Celebrity Mac Chick - Macenstein - Page 10

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Jessica Biel

Hey, check it out! Looks like Jessica Biel might be treating herself (or Justin Timberlake) to a new MacBook for Christmas! Hmmm.. Is it just me, or does Jessica not look all that happy about buying the MacBook? Or maybe she’s sick of her picture constantly being taken… or maybe she is annoyed by her mom hanging onto her (moms are always embarrassing their kids in malls). Well, luckily we found some more smiley pictures of Jessica as well Read More  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting Revisted: Megan Fox

Well, here’s something we can all be thankful for, pictures of Megan Fox and her iPhone. We’ve seen the two out together before, but somehow this is one celebrity couple we never grow tired of. All I can say is thank God she wears outfits too tight to fit an iPhone, or we would have no excuse to print these. (By the way, wtf is up with her boots?) [Popoholic]  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Jordana Brewster

Well, if it isn’t my favorite little Texas Chainsaw Massacre-ette, Jordana Brewster looking neither Fast nor Furious with her iPhone! And in a case no less! (Is that an Incipio? I love those). Above: Punky’s sister Jordana Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Nathan for the link! [via Jordana Brewster.org]  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Kelly Ripa

Kelly Ripa and her shuffle went jogging the other day, or were they doing Elaine’s dance from Seinfeld? Read More  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick Revisited: Amanda Bynes

We’ve spotted Celebrity Mac Chick Amanda Bynes before, jogging with her iPod nano, but there’s something about this picture of Amanda and her iPhone that I find strangely compelling. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Jim for the pic! [Celebslam]  Read More

Hilary Duff and her iPhone exit her giant car… again

Man, I don’t think even I have my iPhone on me as much as Hillary Duff. Given her near daily photographing with it, I really hope she got a free one. Actually, I don’t. I wish I got a free one. Oh well. At least this time she seems to have held on to it. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader MILE for the tip! [via UseMyComputer]  Read More

Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (November 2008): Becky Ellis

Welcome to Macenstein‘s “Mac Chick of the Month”. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we present you with the lovely Becky Ellis , a full-time student and part-time model from Liverpool, and of course, full-time Mac Chick! Photos by Lawrence Dudley Read More  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Kristin Cavallari

You may recognize Kristin Cavallari from the MTV reality TV series Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County… but I don’t. Still, anyone famous enough to be stalked by the paparazzi is famous enough to qualify as a Celebrity Mac chick. Is it just me, or is she looking a little Marsha Brady-ish? [via UseMyComputer]  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Christina Ricci

Hey! Look who’s got a new iPhone 3G and red hair! It’s Christina Ricci! Christina is my favorite sub 4-foot tall actress, so I am thrilled to find she’s also a Mac Chick. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Rowlings for the pic! [via UseMyComputer]  Read More

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Alyson Hannigan

Hey, check it out! it’s Willow with an iPhone! Yes, I know Alyson Hannigan got some sort of other job on some sort of other successful TV show, but I don’t watch it, so she’ll always be Buffy‘s Willow to me. It’s odd that within one week we should spot two fairly well-to-do famous Mac Chicks sporting 1st Generation iPhones. Suddenly I feel like maybe I should have been able to hold out longer before upgrading. Of course, perhaps being young, attractive... Read More


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