 with the Air trait that I’ve been breeding in every element alignment. At this point all I’m getting are non rift Shadow and Mirage eggs and would love to know if anyone else has gotten a Lacuna yet.

  11. LisaW says:

    I managed to breed one today level 11 mirage with water trait and level 11 shadow with air trait. It was cold alignment, but I don’t think that matters. I got the mirage dragon by breeding my air trait shadow dragon with a dark dragon in the water alignment. I just kept breeding the same dragon on the left and right rather than swapping them over it took over a week and lots of light, dark and non-rift mirage/shadow dragons before I got a lacuna.

  12. Pg says:

    How do you breed a mirage dragon in the rift ??

  13. Ollie says:

    i got a lacuna dragon by breeding a light rift dragon with my shadow rift dragon(light trait)during dark alignment…

  14. Jean Leliuga says:

    How do I get a shadow dragon to the rift, I keep trying to move it but it doesn’t give me the option?

    Thanks in advance

    • Trev says:

      Not sure if you already figured this out, but Only rift dragons can be moved to the rift. So you will have to breed a rift shadow dragon out of dragons in the rift that you already have.

    • Kathy says:

      Pretty sure you have to breed the shadow dragon in the rift. Try breeding a light rift and dark rift dragon, that might get you a shadow dragon or even a mirage dragon.

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