Music to your groin - Macenstein

Music to your groin

Posted by Helper Monkey

It is often said no industry can find new ways to exploit the latest technology faster than the adult entertainment industry. With the release of the video iPod, it took less than a week before hundreds of adult sites were making adult content available for download in “video iPod friendly� formats.

Now we’ve stumbled across an iPod accessory so obvious (and so ridiculous), we are shocked it took the adult industry this long to invent it. Naughty British site is selling a vibrator that is controlled by the volume of your iPod. The device is called the “iBuzzâ€?, and sells (assuming someone would buy this) for £25. Simply hook the iBuzz to your headphone jack, and pump up the jams. The louder the music, the more intense the…um…well, you know. Ali Carnegie from LoveHoney (the company that created the iBuzz) says, “It will be great to see so many people with big smiles on their way to work in the New Year.â€?

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  1. HARD RIGHT says:

    Praise God, Praise Music, Praise LOUD Music

    iPods are all the rage these days and with all good things come accessories. Ladies, how will you choose to accessorize your iPod this Christmas season? Is this your style?

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