Cingular drops price of ROKR phone - Macenstein

Cingular drops price of ROKR phone

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

MacNewsWorld is reporting that Cingular has cut the price of Motorola’s poor selling Rokr cell phone by $100, bringing its price down to just $149. The Rokr was the first cell phone to support Apple’s iTunes music software. Before the phone’s unveiling, expectations were running high in the rumor community, and judging by the poor sales and high return rate (6 times the normal rate) the Rokr failed to deliver. The phone’s 100 song limit, alongside its less-than-inspiring design seem to have sealed its fate.

This week Motorola announced 2 new models in their popular (and more stylish) “Razr� line of cell phones. The Slvr L7 and the v3i are the next two phones to support iTunes. It is unknown at this time whether these phones will be similarly capped and the Rokr’s 100 song limit.

One Response to “Cingular drops price of ROKR phone”
  1. carol lankford says:

    this phone is sucks it needs more memory and vibration for my stinky pxxxy

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